
5 Most Overappreciated Games Of 2011

Five titles that just scream seven out of ten…

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callahan094699d ago

I actually completely agree with the list, the titles chosen and the order they're placed in. Actually, I take that back... I kind of disagree about Dragon Age II because it wasn't that well received anyway. I think it was kind of received... correctly. Because it was underwhelming in its lack of freedom and variety compared to the original game, but it still had great characters and story, great graphics, and fun gameplay, so it did deserve to be praised for some of what it did.

DaveX3604699d ago

Er, thanks!

That was reasonable.

Surely somebody hates me and wants me dead in some highly inappropriate way?

Venoxn4g4698d ago

Mortal Kombat and Child of eden are awesome games... and deserve their scores... play your brown grey shooters further..

MK is a great reboot, with story, great challenge tower and more..

Child of eden has so much art and great music which incorporates with music.. such a beautiful visuals that you wouldn't even dream..

Giru0174698d ago

Agreed 100% with this post. MK was an awesome reboot that does a lot more than play of nostalgia. There has not been ANY fighting game with this much content since the ps2 era, if even. The game has A LOT of depth and while on the surface it may seem that it's mechanics are unchanged, once you get the hang of the bar and juggles, it's truly a fighting game masterpiece. The scores (of any game) should be assigned on genre and, as far as fighting games go, MK is a 9/10 or 10/10.

Child of Eden is a bit different. I can understand it's not for everyone. Much like Rez, it's aimed at an open mind set and not a "arcade shooter" crowd (ironic, as it's gameplay style actually has more in common with the arcade shooters of yore than with modern FPS's). The blend of sound and visuals is a very unique experience and in this age of cookie cutter games, any change is welcome, more so if it's done so beautifully as CoE did.

Inside_out4698d ago

Anytime there is stealth elements incorporated into the game play, there will be issues for the ignorant gamers out there that don't get it.


The AI did break from time to time but it was far from unplayable and on hardest difficulty, assuming you weren't trying to run through the game so you could write an article about how easy it was to play ( O_o ), made for some of the best gaming moments this gen.


If you really want to know how great the AI is in this game...trying clearing ANY level without the cloak feature....LMAO

limewax4698d ago (Edited 4698d ago )

My only problem with the AI though is they refuse to behave well unless on higher difficulties, otherwise they seem to just bound around the level with no real strategy.

I haven't got it on PC though so maybe it behaves differently on there. Either way I found it was a choice of play with OK AI or good AI but be ground into the concrete by how fast you get killed, even with armor on. That really killed it for me because it becomes too cover based and limits the techniques you can use in some firefights

Put it this way, I felt the AI on the original Crysis was a lot smarter

paintsville4698d ago

Oh that's easy
Killzone 2 should be at the top of this list.
Then Heavy (interactive quicktime movie) Rain.
Then Crysis 2, what a joke.
GT5 (6 years and 60 million dollars but still avg)
Definately MAG, pitiful game.

RaidensRising4698d ago

A little premature considering there's a slew of worthy contenders coming from the other 5 months of this year.

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We need The Boys' Mortal Kombat rip-off to be real

GameSpew: Episode 3 of The Boys season 4 parodied Mortal Kombat with Vought's Tournament of Heroes. Now we want it to be real.

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Tzuno3d ago

we need Bolo Yeung in mortal kombat

The_Hooligan3d ago

lol at the start of the match he can "you are next!"


Mondo Reveals Mortal Kombat Poster

Interesting artwork. Before you finish them, make sure to grab Mondo's latest poster drop! The vividly striking Mortal Kombat poster with artwork by Lewis LaRosa is available now for purchase. The Mortal Kombat poster (MSRP: $85) is now available for purchase until June 17th.

Profchaos4d ago

Could just be a cameo in the real MK has been done before I do t follow mk1 DLC closely but there was a leak about boys dlc


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