
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record Review - MMGN

MMGN.com writes: For what could have been achieved through some DLC packs, Capcom have served up a joke to fans of the series.

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Number_134723d ago

Glad its getting low reviews. Cash grab if ever I've seen one

hellerphant4723d ago

The only reason I gave it 6 is because for someone who hasn't played Dead Rising 2, they will still find a great game.

For the rest of us however, this is an absolute INSULT!

Lovable4723d ago

"For what could have been achieved through some DLC packs, Capcom have served up a joke to fans of the series."

So true...

hellerphant4723d ago

I'm so glad you agree with me :)

TheRichterBelmont4723d ago

I had no problem with Chuck being the Protagonist. Definite cash grab in this one.

hellerphant4723d ago

If The Lost & Damned can be offered as DLC surely they could have tacked on the Frank West skin, the tweaked quests and the sandbox mode in a small DLC pack. Capcom have lost the plot in my eyes.

christheredhead4723d ago

yep. capcom clearly has a new dlc model. offer the dlc as new disc only packages. that way if existing costumers have want to play the new features they have to repurchase the entire game basically. off the record and umvc are good examples of what i expect to see from capcom in the near future.

personally though i have yet to play any of the games in the dead rising franchise so i might end up buying this one. mainly due to the fact that if capcom is on the box i already know to wait till its repackaged with the dlc.

Ramas4723d ago

guys imagine it is DLC that costs atleast 19.99 would you be more happy? i bought disc for 25.00 and when i have fun with this game i will sell it for 20.00 or something.
But DLC you cannot sell.
So i do not see any problem here.
(tobad have no time to play it becouse playing dark sould like crazy), but when i am done i am looking forward to sandbox mode and new uranus zone :)


10 Years Later, Dead Rising 2: Off The Record Is The Series At Its Best

Dead Rising 2: Off The Record felt like the zombie survival series' peak, with Frank West's non-canon adventure providing massive thrills.

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Revisiting Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

Jason Stettner of Gamerheadquarters writes; "Dead Rising 2: Off the Record might be my favorite release in the series as it took a solid entry, threw the heroic Frank West in and brought us the legendary Sandbox mode."

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Dead Rising – Ranking the outbreak from worst to best

Carlos Writes "With Dead Rising 4 now out the door, and our playthrough finalised, we decided to take a look to see how it stacks up with the rest of the series entries. So here we are...ranking the full Dead Rising series from god damn worst, right up to the best zombie bashing offering that we've ever seen."

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neil3632826d ago

I played the first, and I bought #4. Other than that, strangely haven't played any of the others. I'll get round to it one day though I guess.