
Dontnod Entertainment confirms textually Adrift's reveal at GamesCom

Dontnod Entertainment has just confirmed via Facebook that its PS3 exclusive title "Adrift" will be revelad at Gamescom.

The studio writes textually:

"DONTNOD will reveal its game at Gamescom in Cologne"

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OllieBoy4691d ago

Really excited to finally see this. Sony's funding the whole project I think.

Can't wait.

firemassacre4691d ago

its wild, it has a never ending story / sin city vibe.

majiebeast4691d ago

Looking forward to the reveal who knows maybe its sony's next studio to buy.

b_one4691d ago

depends on how well they sell that game, how cool it will be... Hope it will...

nightmarex1214691d ago

Cool cant wait see what it looks like.

forevercloud30004691d ago

I am just excited Sony is actively persuing RPGs to add to their exclusive column. They have every base covered EXCEPT RPGs and they need too really secure it seeing as they can no longer rely on backstabbing companies like Square Enix :/

Very interesting to see how this turns out...

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Adrift Cancelled on Xbox One

“@itsmechadwick @ADR1FTTheGame @ThreeOneZero_ That's not real. You should get a refund immediately. Game not releasing on Xbox One.”

uptownsoul2765d ago (Edited 2765d ago )

It does suck that not everybody can play this game. I guess this is yet another example of why gamers should own multiple platforms. But what's even worse are the people who have to claim the game sucks just to justify their hurt feelings.

Activemessiah2765d ago

People CAN play it.. they just have to be wise and invest in the platforms that will be the most supported.

2765d ago
AngelicIceDiamond2765d ago

I just see it as another indie game not making it to a particular console. There's literally 100's out there and being made no use losing sleep over a loss indie game, the reason why it seems really important is because its Adam Orth. Truth be told I've forgotten all about this game.

uptownsoul2765d ago (Edited 2765d ago )

@bruce755 "The game does suck though. It got pretty low ratings all around."

Adr1ft's average score is 64 ( http://www.metacritic.com/g... ). If that game sucks because of its low ratings all around then what do you say about Recore - avg score 63 ( http://www.metacritic.com/g... ) or Ryse:Son of Rome - avg score 61 ( http://www.metacritic.com/g... )?

In other words, most of the people saying Adr1ft sucks weren't saying that about games that scored lower than it.

bouzebbal2765d ago

Get Ps4 or PC, you can't go wrong.

NatureOfLogic_2765d ago

I wouldn't advise anyone to wait and buy Scorpio because this will happen more and more, especially if Scorpio remains a premium product with less content support than PS4 and PC. Just my thoughts.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2765d ago
XanderZane2765d ago

The game was released on STEAM, for Oculus and for the PS4. All versions sucked.

That's probably a good reason to cancel it for all other platforms. I won't buy this on any platform, even if it was released on the XB1. I have a PS4, but I won't touch this game unless it goes to PSPlus. Good job Adam. lol!!!

0Day2765d ago

Game super sucks anyways.

IamTylerDurden12765d ago

Right, bc less games is a good thing...

dumahim2765d ago (Edited 2765d ago )

If the game sucks, which I'm not saying this particular one does, but yes. Sometimes we are better off without bottom of the barrel stuff like Big Rigs.

2765d ago
gangsta_red2765d ago Show
christocolus2765d ago


I just checked it out and you are right. The game might have suffered really poor sales on PS4 and PC.The PSVR version is on hiatus and the devs also told fans to beg the publisher for PSVR support.


and the reviews weren't great either


jwillj2k42765d ago

Less shitty games is always a good thing.

XanderZane2765d ago

When they suck it is. Just ask Nintendo with their Wii. Tons of games where most of them weren't good. Having more isn't always a good thing.

Segata2765d ago

World would be a better place if Cheetamen and Superman 64 never existed.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2765d ago
r2oB2765d ago

@ 0day

Your opinion is super irrelevant.

Gazondaily2765d ago Show
0Day2765d ago Show
r2oB2765d ago

@ 0day

I didn't offer my opinion of the game, did I?

@ Tyler

My opinion isn't relevant, which is why I didn't offer it. And I wasn't even talking to you. I believe I made it evident who I was responding to when I typed "@ 0day".

IamTylerDurden12765d ago

"Super irrelevant". Very eloquently put, my friend.

Septic, i love how the xbox super fans gang up on every comment. Very classy.

Very classy as always, call ppl names and use sophomoric insults.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2765d ago
darthv722765d ago

Honestly, I didn't even know it was supposed to come to the xb1. I figured it was a PSVR and PCVR game.

yeahright22765d ago (Edited 2765d ago )

Heh, I think they cancelled the psvr version as well.

EDIT: latest info I can find with a quick goole is that they asked fans to "demand a psvr port".

CrimsonPheonix2765d ago

Yeah no VR no buy, these guys are bozo's

UltraNova2765d ago

This game reeks of VR...is this Dev dense? What the hell, no xbox version amd no psvr support? are they trying to shoot themselves on the foot?

uth112765d ago

Not even on PSVR.

Too bad because I have no interest in playing it in a screen, but would be all over it as a VR experience

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'No plans' to bring Adrift to PlayStation VR

505 Games has no plans to bring first-person space experience Adrift to PlayStation VR, the publisher has confirmed.

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ArchangelMike2894d ago

Well thats a shame; but unfortunately the game hasn't reviewed well from a VR standpoint, so I guess it's no loss.

ApocalypseShadow2894d ago (Edited 2894d ago )

Yeah that blows. I was looking forward to floating around in space on this game on PSVR. I'm going to check the VR reviews you are talking about.

I'm not sure if I want to get it as a regular game.

nveenio2893d ago

This is surprising. They would literally sell a copy to 90% of PSVR owners. Oh well. If they don't love working on their own game, then I don't want it.

SniperControl2893d ago

The VR experience is pretty good actually, really immersive, especially floating in space looking down at Earth below, shame the gameplay is average at best, i only paid £7 for it in the Steam sale so cant really complain.

The game i want to see in VR is No Man's Sky, Hello games have still to announce VR for that.

poppinslops2893d ago

Hello Games are busy working on the day 1 patch for NMS, so I wouldn't expect a VR announcement anytime soon - especially considering the size of their team... That said, I expect modders will have it running on Rift/Vive within a week of the game's launch.

ArchangelMike2893d ago (Edited 2893d ago )

Hello games have already been testing out No Man's Sky in VR, this was know a couple of years ago - watch the clips here http://gamerant.com/no-mans...

Sean Murray has also publicly stated that he owns the Occulus RIft, and that No Man's Sky in VR would be "the perfect fit"... but that he doesn't know what he can say about that.

In other words, and reading between the lines - Sony probably have a deal to have No Man's Sky VR exclusive to the PSVR platform.

poppinslops2892d ago

So Sean Murray's Oculus means it's a PSVR exclusive? That's some bizarro logic... if NMS was PSVR compatible they'd have annouced it by now.

ScorpiusX2893d ago

Yet the tag was still added after being told otherwise ....... to funny

Aenea2893d ago ShowReplies(1)
zsquaresoff2893d ago

They will bring the game to Psvr when the find out how well Psvr is going to sell.

2893d ago Replies(1)
BABY-JEDI2893d ago (Edited 2893d ago )

Well guys, you've lost one customer here 😢

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11 Exceedingly Cool-Looking PlayStation VR Games

The hype surrounding the upcoming wave of virtual reality technology in gaming is absolutely real, as we could be witnessing a complete paradigm shift in virtual entertainment.

Fortunately there are quite a few actual games to get excited for. Here are the most cool-looking experiences on their way to PlayStation VR.

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Relientk773009d ago

Robinson The Journey

Look fantastic

Tsunade3009d ago

Gran Turismo Sport and Eve too

uth113009d ago

"Dreams - We don’t even know what to tell you about this one, as information has been severely limited. But what we can tell you is that it looks gorgeous."

MM has done numerous livestreams showing off this game, so I think we have a pretty good idea of it by now, information is not limited at all, it's just that the concept is too big for some to grasp

Tsunade3009d ago

The Walking Dead VR would be amazing.

WeAreLegion3009d ago

Dreams will start getting campaign trailers around E3. So, expect to know more then, as far as actual content is concerned.

DDMNeo3009d ago

I like that it looks like the golem has a megaphone that's too small for him.