
Sumioni announced for Vita, first scan

Check out the first scan of the just-announced Sumioni for Vita.

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MasterCornholio4765d ago

BOOM another day another game announced for the Vita

This is how you run a handheld.

NewMonday4765d ago

for a while we mostly had western PSV games, but now the stuff from Japan is starting to roll out, expect more in the coming days until TGS.

the PSV will launch first in Japan, the game lineup will be even bigger their

Inception4765d ago

Look's like sony were all out for vita. Games after games announced every day.

OT, is this the sequel for Okami?
cause it has the same graphic style...

Protagonist4765d ago (Edited 4765d ago )

Does not look like Okami to me, even though it resembles somewhat.
I would love a new Okami game for the playstation though. I have always been a bit puzzled that there have not been one since PS2 and what happened to the rumored sequel to PS3 anyway ?.

Anyway btt. PS VITA FTW, almost everyday something exciting. Looking forward to TGS -

tarbis4765d ago

This is how they empty our wallets X_X
It's a side scrolling game. It looks interesting =D

smashcrashbash4765d ago

Well I guess there goes the argument that the VITA doesn't have any original games. How many does that make now about 25?

Ddouble4765d ago

I'm loving the new ip love the vita's getting. Need to see more of this game.


Sumioni: Demon Arts PSVita Review (MasonicGamer.com)

MasonicGamer: Xseed may not be a company that many of you are overly familiar with, but they’ve delivered some of the more interesting handheld titles over the last few years – titles such as the unique Half Minute Hero, the addictive Ivy the Kiwi?, and the nostalgia-tastic Retro Game Challenge. The latest of their adventures to grace our pockets is Sumioni: Demon Arts, a downloadable PS Vita game that casts you in the role of an ink-swinging demon who must rid feudal Japan of a great evil.

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badjournalism4566d ago

tl;dr of this review: "I gave the game a shitty score because I find reading hard and couldn't be bothered to pay attention to the story and find out what was actually going on. Also, I don't like the game play so I'll use the generic 'uninspired' so I don't have to explain why."

knifefight4566d ago

While the review itself is somewhat amateurish in its writing, of all aspects of Sumioni to defend, story is the wrong one to choose. It's not important to the game so I don't see it as a drawback necessarily, but trying to defend it is hopeless. It's certainly not good by any stretch, heh.


PlayStation Store Global Update – February 7, 2012

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday and Wednesday to keep up to date with each week’s PlayStation Store Update.

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dbjj120884611d ago

Where the hell is Simpsons Arcade? It's 6:30 PST right now!

ftwrthtx4611d ago

Pretty fun. I like the local co-op for it.

WitWolfy4611d ago (Edited 4611d ago )

Remember they took it off, seeing that XBL didnt have it yet, so I guess we'll have to wait till XBL gets it for a PSN release?

nevin14611d ago

lol $15 each for the Jak series? $40 for collection.

BC/PS2system>>>>& gt;>> HD/PSN

I can get these games for less than $5. If I didn't have a BC or PS2, a USed PS2 cost less then what they charged for these HD collections anyay.

SaffronCurse4611d ago

Umm Def worth the $15. It's remastered in HD, it's got Trophy+ Psn support. So yeah it's totally worth it.

Dojan1234611d ago

I did not have a PS2. If I only get one Jak, which one should I get?

Son_Lee4611d ago

The original. It feels the most genuine and has the biggest heart of the bunch. It's not the longest in the trilogy, and many will tell you Jak II is better, but you NEED to play Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy.

SaffronCurse4611d ago

I reccomend you start with the first one.

Skynetone4611d ago

i didnt get to play 2/3 but i know the 1st one is amazing, and thats the one ill be starting with

if you buy it you will 100% finish it,

i played the orignal ps2 demo for like 2+ hours and thats like 1/100 of the actual game, the next day i went out and bought it, epic game

acemonkey4611d ago

might pick up shank 2 & gotham city


Sumioni Gets A New Character As Well As Multiple Endings

AnalogHype brings you the low down on Sumioni's new character and more!

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