
OMGN: Is Mega Man Dead?

A gaming icon might be gone for good.
The week of July 17 could be one of the darkest in history for many gamers, as it might be the end one of the industry's founding fathers -- Mega Man (called Rock Man in Japan). Recently, Mega Man’s parent company, Capcom, decided to cancel the blue bomber’s latest planned adventure, Mega Man Legends 3. While this cancellation put a dagger in the hearts of thousands of gamers worldwide (many have waited upward of 10 years for a Legends sequel), this is just the tip of the iceberg of what could be the demise of one of the most popular video game characters over the last 25 years.

EYEamNUMBER14806d ago

yes it was clear he was dying since this generation began

all we got related to megaman this generation on consoles were 2 lazy megaman games 9 and 10 that's about it

european_cannon4806d ago

Really, dead, because a handheld title got canceled? If Mega Man Legends 3 was coming out on the PS3 and 360 I would care. But the DS, who cares!?

And no Mega Man is not dead, Capcom would never kill a character they can milk forever, and ever, and ever.

triforce4806d ago

The Megaman series started to go downhill after they couldn't think of any interesting names for villains that ended with "man". Sure, Iceman, Flashman, Bombman and Magnetman all made sense, but the ones that come after...oh let's say Mega Man 3 were just terrible.


Mega Man Legends Composer Wants To Crowdfund The Third Entry

If you're a Mega Man fan, you might remember the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 in 2011. While fans were encouraged to show their support for a new entry even after the project had been axed, it's now 2020 and nothing seems to have come of it.

Now, out of the blue, the Mega Man Legends composer Makoto Tomozawa has asked fans on Twitter if they would be up for crowdfunding Mega Man Legends 3.

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BlackIceJoe1561d ago

I'm down for a crowd funding campaign and if this works, hopefully Capcom will open up a crowd funding campaign for Dino Crisis next.

Godmars2901561d ago

And here we go again...(sob!)

Godmars2901561d ago

At this point a fan done remake of either of the first two done in UE4,5 or Unity would likely have more to show before a C&D - and Capcom still wouldn't have done anything towards other than the C&D!

Pancit_Canton1561d ago (Edited 1561d ago )

Sony should back this up like they did with Shenmue 3. The series started on Playstation and it should end on Playstation.


Top 5 Game Franchises that Deserve a New Entry

Establishing a new video game franchise is not easy. You can to create lore, develop strong characters, and continuously craft gameplay that keeps players engaged throughout the series. But some games franchises go dormant, either because their developers or publishers have moved on or simply get canceled. Some games shouldn't remain in the dark, some deserve a new installment. Here are 5 games franchises that deserve a new entry.

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DaDrunkenJester1893d ago

I'd love to see a return of Resistance. Once you got over the fact it was supposed to be a "Halo Killer" and just took it at its face value, it was actually a pretty good series. Some ups and downs for sure, but I'd like to see its comeback.

snoopgg1893d ago

Yeah I agree, Iiked that series and want a ps5 return . I wouldn't mind a new Socom and motorstorm.

DaDrunkenJester1893d ago

Yes! I hope sony starts bringing back some more of their competitive online and co-op games.

shuvam091893d ago

I hope they announce a remake first...
Not a lot of people got to experience the series...
And let Bluepoint handle it like the Uncharted collection...
Similar to that collection, the first two games don't hold up by today's standards...

Retroman1893d ago

I'm glad R-TYPE Final 2 coming

PiNkFaIrYbOi1892d ago

The author should just give up on any ME game, Bioware is pretty much horrid these days. So I don't expect anything good to come out of them any time soon.


Dead Games We Want Back

Many high-profile games have been canceled. Here are the ones that should come back in some way, shape, or form.

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isarai1993d ago

Necessary Force

Gimme those and ill be happy forever

UltraNova1991d ago

Now that is one MP game I miss. Bring it on, provided its not messed up with predatory MTs.

KillZallthebeast1991d ago

I loved mag until they patched it so much it was unrecognizable a year later. They gave into people whining.

Kornholic1991d ago

I don't remember them patching it like that. What happened?

KillZallthebeast1991d ago

eventually even prone light machine guns couldn't shoot straight even if you tap the trigger, and assult rifles became basically the only relevant weapon. It's been so long though I don't remember all the details, but it was beyond just that. I still fondly remember it though. Get a squad of 12 friends and you could turn and entire 256 match alone

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1991d ago
Sciurus_vulgaris1992d ago (Edited 1992d ago )

Some of these games were never played by or released to the public....how do we know they were ever actually good?

Christopher1992d ago

People let their imaginations go and filled in the holes.

anonymousfan1992d ago

I have no clue if scalebound would have been any good... But the game was marketed well enough that I wish it hadn't been cancelled :/ To be fair loads of games that were good and sometimes great were "brought back" and were total disasters (Duke Nukem comes to mind for example).

Godmars2901992d ago (Edited 1992d ago )

By all counts the Scalebound shown at E3s was not what the actual game in development looked like. If such is true, or if the four player co-op thing, then its stronger reason why they canceled it. Why it was so long development before it was.

nitus101992d ago

Having looked at the trailer for Scalebound I was appaled by the cringe-worthy voice acting although from the very limited time watching the battle scenes the game IMHO had potential.

ILostMyMind1992d ago (Edited 1992d ago )

Actually, the trailers were really boring and the demo of the gameplay was crap in performance. The desire for a good game has created a hype campaign in this game.

InKnight7s1992d ago

Versus XIII, MM3, Matrix Online and that Ps3 Superman game.

Germaximus1992d ago

I always wanted to play Matrix Online! Never got a real chance

Deadsinister1992d ago

bring back a new Dino Crisis.

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