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Will Counter Strike On Consoles Kill Off Call of Duty?

Call of Duty has remained as the top-selling game due to its multiplayer, with this in particular dominating consoles. Now with perhaps the series' biggest influence, Counter Strike hitting consoles, will the franchise die out?

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Community4732d ago
Nitrowolf24732d ago

Maybe. Don't think it will though. Love Counter strike and will definitely be a day one buy. Anyone know if there is cross play like on Portal 2?

ChrisPriestman4732d ago

Haha! That would be hilarious (from a PC gamers point of view)!

Console players playing with PC players on CS would just be a tad one sided. Still would love to see it, just for an experiment and to settle a few age-old arguments, if nothing else xD

Nitrowolf24732d ago (Edited 4732d ago )

Yeah i would want to see it to. I've seen PC though and the time it takes to shoot and switch up stuff is so much faster. Still maybe we can get some sort of cross-play. It;ll really depend on the players though. It may run better on Computer, but that doesn't mean it'll always be lop sided.

Oner4732d ago

I'm looking forward to this on consoles but I think the overall best option would be to do a true HD remake of CS 1.6 but with 2 additions ~ Keyboard/Mouse & Move support.

MintBerryCrunch4732d ago

you have to actually be good at CS, a lot of COD players will probably bitch that the game isn't like COD and they will go back to what makes them feel like a BAU5

Larry L4732d ago

This is news to me. Interesting this like confirmed news?

Cross platform play with PC gamers would be awesome of Valve, even if they have to release another version on PC for PC gamers to partake against PS3 players. Like someone else said.........just to settle some old arguments.

But just so you PC guys know, all the "CoD noobs" (at least most of them) on consoles are going to stick with CoD MW3 or some switch to BF3. It's a religion to them. I've learned this talking to CoD players online. But the PS3 gamers that would be playing CounterStrike are the Killzone players and the SOCOM players. These aren't the kind of console shooter players who're going to be eazy pickins because they're used to having the crutch of aim assists making them think they're alot better at shooters than they really are. IMO you'd be playing the best of the best in the console shooter realm.

The closest we've come so far to a true test of console vs PC players was the PS3 version of Unreal Tournament 3 due to the true PC mod support it has and having KB/M support. Controller player kept up pretty well, and that's on a lightning fast paced FPS, we'd keep up even better on a slower paced game like CS.

I hope they do it, just so a few mouths on the internet get shut. If we console gamers can't get some respect in the shooter realm fro m PC players.......we'll TAKE that respect online in CounterStrike!!! LOL

ikkokucrisis4732d ago

Awesome, looking forward to owning some console newbs on my PC!

BattleAxe4732d ago (Edited 4732d ago )

Well the new Counter Strike will definitely attract oldschool Socom players since there hasn't been many good tactical shooters this generation outside of GRAW2 and to some degree Socom: Confrontation.

I tried getting into Counter Strike last year, but since the game is so old, the longtime hardcore players shred all the new players to the point that its not worth the time you would have to put in today to compete with those players. I can't complain too much though, CSS only cost me $5.00.

dkp234731d ago

Isnt really any point togo cross plat. The best pc gamer will kill the best console gamer every time.

Cross plats would be good for mmos or dungeon crawlers, not fps games

Solid_Malone4731d ago

Totally agree with you mate, i would really love to see a HD remake of CS 1.6. IMO, the source engine is terrible for cs, the guns don't have that powerful feeling that cs 1.6 was able to portray.

I really hope that Valve are working on a new engine in time for HL3 and the inevitable CS 2.0.

Solidus187-SCMilk4731d ago

Yeah I dont think cross platform play would be too good for CS. And If there was no option to not play with pc gamers then alot of console people would quit. This isnt a co-op cross platform game.

not to mention these would be different versions of the game. Such as PC has dedicated servers and mods/ unlimited levels that the console versions wont have.

That would be cool if valve let the console versions DL some maps from the PC game tho, at least the ps3 version since it has steam somewhat.

Ive played CS on PC forever and have it already and my old PC with a 9600 can run source better than the consoles easy, but I would probably still buy this for cheap just to try it. Im not big on COD any more since 4 was awesome, and the ones since have been lame.

bozebo4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

They really don't need a new CS though. They just need to fix the bugs and add some maps so we don't have to play on de_dust2 constantly.

Literally, they can't improve the game's core design - it just isn't possible.

Still, if they use the excuse of releasing a new CS to fix the bugs - at least they will be fixed and I would be happy to buy the game again for that...

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firemassacre4732d ago

sorry counterstrike, thats battlefields job.

TheGameFoxJTV4731d ago

No, they can both co-exist. Two completely different games that wanna kill CoD.

Micro_Sony4732d ago (Edited 4732d ago )

Unless they make CS casual friendly then I dont see this happening.

The reason why COD is so popular is because almost anyone can play it and feel like a pro.

Shackdaddy8364732d ago (Edited 4732d ago )

It's a little bit casual friendly. It's really easy to pick up (at least for me it was).

Pandamobile4732d ago

If you're already good at FPS games, then yeah, it's easy to get the hang of it. But if you're new to PC FPS games it's a nightmare.

evrfighter4732d ago

Won't be for casual gamers. It's more then likely gonna be for the competitive gamer. Tournament/league play friendly

solar4732d ago

the CS series us too hardcore for the 95% casual player that plays CoD.

dkp234731d ago

If cs isnt casual friendly, i dont know wat is. There are no perks add ons or ranking crap u got to do. Simple, kill get money and buy new gun. Everyone on same playing field. Cod gamers that rank has clear advantage.

whatis4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

@ dkp23

I disagree with you and I feel that it is in fact the "Perks, Add-ons or Rankings" that make a game more casual friendly and not the other way around.

"Perks, Add-ons or Rankings" are just an artificial skill cap for those players that play these games but never actually improve their playing ability.

Everyone that plays for long enough to unlock the extra skills and abilities etc, is guaranteed at some point to find start finding themselves getting an advantage over the newer players.

Everyone is guaranteed to see an improvement with themselves, no matter how bad they are, just by playing.

This is not always the case with FPS games such as Counter Strike or Quake for example. These games give you all of the tools from the start. To everyone. But it takes a lot of learning and practice to actually see some improvement.

I also believe that these "Perks, Add-ons or Rankings" are there to give players a goal to work towards and again "artificially" keep people playing the game for long enough until the next installment comes out. Or to keep casual gamers from from trading it in too soon, or moving to another game.

People play, and stick with Counter Strike for the high level of competition and the skill that is involved.

da_2pacalypse4731d ago

yeah I agree, cod players are usually just noobs that have picked up a controller for the first time or something... But that's okay, because CS is going to be an arcade release, so just about anybody can pick it up for like 15 bucks and give it a try.

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TheShow174732d ago

That's exactly what I was thinking. If they could get cross play to work on this game and extend the popularity of it on PCs over to the Xbox 360 and/or PS3, that would be a huge win for the publisher. I've never played it though, but my college roommate was always playing it and still swears its one of the best shooters out there.

STONEY44732d ago (Edited 4732d ago )

The problem with Counter-Strike though is that it's literally the definition of a tactical twitch shooter, except the twitch shooter part is much more accuracy based. As in, I couldn't imagine playing on a controller vs anyone using a mouse.

I also remember playing alot on a modded server with low gravity, only sniper rifles, and only headshots kill. I'm not sure if they're going to be having mod support with this either (zombiemod, RPG, and mini-game servers are where 80% of my CSS playtime is these days), but that kind of situation would be one-sided. Most of the servers are mod/fun servers anyways.

What I'm trying to say is, I think consoles should play against consoles for CS, because of the mouse/kb advantage. Not in a bad way though. The vanilla gameplay is also amazing and fun.

mastiffchild4731d ago

K/M should NEVER be in the same lobby as pads-it's just not an even playing field whatsoever. I actually play EVERY SP campaign with a pad these days(even on PC) purely because a mouse is TOO EFFICIENT for shooters-it takes me out of the game a bit(partly, also, as you're aiming on a separate plane)because it makes my avatar capable of superhuman feats which are jarring to my mind and really bad when playing as a normal soldier/whatever.

Anyway, point is UT3 K/M players massacred pad players and it's just the input method and not skill counting so, for me, keep console gamers and PC heads apart and even moreso on CS.

If I play some, and I might for old time's sake, on PC I'll have to go K/M but on console where we all, mostly, use the same controller it'll be a fairer(if less impressive to look at and without mods!) playing field. I never know for certain, playing on PC, if it's me, my tech or the other guys tech/equipment or skill that governs matches. By allowing pad Vs mouse you'd only add to not knowing why you won or lost and take skill further out of the equation.

Not that K/M doesn't use skill-it does-but it's just a way easier method for aiming and FPS than a pad. It's been proven time and again that even a great player with a pad cannot compete with someone with half a clue on K/M.

Prototype4732d ago

I remember Counter Strike on Xbox; I'm surprised they decided to release another CS at this point in time. I'd get it just to see how different the PC and console versions are.

I will vote CS > CoD

snipes1014731d ago

If there is cross platform play, I would like it to be optional (say, a playlist for cross platform). I'm not super good at online shooters and don't have time to get super good at them. Facing off against an experienced console gamer would be bad enough. A PC gamer though...well...I'd be screwed.

ATi_Elite4731d ago

Lots of people are being mislead as to what CS:GO is.

It's not a sequel to CS:S or CS1.6

It's an update to make a version of CS fall in line with eSports standards like DoTa 2 and StarCraft2.

Valve is really pushing esports all of a sudden and actually valve should have done this years ago!!

mastiffchild4731d ago

I was thinking they'd been VERY careful not to call this anything LIKE counterStrike 2 myself!! Makes me wonder, though, just where the hell our next HL is hiding at! Valve seem more set on other things and if they now go big, as you suggest they should have already done, on Esports just when the hell can we expect Ep3 or even HL3 itself?

I WAS blaming Valve milking the L4D gravy train at one point but it just seems anything comes out before we get any news about HL!

When I'm sad and need a giggle I just google the Valve announcement of episodic content for the HL series and how it would stop us gamers having to wait more than a year or 18 months for new content. How long since Ep2 now? I can't count(lucky Valve knew this I reckon!) but it definitely FEELS a tiny bit longer than a year or 18 months now! Consider that HL2Ep2 is now ancient and was done well before this current console cycle began I can't see us getting a new bit of content on PC, or anywhere, before the next consoles start plopping out. My bet is on it being nearly ten years by the time we finally see more Freeman.

I LOVE counterstrike, don't get me wrong, and L4D on PC is still a great series kept fresh by amazing modders(console version is VERY poor by comparison, mind)but Valve just seem hell bent on not giving us the slightest clue about HL!

killcycle4731d ago

Cross play?
You can play people on other consoles with portal 2?

SpitFireAce854731d ago

You can play portal 2 with the PC guys through
the PS3 version.

da_2pacalypse4731d ago

CS: GO will be an arcade release, so 15 bucks at most. I'm sure a lot of people are going to be tempted to buy that...

subtenko4731d ago

Yes bring on the cross play of ps3 with pc and mac! Just make sure to add keyboard and mouse support with the ps3 version too. I loved playing counterstrike :D Lately I dont play too many pc games so I wanna just buy on consoles mainly now unless theres a pc exclusive I MUST have.

oh and give us mod support like UT3 has!

Agree or Disagree if you Agree or Disagree

showtimefolks4731d ago



When there are casual gamers out there who will buy 2-3 sports titles a year plus COD they will not pick up CS. And that's where activision aims COD.

Whether you like it or not(I don't)you have to respect the fact how activision has build a monster and that's the only games that's actually play able from activision most others are below average sales and reviews wise.






EA has said they have over 100 million in advertisement BUDGET and i believe with enough advertisement anything can be sold while BF3 will be a really great game compare to COD i hope it out sells COD or atleast sells neck and neck with BF

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fluffydelusions4732d ago

Doubt it, but it doesn't mean COD is better.

xenophage4732d ago

I don't think CS will really stick on consoles. This could be like TF2 that was released on consoles but then died out pretty fast.

Zechs344732d ago

Seriously, isn't it crazy how different TF2 is on the consoles as opposed to what most of us still play now on PC?

No hats!! :(

xenophage4732d ago

Damn. I forgot about hats. Wonder if CS: GO will have hats :D

BabyTownFrolics4732d ago

we never got the crazy cool updates on consoles, even though Valve promised.

Micro_Sony4732d ago

I wouldn't say it cant but it wont.

My 13 year old sister is loving COD because she can actually get kills in it - not too sure CS will be that easy.

news4geeks4732d ago (Edited 4732d ago )

yeah counter strike gameplay lends itself to the pros better than CoD. Headshot oriented games always separate the men from the boys. And I'm a boy because I'm not good enough at getting quick headshots :(

Not sure how well they could implement counter strike on a 360 controller also. CoD with plentiful auto-aim is what's needed to game on 360 so I doubt counter strike could be popular to the masses.

kabala4732d ago

There was a CS game on the original Xbox needless to say it bombed.

xenophage4732d ago

Did it have a campaign? Or am I mixing my CS games up...

kabala4732d ago

It really didn't have a campaign. It wasn't a bad game I just think with Halo, Ghost Recon, Return to Castle Wolfenstein people thought it was very basic

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CS:GO fans now frantically dusting off their Xbox 360s as servers are still online

One of the only ways to play CS:GO on official servers is via the Xbox 360 version of the game.

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Community301d ago
mandf301d ago

4 or 5 players in a game is not players frantically dusting it off

Jin_Sakai301d ago

We all know that went to each and every Xbox 360 owners house to watch them frantically dust off their 360s.

Vits301d ago

I mean it is a 1000% growth in the player-base. /s

mandf301d ago

Enough to write an article though. N4g new owners are insulting us for click revenue

Vits301d ago


Nothing to do with new owners. N4G has always been the trashcan for game news and discussion.

northpaws301d ago

I love video games so much that I never have the time to replay the old one that I have finished, my backlog has only gotten bigger and bigger. I don't get how some people can play one game for years (except for mmorpg)

mandf301d ago

It's an exaggeration to the extreme. A way making an exclusive seen grander than it is.

Profchaos301d ago

Some people do I know someone who only ever plays dune 2000 which is rarely but still

RedDevils300d ago

Those Fifa or COD players do that every years.

Inverno301d ago

Wonder why they've never ported this game over to last Gen and now current Gen. This game would be pretty popular right now, I think.


Players Spent Over $100 Million On CS:GO Cases Last Month, A New Record

About 39.5 million loot boxes were opened throughout March 2023, right after Valve announced Counter-Strike 2. It goes without saying that gamers love gambling, especially those who play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

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OhReginald477d ago

I have about 260 hours on csgo and have not spent a single penny on any of the microtransactions. You can still enjoy it since it's not pay to win.

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‘Counter-Strike 2’ Release Date Nears As Devs Test Source 2

The rumours are heating up and it looks like Counter-Strike 2, the move onto the Source 2 engine for CS:GO, is coming very soon based on testing files found on Steam.

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Number1TailzFan500d ago

S&box devs already have access to Source 2 and have done for a while.

DOTA 2 was Source 2 but hardly anyone noticed/cared because it wasn't one of the Valve games most wanted. L4D3 was scrapped because Source 2 wasn't ready and buggy.

Half Life Alyx has been the only official Source 2 game that people notice so far.. The engine still looks pretty good graphically, but it looked far more impressive back in 2014 when the leaked plantation level that was rebuilt on Source 2 (for L4D2) was shown. Too bad it took this long for Valve to do anything with the engine.. with all the money they have I have to wonder what happened. Even a smaller dev studio could've produced stuff within a couple of years.

Richhard1498d ago

Not sure why this hyped tbh, it’s only in updated engine. Same maps, same game. So long as it’s top of steam listings, it’ll be here for evermore.