
'No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise' Does Not Support Sixaxis Controllers

A handful of gamers are beginning to discover through the demo for the PS3 port of 'No More Heroes' that the title only supports the PS Move and Dualshock 3 controllers. When the game is attempted to be played with only a Sixaxis, the game refuses to detect the controller, rendering the game unplayable to a number of people. Apparently this issue was present in the recent European demo as well, which also supported Move. Nothing has been announced as to whether or not this issue will be fixed or patched.

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Godmars2904712d ago

Kind of had some issues during the tutorial with the shaking, but that was it.

Okay game I'll eventually get.

Abash4712d ago

While I do think it's nonsense for this game not to support Sixaxis controllers, why would anybody still use them when the DualShock 3 has been available for years? It makes the Sixaxis feel like a cheap toy

Ravenor4712d ago

Yeah, really don't see this as an issue. I'm one of a few PS3 owners I personally know who even have a Sixaxis.

Sprudling4712d ago

Lighter is somehow bad?

tplarkin74712d ago

The Sixaxis was a part of the original SDK. They should be supported for the life of the console.

Nate-Dog4712d ago

In fairness controllers are expensive (or at least they are here, same price as brand new games, in fact they're more expensive in some cases) but I do get your point.

UltimateIdiot9114712d ago

Well, I still have an sixaxis lying around which I occasionally use just because it's fully charged or whatever.

mastiffchild4712d ago

I like the Sixaxis better, tbh, than the DS3 as it's a lot lighter. Just preference but I'd give up the rumble for the weight in a lot of games and where the rumble adds little I'd always go Sixaxis given the choice.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4712d ago
dericb114712d ago


If your talking about the recharging the beam saber I had the same issue with shaking but figured it out. Just like the Wiimote you have to point the Move straight up or vertical. Once you do recharging is not problem.

subtenko4712d ago (Edited 4712d ago )

how hard is it to support a controller. This is like the only game I've heard giving an issue to those with a certain controller. Its nonsense.

P.S. for the comments below. It would be NICE to have the OPTION to do 1:1 precision with this game. How come everyone cant be happy with the option to chose to play a gave how they want to?

Agree or Disagree if you Agree

HeavenlySnipes4712d ago

I expected it to be like Sports Champions, taking advantage of the moves 1:1 precision. Instead, they make some stupid hold your hand up and press the Move button to attack BS.

Buuhan14712d ago

It's not BS, it's BEST. That's exactly the same control scheme it had on the Wii, and it was awesome. I'm actually planning to get a Move just so I can play this version with the exact same controls.

You can frail your arms around and get tired all you want elsewhere.

Buuhan14712d ago

Who only has a Sixaxis at this point in time? It only came with early PS3s, and those early buyers who spent half a grand on it honestly haven't put out a little change to get a DS3 yet? Even people who bought early PS3's at a later date to get PS2-compatibility should have bought a DS3 by now.

Pedobear Rocks4712d ago

I prefer the sixaxis...it isn't a matter of affordability. And since I DID put out half a grand I'd like my freaking controller to work on any damned game I want.

Buuhan14712d ago

What about it do you like so much? Do you just not like rumble?

Pedobear Rocks4712d ago

@buuhan...no I like the weight...and i don't want to buy a DS3 and remove the motors...its a shame they are hard to find since one of my sticks won't center anymore (though I'm used to it no one else can play with it)

InTheLab4712d ago

The Sixaxis is horrible anyway but it's ridiculous that the the game does not support it.

Anyway...go out and buy a Dualshock or Move if you're interested.

SageHonor4712d ago

I still had fun using the controller... I am going to get this when it comes out

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darthv72329d ago

....and that's a bad thing how?

343_Guilty_Spark329d ago

If it ain’t on Sony box it’s bad

autobotdan329d ago (Edited 329d ago )

Ninja Gaiden 2 was never multiplat. NG Sigma 2 is a remixed game not the same game at all

darthv72329d ago

Dante's inferno... such a great GoW inspired game. So sad the sequel was canned, it sounded like it was going to be even more epic than the first.

Vits329d ago

Yeap, classic GoW is still better mechanically. But the aesthetics and atmosphere of Dante's Inferno were just top-notch. Shame it never got a PC port, but at the very least is available on modern Xbox.

Juiceid329d ago

This list is ok, but Ninja Gaiden reigns supreme!

GhostScholar329d ago

I just can’t get into the devil may cry series. In my opinion you never feel powerful in those games. The guns are pointless as they only serve to be a flashy part of a combo. DMC was the only one that I could tolerate long enough to beat.

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No More Heroes | Long Story Short

Justin Scerbo (@ZeroSkerbo) breaks down No More Heroes in 60 seconds!


Up Up Down Down: No More Heroes

GameZone: "Released for the Wii in North America in 2008, the bloody, foul-mouthed, pervy action game No More Heroes brought something vastly different to Nintendo's happy little family-friendly console. The game was eventually ported to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 as No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise, though we only got the PlayStation 3 version in North America. It's a hell of a ride, no doubt, even if it's not without a handful of hindrances."

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randomass1713717d ago

This one I never got the hype for. It was fun, but it became very repetitive very quickly. Travis is a fun character though. I'd definitely like see more of him someday. But first, Killer7 sequel! Make it happen Suda51!

3717d ago
MadLad3717d ago

This and the Galaxy series made the Wii for me. Fantastic games.

Venoxn4g3716d ago

great game, best playable with Wii or PS move controller :)