
Luigi's Mansion 2 | Gamereactor UK

GR-UK: "After a massively enjoyable demo, there's the sense the series came ten years and two platforms early. With the 3DS Luigi's Mansion has finally found its right home."

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How Handheld Gaming Shaped Me

Ruth's dad showed her the ropes once she could hold a GameBoy and it only got better from there. This is how handheld gaming shaped her.

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10 Best Co-Op Games to Play With Kids

If you're looking for some video games you can play with your kid, look no further than this quick and easy list for reference.

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EricLane1988d ago

Stardew Valley is a blast with my daughter. Except she keeps spending all of my seed money...

capjacksparrow1988d ago

LittleBigPlanet should be on this list. Those games are great and full of heart.


One hell of a boss ft. Luigi's Mansion 2

There are bosses we all remember. Both for the right and the wrong reasons. But what are the ones we remember the most? In this first (and last? who knows= episode of this feature, I'll talk about a boss battle I really loved, both emotionally and analytically. And the main protagonist here is a boss from Luigi's Mansion 2. If you played it, you know who.

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