
DICE: Players want games to be “the same, but different”

“Everyone wants unique. But when they get it, they don’t like it, because it’s different,” the executive producer opined in a huge interview with Gamasutra.

“I’m a consumer, so I know what I want. I want the same, but different. It’s the classic ‘same, same but different’ mentality. It needs to be similar to what I had, but it needs to be unique at the same time. And the question is only, ‘what is the same?’ and ‘what is unique?’ How daring do you need to go?”

Bach said there’s little point doing market research, because players invariably respond with “I want it like it was, but better.”

-Mika-4659d ago

This is why i think videogame developers shouldn't listen to fans because you can never make them happy. I actually applaud COD for staying with the same mechanics and adding new things. That what fans want and like.

Brownghost4659d ago

pretty much what your saying is , if it aint broke dont fix it, but polish it a bit.

iamnsuperman4659d ago

"pretty much what your saying is , if it aint broke dont fix it, but polish it a bit."

the only problem with that is reviewers get hung up on the fact the core gameplay hasn't change from the last game (even if it works very well) and so mark down the game (depending on the reviews bias to the game- some get a free pass and other do not I am not sure why) and so these developers have the change it because scores sell games. I agree if the gameplay isn't broke why change. Kind of speaks to the gameplay. Developers can improve in other ways (technical feats/ polish up the game)

NuclearDuke4659d ago

If the majority of a vocal playerbase likes something, wishes something, then I don't see any reason not to implement/change it.

However, I also agree that the developers are getting way too soft regarding how they release games. They release them so you don't have to learn anything. For example, how to control a weapons bullet spread or distance accuracy. It's just straigth forward. Call of Duty has this problem aswell as Battlefield.

VampiricDragon4659d ago

its too bad COD actually is pretty terrible

annus4659d ago

There is nothing wrong with what CoD 'had'. I hate it because what it has turned into, you may say it is the same as what it use to be, but it isn't. It is why a lot of fans, especially PC ganers, now hate CoD.
The game use to be about quick SHOOTING gameplay. They had only a few killstreaks (radar, missiles, chopper for CoD3) and nothing else. The game was still about being a shooter. Now they take it away, make all these stupid perks like last stand and martyr (they were in CoD4 but were still crap) and other stuff like that perk where you can change kits on the fly. Then they add stuff like AC130s where if you get that you basically smash everything. Then they add in nukes which basically encourages people to camp, or cheat lobbies by getting people on the other team and taking turns in camping and boosting to 25 kills.

TL;DR CoD is shit for what it has changed, it would still be good if it kept the good old gameplay.

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hiredhelp4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

Ok get what you saying, but they defo need new engine.

A-Glorious-Dawn4658d ago

Yeah it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't look exactly the same. A huge upgrade in physics and visuals would be great for cod. And after 4 years its where we should be right now.

dougr4659d ago

Kind of like how Zipper wanted to change Socom, how did that work out for you Zipper? I see no problem sticking with a gameplay style that the fans know and love, and the gamers also agree, which is why you see games like Socom change and then plummet in popularity.

StarWolf4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

I dont think anyone wants their games to be different other than maps, features, new weapons, minor tweaks etc.. but these developers think we want a new engine, health , weapon damage, remove features and replace with other crap. Look at the Socom disaster, Gears 2 disaster, Resistance2 disaster, Killzone3 disaster. "resistance 3 bringing back weapon wheel" "gears 3 more like the original!" yea like they should have been in the first place. People want COD like MW1 or whatever, go figure. they complain about being the same game yet they say the original was better.

earbus4659d ago

God forbid you change hairstyles in a game lol fans will go nuts its not the hair i remember, i call boycott.

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New Battlefield Single-Player Campaign Adds DICE As A Co-Developer

Halo veteran Marcus Lehto's studio, Ridgeline, will now be joined by DICE on the project.

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HyperMoused518d ago

2042 just die so a real BF game can be created


Battlefield Producer Jaqub Ajmal Departs DICE After 10 Years

Battlefield Producer Jaqub Ajmal, who has worked on fan-fave entries such as BF3, BF4 and their DLCs, has announced he's departing DICE.

annoyedgamer1264d ago

That's a bad sign but not unexpected given how EA managed the franchise post BF4.

BlackIceJoe1264d ago

Hopefully he will start his own company and be able to bring a new spin on the shooter genre.


Battlefield V Dialing Back “Crazy” Character Customization, Devs Promise “Authentic Gear”

DICE has heard the complaints about Battlefield V's realism (or lack thereof) and it seems the studio is making some changes.

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annoyedgamer2145d ago

LOL look how fast the story flips.

Srhalo2144d ago ShowReplies(7)
Crazyglues2144d ago Show
Hairy Chewie2144d ago

Too bad they won't be changing the weapon attachments that don't do anything other than change appearance... wtf.

FantasticBoss2143d ago

It's WWII man. There aren't a lot of weapon attachments and rail systems at this time in history. I was just happy to be able to get a reflex sight on my guns given the general availability of the era.

rainslacker2144d ago

Guess when they realized some people took their, "if you don't like it, don't buy it" comment to heart, that they actually needed to appeal to the people who would buy the game, instead of the people who make a fuss about things they actually have no interest in spending money on.

It'd be nice if other publishers would take note on this, because it's what people have been preaching to them since gamergate got derailed by Sarkeesian and her supporters. Maybe in the future, they can actually gain some good will from gamers by saying the, "if you don't like it, don't buy it", to those who had no intention or interest in buying it in the first place, and if a developer wants to do something different for artistic reasons, do it in a place where your target audience isn't an established group of what is essentially a core part of the general gaming market, along with droves of typical casual gamers who don't get involved with the politics either way.

UltraNova2143d ago

Great comment man, I cant agree enough. You should tweet Dice.

I feell though that the damage has already been done and that this will be the least successful BF game in years.

FantasticBoss2143d ago

But isn't this exactly what all the haters wanted? Honestly, I'm disappointed they are caving. I hope they don't end up sucking the personality out of the game.

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Chaosdreams2145d ago

Looks like the pre-orders (money) is making them suddenly see the light.

If only I cared.

Jackhass2144d ago

Yeah, once I saw the news about pre-orders being weak, I knew something would have to give.

TGG_overlord2144d ago

The game is already dead in my eyes. So I couldn't care less.

EazyC2144d ago

Me too.

Also, I always have a little sigh of relief when I see people using that term correctly. I know it's an American thing to say "I could care less", but what does that even mean!?

Concertoine2144d ago


Like oh... you could... but you aren’t?

TheFirstClassic2144d ago

I'm no grammar nazi but I'm the same way, just really bugs me to see it used incorrectly idk why.

KillZallthebeast2143d ago (Edited 2143d ago )

Most people read at a 3rd grade level in America

Christopher2143d ago

Most people make up fake statistics outside of America.

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smolinsk2144d ago

Great they to hear they at least are waking up now, people want the classic Battlefield and not some fortnite costumization nightmare

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