
Sony Announces PUMA After Hours Athletes For PlayStation 3

PushSquare: "Sony's announced PUMA After Hours Athletes for PlayStation 3, a collection of the platform holder's best PlayStation Move-powered PSN titles collected together on one disc. The set includes Top Darts, Hustle Kings and High Velocity Bowling -- each of which also include stereoscopic 3D support."

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latinalover4656d ago

This is interesting because if you are done working out, you just put that on then you....

samoon4656d ago

I'm so lost right now....

It's branded with puma and has some move games....


dangert124656d ago

same it looks good though with the puma logo but wtf it have to do with gaming lol

badz1494656d ago

what's with the "PUMA" thing?

tarbis4656d ago

Eh? what does these games have to do with puma? O.o


Impulse Gamer - PUMA After Hours Athletes Review

Impulse Gamer - Okay... I admit it... I'm not a huge fan of the PlayStation Move controller and as a hardcore gamer, I still believe that the DualShock controller is still the future of gaming.

More specifically, after eight hours of work, the last thing I want to do is get physical so yes, maybe I'm a little lazy and jaded but... it's good that developers are still trying to challenge the gaming community with this Wii-like controller.

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After Hours Athletes Review [GamingUnion.net]

GamingUnion.net: "With every motion focused peripheral, there's about five titles to choose from that can either help you familiarize yourself with the motion controllers or serve as an easy supplement for not having enough party games lying around. After Hour Athletes for the PlayStation Move is no different. It offers bowling, darts and billiards in the form of High Velocity Bowling, Hustle Kings and Top Darts - all games which have been released exclusively on the PlayStation 3 in the last few years. But if you didn't pick these up the first time around, is this neat little package enough to convince you? Probably not."

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TGH: Puma: After Hours Athletes

"It seems that Playstation Move is seeing a really big push for its services as an introduction into the Playstation brand for families and those who don’t play games all that much. Over a year on from its release we’ve seen some big titles utilise the technology, such as Killzone 3, and we’ve also seen some more casual titles get the Move treatment, Medieval Moves or Dancestar Party being two examples. It seems that this trend is forever to continue with this new compilation instalment of PSN games, cunningly disguised as Puma: After Hours Athletes."

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