
Avault: Sengoku PC review

With the release of Total War: Shogun 2 this year, it seems inevitable that clones will appear on the market cashing in on Creative Assembly’s success. Fortunately for strategy gamers, Paradox Interactive has decided not to bother making a Total War clone when trying their hand at depicting feudal Japan. Instead, Paradox has finally released Sengoku, a game that they describe as a “…deep character driven strategy game, [where] you play as the head of an illustrious Samurai family.” While armies fight one another and ninja conduct covert operations, at its heart, Sengoku is a game that focuses less on warfare, and more on feudal Japanese politics and people. This is a strategy title that wants players to worry equally about whether a neighboring clan might declare war and whether a disloyal vassal might plot the downfall of your clan’s ruler.


Gaming On A Budget: Online Game Sales December 11th – December 14th

Everyone is entering the snowy and cold part of the year where going outside just isn't worth it anymore – perfect for a couple of dozen hours of gaming! If your wallet is empty from buying Christmas gifts but you still want a new game or two to play around with, here's what's on sale this weekend

KiwiViper853106d ago

"Everyone is entering the snowy and cold part of the year"

Everyone?... Southern Hemisphere says Hi.

aemosier3106d ago

But seriously, those sales though. Great way to end the year.

bradley793106d ago

Aaaaaand there goes my Xmas bonus :(


Nintendo Life: Sengoku Review

Nintendo Life: Given the popularity of arcade titles like Final Fight and Double Dragon, the beat 'em up genre was a big draw in arcades during the late eighties and early nineties. Hoping to cash in on some of this success, SNK created its own unique take on the genre with Sengoku for its Neo Geo system. While the game borrows many of the same tried and true conventions of other brawlers of the time period, it did manage to inject a unique theme and a few interesting gameplay twists to go along with it.

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