
Rise Of Nightmares: Review (Xbox 360) - Platform Nation

Rich Montalvo from Platform Nation recently reviewed Rise of Nightmares and had this to say: "The game felt a lot like a Kinect version of an old Resident Evil game, with you tasked with taking down some evil conspiracy that’s told through audio tapes along the way."

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Looking back to 2011 and Kinect’s Rise of Nightmares

Jack writes: "First released in September 2011, SEGA’s Rise of Nightmares was made especially for Kinect on Xbox 360. Among the range of games available for the peripheral, it is the least likely title ever made for the Kinect - there’s no dancing, no pets, no sports. (Though by its end, hacking through hordes of re-animated corpses here starts to feel like a sport.)"

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darthv721003d ago

rise of nightmares would make a good VR game. Surprised Sega didnt try and remaster it for PSVR. Or... maybe they are working on doing that for PSVR2????

Neonridr1002d ago

considering SEGA hasn't made a single title yet for PSVR, I can't imagine why they would pick this one to start TBH.

Not saying I wouldn't love it as I'm a huge horror fan.


5 Horror Games That Deserve Sequels

BD writes: Have you ever fell in love with a television show, spent more time than you would care to admit binging on each of its episodes, only to find out that it’s been cancelled, prematurely and without any real warning? I have, I’ve been burned numerous times, and it never gets any easier. This problem isn’t limited to our favorite TV shows, video games can cause that same abrupt stop, and it often hurts just as much.

As much as I’d like to see another entry in the Condemned, Dino Crisis, or The Suffering series, at the very least, those games got one or more sequels. I’ve decided to eschew horror games that have already seen a follow-up in favor for those that haven’t — the one-offs that deserve to be more than that.

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Clown_Syndr0me3685d ago

I don't think Alan Wake needs a sequel it would probably just kill it. Alan Wake was good because of its originality, American Nightmare wasn't nearly as good.

Immorals3685d ago

Where is eternal darkness?


Five gaming guilty pleasures

GamesAsylum chalks up their gaming guilty pleasures, including Dead Island, Rise of Nightmares and Two Worlds.

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