
TheJoyPads: FIFA 12 Demo Impression

"FIFA is certainly a game which offers plenty of value, especially if you are a football fan. New releases each year adding very little to some people, but the noticeable changes who plays these games often, will easily spot them. EA may just have another FIFA game which tops them all. I can officially say, they finally sorted out the unbalance of defenders who can’t keep up with the fast players. The introduction of defensive tactics such as jockeying, brings in a complete new gameplay mechanic, creating the experience even more closer to the real sport."

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Yi-Long4665d ago

Just played 3-4 matches...

... it seems much more difficult than before (I was playing with Arsenal against Milan), but not sure yet if I'll buy it again this year, or if I'm going for PES2012...

Wido4665d ago

I think it is more competitive, but then again, it all depends on the difficulty you had it on?

The defending 10x better, as the jockeing and the use of the RB button to control another player is superb.

Vitalogy4664d ago

Yeah, because in reality is really easy too right? *sigh*

To be a great simulation game it has to look the most real as possible and to do that it has to have a high dificult level, better AI etc.

Yi-Long4664d ago

... I always play on the highest difficulty level with FIFA. I just noted that it's more difficult than before, but as always, we'll just learn and get better at it, which is part of the fun.

The reason I said I'm not sure if I'll buy it again this year is because they still haven't fixed the replays, they still haven't fixed the endless menus, they still have mediocre quality faces (apart from a select few), etc etc.

Vitalogy4664d ago

Well you didn't said but the context leads anyone who reads it to believe that way.

As for the rest, replays don't really bother me at all because I don't play the replays anyway as for the menus there not too bad, there's a few but there organized.

Now about the faces, mediocre? Really? Have you played te same demo as me? I start to think you were playing pes demo and got confused.

Ryo-Hazuki4664d ago (Edited 4664d ago )

I love Fifa 12. Feels much more realistic from the tighter movements to better defending. I played Fifa 11 regularly and Fifa 12 is definite improvement IMO

RadioactiveTouch4664d ago

Whoever wrote that article can't write properly.

Ares8411254664d ago

The demo was great. The controls are awesome. Great experience overall. I think everyone should give it a shot.

xHtownsKillaBx4662d ago

Im a fan of the demo.. yes it was kind of tricky getting used to the new defense scheme, but once I did, it was a cake walk. I've already pre-ordered it and I'm looking forward to building my Ultimate Team this year. BTW if you play FUT- FIFA ULTIMATE TEAM, sign in on your team this Tuesday, the 20th. If you played FUT 11, or any of the older FUTs, you'll receive 2 free Gold packs upon the sign in to start your year off. I'm hoping I pull either the 88 Kun Aguero or the 92 Rooney!


Hilarious things happen when video-game physics go wrong

DSOGaming writes: "This article was inspired by a video that Elias Peppas shared with me. YouTube’s member ‘HelixSnake’ made a compilation of some epic physics fails from Skate 3. And this made us wonder; what could possibly go wrong in a video-game when physics engine go insane? Well, the answer is quite simple. You can get some gay stuff thanks to the Impact Engine of Fifa 12 & 13, spinning cars, boobs that can go up and down, and games with non-existent collisions (yeah, we’re talking about the legendary ‘Big Rigs’ game)."

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Myst4255d ago

Lol that Saints Row 3 one :p -- Damn now I feel like playing the game again..

bayport4255d ago (Edited 4255d ago )

Lol the Skate 3 vid looked more like a Garry's Mod vid

Lol @ one of the youtube comments

"Go home Physics, you're drunk"

PS3Freak4255d ago

I used to play a lot of Skate 3, so watching that entire video made me cry laughing.

SolidStoner4255d ago

I never played football games, I didn't know they are so gay!

knowyourstuff4255d ago

When game physics go wrong?

More like when game physics go *right* lol

ado9084255d ago

Idk why you got 7 disagree's. Although I thought the skating vid was funny especially when the guy fixes the bench and puts it back in place and another guy runs into it and knocks the bench and him over

Myst4255d ago

Meh doesn't worry me much anymore. People disagree just to do so, to rile people's nerves or something else. I've come to expect it


Snookies124255d ago

LOL! That freaking Skate 3 video collection was just amazing... I want that game now...

Myst4255d ago

Lmfao I just saw it and I haven't laughed that hard in a while my eyes are watery.

Relientk774255d ago

Skate 3 looks fun haha

like all those clips were great

no_more_heroes4255d ago

LOLOL THAT was the funniest thing I've ever seen!!! Especially the Skate 3 compilation!!!

wastedcells4255d ago (Edited 4255d ago )

That was good times. Laughed so hard it made me want to search for more.

Sp1d3ynut4254d ago

I don't know that it's truly a bug....it is a Japanese game, after all. ;)

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EA dodges accusations of FIFA 12/13 Wii being the same game

Go Nintendo - When EA was contacted about FIFA 12 being largely repackaged as FIFA 13 for Wii, here's what a rep had to say.

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lifesanrpg4278d ago

Go Nintendo seems to be scratching for news here. Sure, it probably is the same game, but what do you expect with Wii?

badz1494277d ago

this has been going on the PSP for so long! why complain now? it's no surprise that EA is not going to invest too much for a console that is in its way out and Wii versions are always just like the PS2 and PSP versions - cheap money grabbing ports! for FIFA, the money is always on 360 and PS3 since 2008!

I'm not defending EA here but that's what happen when even Nintendo has abandoned the Wii now!

dark-hollow4277d ago (Edited 4277d ago )

The problem is how much they ask for it.

$20-$40 is steep for this lazy repackaging and they take advantage of the ignorance of those who buy it.

if you don't want to invest in a dying system then don't bother at all, but don't rip off those who's still game on these systems and expect nobody to complain.

TheColbertinator4277d ago

lol EA repackaging old games into the new version each year?

Wait until the Madden fans find out...oh wait nevermind.

GillHarrison4277d ago

They literally mean the same game, with just updated rosters and logos. No other changes whatsoever.

TheColbertinator4277d ago

EA strikes again.

EA 18 - Gamers 0

profgerbik4277d ago (Edited 4277d ago )

Wow EA and here I actually gave you a little credit for Fifa 13.

Now I feel stupid. How are companies able to just rob people like this? Actually getting away with it being caught red handed also?

Can someone sue these basterds already, charging for online to play in old games, now this? Is this not enough proof they are greedy as shit?

Or am I missing something here?

4277d ago
wastedcells4277d ago

They probably don't even sell enough copies on wii to justify any major effort. They just release it with an updated roster for those who missed last years or new comers.

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FIFA 13: 8 FIFA 12 Star Players You Should Consider Again

WC - Now that EA Sports have released this year’s addition to the FIFA franchise – and picked up a five star review from us in response – it’s time to get under the skin of FIFA 13, and cater to those players who will have already began to log some serious hours not only in online play against friends, but also in Career Mode and building their Ultimate Team from the ground up. And that means looking a lot closer at the players in the game, and at EA Sports’ ratings decisions.

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