
Resistance 3 Day One Patch Is Big. And Early.

Sixthaxis: Resistance 3 is out pretty soon, and the promised ‘day one’ patch for the game, which will obviously await your time and attention if you’re picking up the game next week, is now out for anyone that has the game early – or, like us, is battling their way through it for review.
It’s a whopper, though – 656MB for the European version of the patch, which is currently crawling through my rather rural connection just now.

That’s in addition to the game’s install, which takes considerably longer than the introductory video sequence (which is lovely, mind) is supposed to mask.

Quite what a patch of that size is actually updating is anyone’s guess, if we get a changelog on boot we’ll update this post but it was previously just a rather vague ‘updates and tweaks’ and is presumably just fixes to the multiplayer based on beta feedback.

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TheMrMadzen4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

That's not big at all!
Who dislikes updates??

ManiacMansion4772d ago ShowReplies(7)
chriski3334772d ago

656 mb update ha no problem downloads in 45sec

kaveti66164772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

good for you.

It takes about an hour for me because AT&T is a terrible ISP.

Edit: Hour and a half.

Peaceful_Jelly4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

half an hour and that is if a connection error doesn't happen and then it'll be a full hour! =(

zeeshan4771d ago

Two words: "NOT COOL!" Why do they keep patching things? This never happened back in PS2 days. Devs used to take time and iron out bugs. It's not the download size, it's the fact that all devs are lazy now! ALL OF THEM!

kikizoo4771d ago

Are you nuts zeeshan ?

before the "update" era, when a game had bugs, gameplay problems, etc : you played with it until the end !

updates are a real good thing for games and gamers, even if you wait sometime, it's way better than bugs, or "new corrected version" to buy.

Karum4771d ago

I don't think Insomniac are a studio that can be accused of being lazy by any stretch of the imagination.

What happens with day one patches is normally the game goes gold meaning it is ready for pressing onto discs but after that they find out about some kind of critical bug that didn't previously show up through play-testing, internal bug testing or in the beta.

A day one patch means that before you get to play the game it is ready to work as intended so you get the best possible experience.

Sure it sucks balls having to download and install a large patch because you have to wait even longer to play, I have a 50Mbps cable connection which chews through updates but it still sucks having to wait that extra time but I'd prefer that instead of playing a buggy game.

An ideal world would see us needing no bug fixing patches ever but there is no software in existence that ships without any bugs and the day you find a company that produces a software product free of bugs or glitches is the day you truly get to call a developer lazy.

Jezuz4771d ago

An hour ? It takes a night for me.

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RedHotChiliPepaSpray4772d ago

What i dont understand is when people say games like cod dont get a beta and dont get updated because the devs are lazy/dont care etc ... but when a dev actually does it too make the game better you still get people who complain.

Insomniac used the beta to see what issues the game had in the multiplayer and now with this patch they are FIXING THESE ISSUES.

This isnt a case of them rushing the game and putting it out before it was ready, this is them making the game, testing it, getting feedback and fixing it DAY 1! insead of the issues being prolonged throughout the games release.

you really cant please everyone can you eh?

TKCMuzzer4772d ago

Maybe it's the COD fans complaining. Maybe they just can't get their head round a developer providing a patch that fixes things for when you buy the game.
Well done Insomniac for providing a beta and for making sure my day one will be better than many others I have experienced.

Daz4771d ago

But why does the game need a patch on the first day ;/ it shouldnt need one really. But it does show they support there games.

andibandit4771d ago


Wow, that was some thorough ass licking, did you find any polyps while you were up there?

TacoTaru4771d ago

Fixing the issues is part of making the software, not something to be done after you announce is as finished and ready for sale. You seem to celebrate shoddy software because it will be "fixed" shortly after you buy it.

RedHotChiliPepaSpray4771d ago

The disks were made and a patch was always going to come after the beta test was finished.

The way to fix the issues and make the game better was to beta test and get feedback. They couldnt fix the issues without the beta being done. This whole process was part of making R3s multiplayer and making it better. These updates couldnt be put on the disks because they were already printed.

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showtimefolks4771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

and who cares this patch is gonna fix what we playing the beta thought needed to be fixed so what i rather have them fix the game day one rather than ONE YEAR LATER LIKE FALLOUT NEW VEGAS

and all you guys who troll with one bubble than sign on with your 10 other accounts only to click agree and give yourself bubbles lol get a life get a ps3 if you are a true gamer unless MS is paying you to stay away

this deep into this gen every game should have xbox360 and ps3

Rynx4771d ago

lol awwwww how cute all of these haters talking smack about the game and yadda yadda yadda when they weren't even going to buy it to begin with.

I got the game, since yesterday and all I got to say is... Holy shit!

hiredhelp4771d ago

Anyone else in uk found this game very laggy. on the MP
baring in mine i have a good IP virgin media 50mb with 1.5mb upload ratio

subtenko4771d ago

It just sucks when you dont know about the updates/expect them cause your all like "yeaaaa Ima play this game NOW!....waht...an update! -_- couldnt stayed on my computer longer if I knew about this..."

Im pretty sure everyone just wants a heads up at any rate..

Agree or Disagree if you Agree

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blackburn104772d ago

If it fixes everything okay. Just going to have to make some room.

kneon4772d ago

It's software so I can guarantee the patch won't fix everything, there is always something that needs fixing or improving. That's just the nature of the beast.

BrightFalls764772d ago

Oh good, another rushed to market game.

newn4gguy4772d ago

Rushed to market? This has been in production for over two years and the multi-player beta is the best I've played this generation. They wanted to make sure they got it absolutely right...and trust me...they have. :)

Don't troll.

supersonicjerry4772d ago

The Beta is terrible the most epic lag people walking through walls, walking in the sky like come on I have a Ethernet cable with high speed internet and all that was happening like that beta is terrible. Now the single player is great and I already know that but when it comes to multi-player its terrible.

rdgneoz34772d ago

@supersonicjerry I've yet to see people walk through the sky. And only thing I can think of for walls, is from people using the doppelganger ability or such (image of yourself a few feet away) since you can side step and it'll go into a wall or fence or such.

As for the patch, when they do a beta right before the release (basically till 2 days before the retail version is released) to fix all the bugs, they're not gonna have time make up all the copies and ship them out to retailers in time.

jdfoster4772d ago

two years? no. It was in production for 3 years. Insomniac increased dev schedule from 2 years to 3 years.

shikamaroooo4772d ago

They should of waited till after beta testers oh well still day one buy for me

TKCMuzzer4772d ago


Maybe with your wealth of knowledge you could email the devs and explain to them in detail how you produce a perfect running multiplayer experience on day one, straight out of the box without testing.
Like many on this site, experts in knowing nothing about what their commenting on.

A-Glorious-Dawn4771d ago

well said... Armchair developers, meh....

mrkeith4772d ago

get over it so you got to download a patch. Big deal. Get with technology and upgrade your hard drive. I don't hear no one complaining about getting a new iphone every year.

Neo Nugget4771d ago

Tons of people complain about getting a new iphone every year O_O

RedDead4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

Why the hell do they have a 700MB patch on the first day? Couldn't fit it into the Blu ray? Releasing an unfinished game more like...Ugh, devs these days

No I expect them to finish a game before they release it. 700Megs isn't a tiny little bug patch

Shi* it's not like I was getting it anyway, not after R2

Oh i'm intelligent enough to know that they are releasing this early so they don't have to compete with the big boys and a 700 MB day 1 patch proves that.

newn4gguy4772d ago

It's for the MULTI-PLAYER!!! Good lord, man! How intelligent are you?!? The discs were printed over a month ago and you expect them to not have worked on the servers and gameplay tweaks in the past month? What do you think they've been doing? Taking a vacation? They actually LIKE making video games...

MysticStrummer4772d ago

How intelligent could you possibly be if you don't understand that a game releasing in a couple of days was already put on disc, probably at least two weeks ago? As for a day one patch, it seems like this gen has been full of them. It sucks to get your game home, put it in, and be confronted by that update screen, but it's not that big a deal. That said, I'll be waiting to play this one at a later date anyway so I'd expect a patch by then.

BrianG4772d ago

Maybe, just maybe, they started printing the game since it is RELEASING in just a few days prior to the Beta fixes being implemented.

I know, sounds so crazy, a game being printed weeks in advance to meet demand.

Also consider that a patch day 1 clearly shows they FIXED the issues prior to release, just not prior to printing the disc's.

Side note, if you weren't getting it, don't comment.

Why o why4771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

What a clever comment by red dead. He even goes as far as to say it couldnt fit on blu ray... Rhymes with thumb and gator. Beta's find bugs and flaws. Patches fix bugs and flaws. Big download for sure but if it means the overall experience is better then why complain especially after the fact you know you aint picking it up. Ill agree with the fact you didnt like part 2 though, much prefered the first but it seems insomniac have taken that common view onboard. Fans should be pleased especially those on the beta who actually made their views heard. Damned if you do, damned if you dont. Sad

Courtesy of p bomb below


New game mode included thumb gator;)

willie324771d ago

He is just used to a quick fix that never works for COD series. COD patches are usually 22 MB per download. No wonder why he thinks it is an entire game with this 700 MB patch.

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Eonjay821d ago

Resistance 3 is such a great game. One of my all time bests.

cooperdnizzle821d ago

Couldn’t agree more. Still love It as a shooter to this day.

Just something about that game. I really wish they would just do a remaster, don’t even need a remake just bring it up to todays out put, touch up a few things if any, and I am there to buy it day one.

Of course I would love a remake built from the ground up. As long as they treated it like Shadow of the Colossus, or close to those type of remake. Wouldn’t want it to get the RE treatment…. Just because the game is already paced so perfect and hits all the right beats that I wouldn’t touch that aspect.


Ranking the Resistance Games From Worst To Best

While it's been on ice for as long as it was around, the Resistance franchise has no shortage of quality.

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Knushwood Butt879d ago

My take:

Single player
3, 2, 1

3, 1, 2

3, 2, 1

I beat the lengthy single player in 1 multiple times and spent hours in the online too. Plus 1 featured my home town! Special mention to the audio design in 1: playing that with surround headphones blew me away.

Note: I have the platinum for Resistance 2.

Eidolon877d ago

Resistance 1 MP will always be my favorite. Call it nostalgia or whatever, but that was my jam, felt more balance, natural.

Miraak82 877d ago

i have the platinium too , 10k kills in online ranked matches was no joke . Took me 3-4 months straight grinding but it was fun . To put it in perspective you only got like 25 kills per match if you were 1st place every match that's at Least 400 matches in 1st

Sciurus_vulgaris878d ago

I only played the 3 main Resistance titles. My ranking would be;
1. Resistance 3
2. Resistance: Fall of Man
3. Resistance 2

GoodGuy09878d ago

Man I loved 3's campaign. Another gem stuck on the ps3 and who knows if insomniac will go back to the franchise.

fr0sty877d ago

Resistance, Warhawk, MAG, Motorstorm, there's so many first party gems on PS3 that Sony has just left to die...

P_Bomb878d ago

Never played Burning Skies but I still have Retribution.

monkey602878d ago

Burning Skies was about 3 hours long and rather inconsequential. You haven't missed anything

porkChop877d ago

Honestly, Burning Skies was shit. There's no two ways about it. At first I thought it looked terrible, then I second guessed myself. Big mistake.

darthv72877d ago

Retribution has this really cool feature where you could use a PS3 to link a controller to it and play. So if you had a 2000 or 3000 hooked to a tv, you can use a real controller. All of this predates the PSP Go's ability to sync a sixaxis to it via bluetooth.

Yui_Suzumiya877d ago

Resistance 3 was shocking and brilliant. Loved it.

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Why Resistance Was So Incredible

While the studio is best known for Spyro the Dragon, Ratchet, and Clank, and Spider-Man back on the PS3 the studio broke from creating platformers and made one of the highest regarded science-fiction first-person shooters of all time. This was Resistance and it remains one of Sony's most acclaimed and dormant franchises.

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Jin_Sakai1234d ago

Really wish Insomniac would bring back Resistance!

darthv721233d ago

Agreed. Until they do a new entry, I'd love to get the two portable games remade into console versions. Maybe in a nice compilation with the mainline titles.

monkey6021233d ago

Burning Skies wasn't a great game.
It was only a couple of hours long and there was nothing memorable about it.

I'd love a new entry

darthv721233d ago

^monkey, hence why it should be remade into a better version.

SullysCigar1234d ago

Resistance 3's campaign was gorgeous for the time - and an awesome game to boot.

monkey6021233d ago

I remember being put off by it because McHale wasn't the MC but it turned out to be my favourite campaign

CBaoth1233d ago

by and large though the Resistance IP featured many protagonists (4 altogether I think if you include the portables). One of the reasons I enjoyed it was not being shackled to individual story arcs. Very rare for a major franchise.

Army_of_Darkness1233d ago

My favorite resistance game as well! It seriously had creepy, scary a$$ moments bro! It made me want an action horror game from insomniac!

Mr_cheese1233d ago

Remember playing this through online co op with the move controller and gun attachment! What a game!

BlackIceJoe1234d ago

I've said in the past I'd like to see this series return and have it take place years later, like in the present.

I'll give you an example if I'm not mistaken the last game ended in the 50s, so if it was to take place some time in the 2020s you'd have an opportunity to see how the world changed after the fall of Chimera and all the new technology that came out of that war.

Just like in our universe we all know WW2 happened, but we never experienced it, so if the next Resistance game takes place years later so too would people in that universe know a war look place against the Chimera, they just wouldn't know what it really was like.

So getting to see how that universe would respond to the Chimera reemerging would be interesting.

Imagine a little kid talking with his grandfather about the war and the kid just thinks it was just a made up bed time horror story and what was said was worse than what really took place, but now that the Chimera come back the kid will find out why years later the old timer adults were still waiting for the Chimera to return.

I think there is great potential for this series still and I really believe the best way forward for Resistance is make it have a time jump too.

So hopefully this series will return.

Dragonopolis1233d ago

Great Idea. I'd play that version.

Resistance was a great game and of all the remasters.... I would play a great remastered version of resistance series as well

waverider1233d ago

I was blown away when i played for the first time Resistance on the PS3. Great Game. Also liked very much an played for hundred of hours the Co-op of R2. The SP campaign of R3 is also excelent. I really hope that Sony and Insomniac annouced the Remaster of the Series and a new chapter. They got story to do that.

Jambola121233d ago

Resistance 2 was one of the first few games i played on ps3 and I loved it, would definitely finish that again :D

Chevalier1233d ago

I loved all the Resistance games. But part 2 online was amazing. The Marksmen for the Spec Ops type class when it was fully upgraded was such an amazing weapon. Oh man I wish they release all the games again and let us play part 2 online again.

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