
Insomniac having to "think hard" to make Overstrike the same on Xbox 360 and PS3

"But Ted Price promises 'fantastic results' whichever platform you choose."


dirigiblebill4749d ago

They've been PlayStation developers since time began. Am I the only one who's slightly concerned about their ability to get going on Xbox 360? I know the Xbox is meant to be easier to port to, but still...

Jam_sponge4749d ago (Edited 4749d ago )

I'm sure it'll be fine. Insomniac isn't exactly known for teh m@assive gfx anyway - I know I won't be buying this for the visuals.

EDIT - And besides, there's no lead platform for Overstrike

NukaCola4749d ago

They will be fine. Insomniac is one of the best devs in the business and the 360 is pretty easy to port too for the most part, if they choose to go PS3 lead. But I think there is no set platform to lead on, so they may just make ti equally for both.

BrutallyBlunt4749d ago

Well looking at other games such as Burnout Paradise where the Playstation 3 was the lead Insomniac will do just fine. The reality is this, both systems are actually quite comparable. Of course on game forums hardly anybody agrees on anything as many comments are often filled with bias.

I like what Insomniac had to say here and it's something everyone should pay attention to;
("We believe the audiences are pretty similar," he added. "Hardcore gamers are hardcore gamers. The folks playing third-person action games on Xbox 360 have similar tastes to those that are playing third-person action games on PlayStation.)

Enhancing your audience is a good thing and breaking down the barriers the media and the console companies (which leads to consumer loyalists) try to exploit isn't.

In the beginning it was difficult for many to understand the Playstation 3 but over time development became almost parallel to that of the XBOX360. In the reverse order for a developer like Insomniac it will be much easier as the XBOX360 itself is much easier to understand.

The game itself looks very interesting and could be a lot of fun.

kikizoo4749d ago

It's easier for every devs, but they can do everything they want with inferior hardware...so they have to "think hard" to offer similar experience.

fourthpersonview4749d ago

Since it's their first time developing for the X360, they would make it the lead platform for this game.

Bladesfist4749d ago

That made so much sence. /s

fourthpersonview4748d ago


They have to prove they can develop quality games on the Xbox 360 that's why they are going to make it lead platform and PS3 a port.

NarooN4749d ago

I gave up trying to figure out any possible way that what you typed could make any sense.

raidenmau4749d ago

Was on of the best, after resistance 3 wich 3 weeks after release its bug mess on multiplayer and after playing the new ratchet and clank beta, wich the kill the open world platoform famous for the series to a side scrolling psn game, i dont believe in them anymore. Insomniac before was only 1 team wich focus in only game,making amazing games,but now its multiple teams very small teams doing multi projects, thats why i took 3 years to make resistance 3 because they are making resistance, ratchet and overstrike. For me after resistance 3 horrible multiplayer "the single player is good not great but good" i dont have faith on overstrike.

Soldierone4749d ago

The new Ratchet and Clank isn't a side scroller....The rest is your personal opinion, and I respect that, but I don't know why you are calling Ratchet a Side Scroller...It wasn't made to be a major release anyways.

raidenmau4749d ago

the new ratchet is a psn game, the graphics full of blur and its a game like dead nation with the same camera, its great for co op but not for a single player and shooting on that game is horrible, i want a true sequel to crank in time, i want to know the ratchet story lombax planet, not this side game wich is just a cash in.

callahan094749d ago

I'm getting R&C All 4 One because I love the franchise and I had a decent time with the beta, but I still somewhat agree with raidenmau on this one, the game is easily the least interesting of the franchise for me, based on the beta anyway. I still hold out hope that the final product is much better than the beta indicates, and while I did enjoy the beta, it just wasn't as awesome of an experience as the past games were. The series works OK as a co-op experience, but not as well as a single-player experience in my opinion. I would have loved to see the game come out with a proper, dedicated single-player, and then have multi-player missions as an additional mode, but the whole game being what it is just makes it such a vastly different experience from the past titles. You absolutely don't get a sense of exploration & environmental freedom, and due to the camera being fixed rather than user-controllable there are a lot of other changes to the FEEL of the gameplay and the gunplay which in my opinion makes it just not feel as satisfying as the traditional entries in the series. I look forward to playing it when it comes out, but I really think the franchise was better as a dedicate one-player game where the user controls the camera and therefore affords more opportunities for exploration, freedom, better gun targeting and evasion tactics, etc.

Tommykrem4749d ago (Edited 4749d ago )

Oh my god, no it's not :P
The camera is not like in Dead Nation (which isn't a side scroller either), it might be released on PSN, but it's also a disc based game. It's meant to be played co-operatively. If you're not into co-op don't buy it. It's a bit like Ratchet Gladiator I guess, only even more co-op. But yeah, I'm not so hyped about Overstrike either.

Drekken4749d ago

How can someone be so wrong, yet so stubborn when people try to correct him?

raidenmau, You are wrong about R&C and R3. I've been playing R3 daily since release. Online. Multiplayer.

andron4749d ago

It's easy to be stubborn with your opinion when it's just based on belief and not fact. He believes what he's saying is right so there is no use talking facts with him...

M-Easy4748d ago

Wow that was two of the dumbest misinformed post I ever read. And you posted them both within the same minute. Impressive.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4748d ago
Legion4749d ago

Looks like a fun title. I like the artistic style of the characters. And the weapons appear to have a unique appeal to them.

dangert124749d ago

Push them both as for as they can In the set ammount of time I think thats fair.Ps3 has power to do special things considering It's age...but if it looks better on xbox SONYS bad for making the Ps3 more complex to deal with

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skyward4354d ago

Not surprised - it's a different game to the one they previously revealed.

Freak of Nature4354d ago (Edited 4354d ago )

Insomniac are one of a few studios that "usually" think outside of the box... I think there strong suit is toon or realistic toons, quirky, stylized fun, outrageous weapons.... This just seems to have cookie cut written all over it, ho hum, just another bargain bin game waiting to happen from this early look.

Since it's IG's I will give them the time to show more meat, but the foundation looks weak, generic and as far from creative and stylish as you want to see...Nothing fresh and innovative for the most part at this time...

They should worry about the feed back, as all they have is the foundation of what's to come, this foundation thus far is weak IMO...

I was hoping for a act/adv plat-former/ with RPG elements, with caricatures and a toon vibe... I think that's there best fit, where they stand out...

raWfodog4354d ago

I agree with Freak. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt and hopefully they'll pay attention to the fan feedback.

I know a lot of people are put off by the non-cartoonish looking characters but Naughty Dog has shown that a game developer can have different art styles (Jak & Daxter vs. Uncharted, Last of Us) and still produce quality games. Let's give Insomniac a chance to see what they can do with this.

da_2pacalypse4354d ago

What do you expect? Of course they're going to be afraid to reveal a concept that EA probably shoved down their throat....

Reibooi4353d ago (Edited 4353d ago )

The sad part is what they showed off originally before the game was reworked as Fuse looked fun and interesting. Granted it wasen't game play and was simply a trailer. Fuse however does indeed look generic and not very fun.

I'll give a demo a go before I make final judgement but really the game just doesn't seem like a Insomniac game and that's a real shame.

ZeroChaos4354d ago (Edited 4354d ago )

Sigh I know that Insomniac Games shouldn't back step on what they do. But the general consensus was not positive as he stated it. Just look at the fuse trailer on youtube, http://www.youtube.com/watc...

225 likes, 1,028 dislikes

If that positive then I worry for Insomniac.

CalvinKlein4354d ago

Its just angry ps3 fanboys that dislike it on youtube. I dont like their other games so I was never going to like this one probably but Im sure that most of those dislikes would like it if it was published by sony.

Ive seen ps3 fanboys support and defend horrible games that are ps3 only, then bash anything that is multiplat.

Remember how great FF13 was gonna be as a big ps3 exclusive. One of the ps3s most hyped games, it was on every list and the big game to wait for along with MGS4. Then it went multiplat and people instantly said it sucked long before it came out. Fact is FF13 was always going to suck and as soon as it went multiplat ps3 fanboys finally admitted it.

ps3 fanboys would rather have a crappy exclusive to overhype or try to defend than have a average to good multiplat.

People say this is generic, Well so was the game you probably overhyped 3 times, resistance.

medziarz4353d ago

no, people just don't like the direction Insomniac has taken with this game, ps3 fanboys liked the original Overstrike reveal A LOT

Kalowest4353d ago

Resistance 1&3 was awesome/epic, R2 was sh!tty/boring and felt generic.

HeavenlySnipes4353d ago

Or, this game looks generic as hell and FF13 was, you know...


Arcanine4354d ago

I do feel bad i know they are trying something new but it doesnt look like something amazing

jimbobwahey4354d ago

I agree.

The thing with Insomniac, is that their whole thing is creating very unique, innovative and fun weapons to use. They've done so in the Ratchet & Clank games and also in the Resistance series. They're doing the same thing with Fuse, but unfortunately the setting is as dull and generic as can be, and although it follows the same template of their previous work as such, it just seems very lifeless and dull in comparison.

When they're pushing this out into a market that has established third person powerhouses such as Gears of War and Uncharted, well, it's hard to see it doing well at all.

I'm curious to see what they do after the game releases to be honest. It will be interesting to see if they fall back to making PlayStation exclusives again to keep the money rolling in, or try their absolute hardest to establish some form of multiplatform IP, which doesn't seem to be working with Fuse.

Arcanine4354d ago

The weapons look good in fused i like the abilities of the guns, but that obviously is not enough.
I wonder how much money they wasted until they found their fear from their fans or process of their ip

FunAndGun4354d ago

Even in the weapon department this game is lacking though. There are ONLY 4 fuse weapons in the whole game. Yes, they are cool, but still only four. It just seems so basic compared to other Insomniac games.

Freak of Nature4354d ago

To me they are not looking to do something different, it appears that they are playing it safe, or being pushed in a certain direction, nothing different or unique here from the early looks...This does not look new, it looks cookie cut, and generic, boring... I agree it looks nothing close to amazing, and thats sad, because they could be doing amazing, our loss if this stays as is...

abzdine4354d ago (Edited 4354d ago )

...and i do feel bad for them because they didn't seem to choose the way of making an original game but they are following the footsteps of the TPS we already have millions of during this gen and the market is really saturated with these TPS. This game is not gonna sell.

And i prefer Overstrike title much better to Fuse.

Captain Qwark 94354d ago (Edited 4354d ago )

its problem is the art direction. it has no style or substance of its own. it looks like as generic as possible.

that said it makes no sense to look that was considering how ratchet and resistance both have their very own distinct look

4354d ago Replies(1)
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