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Valve talk Source Engine 2

Source Engine 2 is likely to arrive eventually, but it’s not top priority, it seems: Chet Faliszek explains why Valve don’t want to replace the tech that’s powered all their games since Half-Life 2.

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Community4668d ago
denero14668d ago

to kind of sum up the whole article

Question: Why have you not yet moved on to source engine 2
Valve: if it ain't broke don't fix it

meetajhu4668d ago

The Micheal Abrash project can't w8!

nveenio4668d ago

All I know is that Half Life 2 (all episodes) and Portal look just fine to me. They run smoothly, and the gameplay and stories are fantastic. I'd rather people put out a great game on an older engine than put all their dev time into something pretty *cough*Carmack*cough* and not deliver a game worth playing.

da_2pacalypse4668d ago

@inveni0 I wouldn't go that far dude... Carmack has made some pretty awesome games.... The problem with rage is the fact that the story is boring and your character is basically an errand boy... This has nothing to do with the mechanics of the game which are very very fun.

Anyways, I don't expect valve to make a new engine until they're ready to release HL3.

Saladfax4668d ago

...which, in horribly depressing fashion, probably won't occur until after this 2pacalypse you refer to, which I assume is some kind of reckoning based around the second coming of Tupac Shakur.

AngryTypingGuy4667d ago

Whatever Valve...just give us the next installment of Half-Life already! WTF?!

DeadlyFire4667d ago

HL3 = Source Engine 2. Don't know if it will be new engine or patched through source, but it will be labeled as on Source Engine 2.0 very likely.

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turgore4668d ago

more like
"We're lazy."

Clearly this engine can't compete with UE3, Forstbite 2 or Cryengine 3.

Pandamobile4668d ago

I really don't think valve cares about competing with the cryengine or frostbite 2

Jormungandr4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

in what way cant it?

People have been brainwashed to believe a new version has to replace the old version for it to get better. I mean that's the way its always been done right?

But the truth is that the current source engine is already more like Source 4 than Source 1 or 2. So little of the original is left.

That's the benefit of modular design. If everything is a module then you simply create an updated module and drop it in with the rest of the modules. Everything from mapping to graphics to audio can be upgraded in this fashion. And there is no reason the result can't keep pace with modern techniques. There is no reason at all the current source engine cant have Tessellation and MLAA and hardware physics and larger more complex maps and tighter internet integration and... so on and so forth.

Seriously... get the original Half-Life 2 off Steam... its not the same game it was at release. If you already have it then just run an update. The engine it uses is now the newer source engine used in Portal 2. The graphics look mostly the same because the textures and models haven't been updated... but there are HDR effects in Half Life 2 now that no one had even thought up at Half Life 2's release.

Why does source have to be completely replaced for graphics to get better? Clearly it already is better and it's still Source. Just not the same Source.

Redgehammer4668d ago

Clearly someone doesn't understand that Valve is in its own category of awesome.

gamingdroid4668d ago

I never once played a game and said, "OH MY GOD! X ENGINE IS AWESOME!!!"

It has always been, "OH MY GOD, this GAME is awesome!"

Most of the time, it is because of the game play with a dash of interesting story and art style.

Sarcasm4668d ago

"in what way cant it?"

Destructible environments?
Dynamic sounds? (BC2, BF3)
Photo realistic lighting?

The source engine is still good and runs very well. The physics are still great as well. But there's no denying in some aspects it looks a bit dated.

However I'm no engineer, so I don't see how else they can improve beyond that of other engines. And maybe they're right, they probably don't NEED to.

Big_Dom4668d ago

In terms of fancy shaders, no it can't. Physics and all the rest, yes. Source was well ahead of it's time. It's still impressive even today. What holds it back is that it's looking a bit flat and rough around the edges as far as the kind of visuals it can achieve.

I really wish Valve would just shut up and release episode 3 before it turns into a sham a'la DNF. I've given up on seeing Half Life 3 any time this century.

Ducky4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

This is the DearEsther mod, in source engine.
(there's more screenshots if you snoop around the site)

Valve isn't the dev you go to if you want cutting-edge technological eyecandy. They rely more on art style rather than pushing polygons.
... but that doesn't mean their engine is a slacker.

Saladfax4668d ago

They also always do very well with aesthetics. It doesn't matter how many polygons the game pushes, a well-designed game bleeds narrative from most everything the player looks at.

morganfell4668d ago

Which was better, Crysis 2 or Portal 2?


Clearly Crytek, EA, and Epic can't compete with Valve for making an engrossing game.

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StraightPath4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

Source engine is dated last i saw it was Portal 2, still has impressive water, lighting and physics but i think dated in terms of todays engine. Bring on Source engine 2 with Half Life 3 play Portal 2 and see how old is looking that engine.

_Aarix_4664d ago (Edited 4664d ago )

Who cares.Theyre still fun as hell and that is all that matters in a game. Graphics arent fun.

BinaryMind4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

Source Engine 2 will arrive when Half-Life 3 is released. I.E. 5 to 10 years from now aka "When it's done."

cannon88004667d ago

Zeno Clash was the weirdest game I have ever played. Look into it guys, it's really weird.

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Pootangpie4668d ago

however I doubt this engine will be able to work on consoles

denero14668d ago

I actually agree it is time for an upgrade seeing as it was back in 2004 but success can be a double edged sword if your doing so good using the same setup you feel content ala call of duty -_- no major updates just minor fixes and tweaks

Letros4668d ago

Current source engine is far more advanced than source of 2004

theonlylolking4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

They should use the source engine 2 for Portal 3

BinaryMind4667d ago

I would honestly be happy with a new art-style, even if we can't get a new engine. I'm tired of playing HL2: Zombie Edition or HL2: Portal 2.

Droid Control4668d ago

I think they can get away with it on current gen consoles, but they really need to replace it for the 720 and PS4.

Will still be ok for Wii U though.

Ayepecks4668d ago

I don't think the author really understood what Faliszek was saying. He was saying that Valve continuously updates the Source engine, and at some point they'll update it so much that it'll be Source 2. Not that they're working on an entirely new engine. They'll just overhaul Source significantly.

His exact quote: “We just update it, not just replace it,” ... “[at] some point we may say there’s Source 2 or whatever, but really for us there’s been a pretty easy way to keep it and understand the tools.”

WhiteLightning4668d ago

It's part of the reason why I think we havent seen HL3 yet, if it is going to be Half life 3 instead of Episode 3 then I think Valve would want to show the SE2 off with Gordons next would draw in even more attention from console owners since it would be showing off the next HL

jdktech20104668d ago

You've gotta think they're working towards a full blown HL3 at this point...even for Valve time, this seems like forever without even mentioning it exists

torchic4668d ago

I agree with jdktech2010. I just don't want to believe that they aren't working on Half Life 3. I mean, what else is there in the pipeline? DOTA 2 is rolling out soon, same with Global Offensive, Portal 2 was release just this April. they just have to be working on that game.

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CS:GO fans now frantically dusting off their Xbox 360s as servers are still online

One of the only ways to play CS:GO on official servers is via the Xbox 360 version of the game.

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Community301d ago
mandf301d ago

4 or 5 players in a game is not players frantically dusting it off

Jin_Sakai301d ago

We all know that went to each and every Xbox 360 owners house to watch them frantically dust off their 360s.

Vits301d ago

I mean it is a 1000% growth in the player-base. /s

mandf301d ago

Enough to write an article though. N4g new owners are insulting us for click revenue

Vits301d ago


Nothing to do with new owners. N4G has always been the trashcan for game news and discussion.

northpaws301d ago

I love video games so much that I never have the time to replay the old one that I have finished, my backlog has only gotten bigger and bigger. I don't get how some people can play one game for years (except for mmorpg)

mandf301d ago

It's an exaggeration to the extreme. A way making an exclusive seen grander than it is.

Profchaos301d ago

Some people do I know someone who only ever plays dune 2000 which is rarely but still

RedDevils300d ago

Those Fifa or COD players do that every years.

Inverno301d ago

Wonder why they've never ported this game over to last Gen and now current Gen. This game would be pretty popular right now, I think.


Players Spent Over $100 Million On CS:GO Cases Last Month, A New Record

About 39.5 million loot boxes were opened throughout March 2023, right after Valve announced Counter-Strike 2. It goes without saying that gamers love gambling, especially those who play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

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OhReginald477d ago

I have about 260 hours on csgo and have not spent a single penny on any of the microtransactions. You can still enjoy it since it's not pay to win.

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‘Counter-Strike 2’ Release Date Nears As Devs Test Source 2

The rumours are heating up and it looks like Counter-Strike 2, the move onto the Source 2 engine for CS:GO, is coming very soon based on testing files found on Steam.

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Community498d ago
Number1TailzFan500d ago

S&box devs already have access to Source 2 and have done for a while.

DOTA 2 was Source 2 but hardly anyone noticed/cared because it wasn't one of the Valve games most wanted. L4D3 was scrapped because Source 2 wasn't ready and buggy.

Half Life Alyx has been the only official Source 2 game that people notice so far.. The engine still looks pretty good graphically, but it looked far more impressive back in 2014 when the leaked plantation level that was rebuilt on Source 2 (for L4D2) was shown. Too bad it took this long for Valve to do anything with the engine.. with all the money they have I have to wonder what happened. Even a smaller dev studio could've produced stuff within a couple of years.

Richhard1498d ago

Not sure why this hyped tbh, it’s only in updated engine. Same maps, same game. So long as it’s top of steam listings, it’ll be here for evermore.