
Video Game Foresight - The Blue Bomber Hangs Up His Helmet

It's hard to believe that Mega Man—or Rockman, if you will—has been around for almost two and a half decades now. Yes, the original Mega Man game came out for the NES back in 1987, introducing the world to some of the worst cover art that's ever been seen. But at the time, the core concept behind the game was so completely groundbreaking that we all rushed out to buy the game anyway, despite the condescending looks we got from store clerks upon seeing the hideous-looking box in our hands.--CheatCC

JEW_UNIT4812d ago (Edited 4812d ago )

RIP Rock Man :(. Seriously Inafune needs to buy the franchise and get it as far away from Capcom as humanly possible.

DragonKnight4812d ago

Seems like Capcom is the place where franchises go to die. Onimusha, Viewtiful Joe, now Mega Man who arguably made Capcom who they are today. They are really epitomizing fail this gen.

maniacmayhem4812d ago

I think Inafune and capcom left on bad terms. He even sh*tted on capcom after he left.

I think this is capcoms way of getting him back.

jc485734812d ago

how does Inafune feel about this anyways?

32froshes4811d ago

Inafune feels awful about it. He has made an official apology:

“The decision for the cancelation was out of my sphere, but as someone who took part in the development, I’d like to convey something to the staff: I’m sorry that I couldn’t be of assistance. [To the fans of the series,] I’m truly sorry I couldn’t take part through the end.”


Capcom Plans To Create Mega Man Games On An Ongoing Basis

Capcom is planning to develop brand new titles in the Mega Man franchise on an ongoing basis in the future.

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Profchaos62d ago

Question is always going to be what are you going to do with it? Capcom has burnt mega man fans many a time and trust is low overall so I think a bold new direction may not be the best idea unless it's backed with a sonic mania style project alongside it.

I could see a bold new 3d take on the Willy wars alongside a mania style game being very popular.

Just keep it far away from Live services and loot boxes

DarXyde61d ago

Hear me out.

........I think they could pull off a MetroidVania Mega Man.

Even better: make it Megaman X, but in a pre-X7 style.

Old McGroin61d ago

Or maybe do what Nintendo did with Metroid. Go from a 2D platformer to a 3D game, like Metroid Prime.

shinoff218362d ago

Sounds like a plan Capcom. Just don't forget the disc. Also I think alot of the mega man base would love to see a return of the rpg

Brazz61d ago (Edited 61d ago )

You know... I realy think a MM game that plays like ratchet and clank can work great! Mega Man can be very light hearted and family friendly, something for everyone If they use a formula similar to Ratchet and Clank, i realy want to see Capcom giving It a try.


Capcom wants to take 'great care' in new Mega Man games, won't rush development

Capcom says it wants to take 'great care' in new Mega Man games, is not interested in rushing new products out in order to maximize repeated sales.

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ApocalypseShadow445d ago

Good good good. Take your time... But don't wait too long.. lol. Need some Mega Man 202X

ZeekQuattro444d ago

5 years was than enough time for a new Mega Man game. The RE franchise had 3 remakes and RE8 in the last five years. Mega Man ain't that deep Capcom. Get it done. 🤣

GoodGuy09443d ago (Edited 443d ago )

The first brand spanking new megaman I really want them to make is... actually revive and continue the Legends 3 game. Realistically though, the next would probably be megaman 12, then a new battle network game.

343_Guilty_Spark443d ago

Can we get an X reboot in 2-D with anime cutscenes?

I like Megaman but always thought X was cooler.

VersusDMC443d ago

Totally agree on X coming back but with an 3d look like Guilty gear Strive or DBZ Fighterz. Cutscenes for those games look like an anime.

Still want it to be a 2D platformer with a more expansive Metroidvania type map.

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Mega Man Reveals New 35th Anniversary Art; Cafe Collab & New Merchandise Announced

Capcom has unveiled and listed new Mega Man merchandise for pre-order to celebrate the multi-faceted franchise's 35th Anniversary...

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