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The Worst Accents In Gaming Ever

Megabits of Gaming writes: "Ever since Mario added his first unnecessary vowel to the end of a word, the scripts and voice actors of the gaming world have revelled in the ability to trot out dialogue and deliveries that would have performers in any other industry up in front of a tribunal, or at least hung out to dry in the court of public opinion. In gaming, however, they just keep on coming, and they range from those that are inappropriately hilarious, to those that are just inappropriate full stop. Here is our pick of some of the worst accents ever to bless the gaming world"

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Community4720d ago
rabidpancakeburglar4721d ago

"My name is Bolo Santosi"(in a really harsh, manish voice). That was a terrible attempt at an accent, it's like they just picked someone of the street and said attempt the weirdest accent you can think of.

I also reckon that Vanille from FFXIII could be put in this list.

Bojeeva4720d ago

Most of the accents in Just Cause 2 were ridiculous. But it was supposed to be a game that wasn't taken too seriously so it didn't really matter too much.

What about Easten European accents in GTA IV? And the French guys in The Saboteur was also funny.

ChocolateGiddyUp4720d ago

Just Cause 2 has legendary bad acting, and I love it.

Pozzle4720d ago (Edited 4720d ago )

The weird thing about Vanille is, her voice actress is actually Australian. So it's strange that her accent kept changing throughout the game. I can't help but wonder what the voice director was telling her to do, because her natural voice sounds far better. :/

Don't even get me started on Dead Island's Australian accents. Would it have been that difficult to hire actual Australians to do the voices? They were downright atrocious. You'd think that in this day-and-age of gaming, voice acting that bad wouldn't be seen anymore.

Reiko4720d ago

Dead Island was really funny with those bad accents. Game was good tho

Tachyon_Nova4720d ago

As an Australian I couldn't stand it. I obviously barely notice the Australian accent because its where I've lived my whole life, but it is so thick that it is just irritating in Dead Island, indeed it isn't a true Aussie accent.

JellyJelly4720d ago (Edited 4720d ago )

Ezio in Assassin's Creed. It's porno cheesy and you know it.

earbus4720d ago (Edited 4720d ago )

For me it is claudia black omg i wanted to saw her head off in gears 3 or throw her of a cliff in uncarted 2 she sounds like she has secret testicle. She should be called bogan shazza beer hag.

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What Could Xbox Be Planning For Halo’s Anniversary? They Have Plenty Of Options

Xbox is already making plans for the 25th anniversary of Halo. Just how big could they go? The timing is right to go real big if they want

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Community17h ago
ThinkThink22h ago

I feel like it would be something for Infinite like every halo map from 1 through 5. That or an ODST remake in unreal engine 5.

Yama16h ago

They could barely get a handful of dev made maps out for that game within a few years, every Halo map isn’t happening. I’m not arguing it shouldn’t, but they simply aren’t capable of anything worth anything at this rate.

RaidenBlack13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Its either the rumored Infinite sequel using slipspace engine or Halo 1 remake in UE5.
These two were rumors.
And if they do anything less than this, then that'd be disappointing for the fans.
edit : oh and a side note, Halo 5 PC port should happen as well, as its the only one locked to console only.

piroh19h ago

"What Could Xbox Be Planning For Halo’s Anniversary?"

Probably releasing new Halo for PS5😃

solideagle9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

MasterChief collection will sell well on PlayStation I think...

M_Prime17h ago

Microsoft has been dropping the HALO ball lately, best i can see is releasing the master chief collection on PS5. On XBOX they don't have much left to do with Halo. I mean Infinite is in an okay state but its not stellar, they could bring split screen co-op though (make it series X exclusive)

isarai17h ago

I would play tf outta the MCC on ps5, grew up on that trilogy, and id love to hit the mp again with my best friend

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Scrapped Halo DS game could resurface after 17 years of mystery

The cancelled Halo DS game could make its way online after

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Halo Combat Devolved Coming To Gameboy

Halo is going multiplatform…kind of

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