
WTF's Up with You Guys and Ico

GamePro - With Ico and Shadow of the Colossus enjoying a second life on the PlayStation 3, McKinley talks about why Team Ico's first game remains so important to its niche fan base.

princejb1344739d ago

its a very difficult game and not many can enjoy it or can handle its difficulty, but it is a fabulous and amazing game if you put the time and effort to beat it
just the fact of you been hopeless with no weapon makes it great

waltyftm4739d ago

What about the stick, that's a weapon.

MariaHelFutura4739d ago

No, the queens sword is a weapon.

Fez4739d ago

Where do you find the stick btw? Cos I played it recently on ps2 for over half an hour and didn't find it. It meant killing enemies became impossible so I also got to a point where I couldn't save (because the wee kid would sit down too slowly and a demon would stop the save process - lol) and I couldn't progress (since I had an even slower climbing animation to endure before a monster would knock me down)! Never experienced a game that wouldn't let me save, or progress...

FriedGoat4739d ago

When you drop the girl from the cage, the stick is on the floor next to the open cage.

RAmar1014739d ago

Ico is beautiful I'm very happy to have the Ico collection

ryhanon4739d ago (Edited 4739d ago )

I never played Ico or SotC when they first released, I've only just received them in the collection about a week ago. I'm about 75% of the way through Ico (from what I understand) and I'm enjoying it quite a bit.

I'd recommend it to anyone who likes relatively slow-paced puzzle/platformer games. It reminds me a little bit of the 2008 Prince of Persia game (the one with the temple of light, Elika, etc...). My guess is if you enjoyed that game you'd enjoy this one as well.

That said, I'm not sure I understand the articles insistence (or princejb134 above me) that Ico is "insanely difficult" - I haven't found it to be difficult at all so far. A couple of the puzzles stumped me for 10 minutes or so, but all in all I wouldn't call this a difficult game.

mayberry4739d ago

@ RYHANON ^^ I agree the puzzles aren't that difficult, but when I played it for the first time, the story and atmosphere really pulled me into the world so much so I took my time playing! very good game imho!

oNIXo4739d ago

The author is a bitchy little kid. "I'm better than you because I played it first." Who cares? I played it way back when, and I just hope other people will pick it up.

MaxOpower4739d ago

Yeah fu*k the Hipster gamer!

Rampaged Death4739d ago

Finished it for the first time today and it was such a beautiful game. Definitely a classic in my eyes.

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15 Amazing PS2 Games That No One Remembers

They may not be as remembered by the vast majority as other classics, but these PlayStation 2 titles are still significant.

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Christopher445d ago

A good number of these games are pretty well-known in the gaming community. I don't know who this 'no one' is, but they might not have been a gamer during the time of the PS2. ICO? The Warriors? BULLY?!? C'mon now.

FullmetalRoyale443d ago

Certainly not as interesting as a spoon controversy, right?

443d ago
Terry_B445d ago

Not one of these is pretty "forgotten". But what you can forget are bad lists that need 15 clicks.

Terry_B444d ago

edit..why the fuck was this shit approved by 2 guys after all?

luckytrouble443d ago

Because the approval system is fundamentally flawed. The amount shouldn't decrease for approval over time, nobody should be able to have more than one vote, and pending content should be more visible so those measures don't feel necessary to push through less immediately popular pieces.

The number of ways this system can be intentionally or accidentally abused so crap like this can get through has been ridiculous for ages now.

Petebloodyonion445d ago

The title is misleading, it should be 15 best ps2 that you always ignored (hence the title of the video).
These games are not unknow but often left out when talking PS2 great game.
The warrior is a great game but let's be frank just mention it in a discussion amongs friends and half the crowd will go " OMG I forgot about that! "

Christopher443d ago

I think that's just a factor of time. Most movies from the 80s/90s that are great are like that with me as well. They're still great, just been so much between now and then that you can't keep it all at the forefront of your mind.

banger88444d ago

15 games on 15 pages? F*** that. I'll save you a click:

The Thing
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution
Deus Ex: The Conspiracy
Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly
Twisted Metal Black
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Red Dead Revolver
War of the Monsters
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
The Warriors

remixx116444d ago

Good man, keep up the work homie

Leeroyw444d ago

Agreed. Some heroes put on their pants one leg at a time like the rest of us. Thank you.

MrNinosan443d ago

I remember and know all the game exceot War of the Monsters...
But maybe my name is "no one"

Phoenix76443d ago

Last time I checked (a year ago) War of the Monsters was available to buy as a ps2 classic on the ps store. Know I've still got my disc copy and fairly sure it's in my digital library

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 443d ago
Abnor_Mal444d ago

This video game journalist must not know any gamers, not be on any gaming sites, and is probably young only know of these games because of an older sibling.

None of those games are forgotten and most are spoken of fondly fairly often.

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[ICO 20th Anniversary] Congratulatory comments sent by creators all over the world

On the 20th anniversary of its release, Famitsu would like to introduce all the comments from top creators around the world to "ICO" that were delivered across the boundaries of the industry.

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ICO early development video released for 20th anniversary

genDESIGN has released an early development video of ICO in celebration of its 20th anniversary on December 6.

Nyxus1021d ago

Very special game! I still have the limited edition. The artstyle of Team ICO is very distinct. https://www.videogameshelf....

DarXyde1021d ago

This was a fun look at Ico. So hard to believe it's been 20 years already. Where does time go?