
GoldenEye 007: Reloaded on PlayStation 3 Hands-On Impressions - PushSquare

PushSquare: "After naming GoldenEye 007: Reloaded as one of our most anticipated PlayStation 3 games of the year, we couldn’t help but feel disappointed by our time with the game’s demo. It felt early. Really early. Borderline broken in fact. After restarting our demo — because a bit of geometry was obtruding our entry into a vent — we decided to restart the game from the beginning. The Dam always was our favourite stage on the Nintendo 64 (well, aside from Facility anyway), so that’s where we started."

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Rampaged Death4655d ago

Played the Wii version and it's very good. Many people like I was will be surprised.

ForROME4655d ago

blah - part of golden eyes success was its goofy game play mechanics and graphics making it real and modern kind of kills it for me

mcstorm4655d ago

Would like to give this game a try but i think they are bringing it out at the wrong time with gears r3 bf3 and mw3 and halo cea all out over the next few months just in the fps gore i dont see this game selling well they should of brought it out 1st quater of this year or next year. That is when ill look to pick it up.

LOGICWINS4655d ago (Edited 4655d ago )

It's actually a great time to bring it out. Activision probably wants to take advantage of the lack of mature PS Move titles coming out this fall.

mcstorm4655d ago

That maybe true but I don't see it selling that well. FPS games don't sell that well on ps3 unless its cod and I don't think it having move support will help it sell.


Goldeneye 007: Reloaded - The Reason Why We Need an N64 Port

GoldenEye 007: Reloaded proves that is nothing is broken, don't try to fix it. A disappointing remake that failed to live up to the original.

After10Ben743d ago (Edited 743d ago )

While Goldeneye reloaded didn't have the same magic as the original n64 version, I enjoyed it. I liked how the entire game could be played with motion controls if you had the Wii or the PS3 version.


Split-Screen Vs. Online - Story of a Lonely Gamer

"There is nothing the video game industry loves more than a good trend. “Hey, that game with the bald, gruff space marine sold really well, we need that in our game!” or, “people are all talking about that cover system, can you make it more like that?” It’s an unfortunate reality of any big entertainment industry, if something sells or seems popular, every game is clamoring to make sure they have it too. -- PlayStation Enthusiast

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LaWiiG3245d ago

Local split screen with dual monitor capabilities would be nice.

scark923245d ago

Some of my favorite games are held up so high to me are because of Split Screen alone, it is more fun than online with a friend imo

TLG19913245d ago

Local co-op wins every time. weather its split screen or not. either playing something like fifa or rocket league with friends or recently i got my girlfriend into diablo 3, we started it together its was fantastic and couldn't have imagined playing it any other way.


Breaking Down FPS Games – Gaming Happens

Yami from Twinfinite writes: "Anyway, in this Gaming Happens, I’m depreciating FPS games. Really breaking them down; telling you everything I took away from some of the most popular games in the genre. Join me."

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Game0N3775d ago ShowReplies(1)
SteamPowered3775d ago (Edited 3775d ago )

She seems like a cool chick to hang out with and maybe get benefits on the side. But I prolly would keep it on the DL from my buddies.
Edit: Gentlemen never tell.

wls10123775d ago

what ever dude,you should be so lucky

SteamPowered3775d ago

Lol, easy champ. I meant no harm. Im sure she is a peach.

FailboatSkipper3775d ago

This is the most fedora-esque comment I've ever seen

wls10123775d ago

I didn't hear a word she said,I just like to look at her face

Omegasyde3775d ago

I heard her say Socom, and then I knew it was love.

thecastroregime3775d ago

Really guys, really?

Anyway, while I'd argue that there are some FPS games that deserve a bit more recognition here, she's pretty spot-on with the overall feel of FPSs.

Game0N3775d ago

lol my comment wasn't immature, it was fact. Although i probably shouldn't have shared that here, that was unkind. But fellatio skills are not something to be ashamed of, not in the slightest!

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