
Call of Duty Elite and Battlefield Battlelog compared!

lazygamer.net compares the two stat-tracking services from the anticipated competing modern combat shooters.

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WobblyOnion4817d ago

Elite offers more in its free services than I expected. Still, done with Modern Warfare...so it's BF3 for me.

granthinds4817d ago

MW will always be fun dude. But ye, BF3 looks like it's going to dominate.

TheDareDevil4817d ago

Yeah... Currently Elite looks much better than Battlelog for me. Still on the fence though. Can't decide between BF3 and MW3.

Ognipode4817d ago

They change so little though that I feel like if I want to play some Modern Warfare 3, I can just put in any of the last 3 COD games and ill get 90% of the experience I wanted.

S_C4817d ago

Will i use the free elite - Maybe
Will i use Battlelog - Maybe
Will i be using the paid elite serive - Will I F**k

DoomeDx4817d ago

So..do you want to f**k?

granthinds4817d ago

Yoh, the ultimate showdown!!!

Inside_out4817d ago (Edited 4817d ago )

" Elite however, is going to be for the more serious players "...

That says it all really...COD is hardcore while riding around in tanks, camping from a mile away or fly impossible to handle Helo's are for the wannabe hardcore...lol

As we get closer to the launch of the people's champ, COD MW3, more and more articles will appear like this. Wait till the Battlefield 3 console multi-player beta hits with it's clunky animations...it won't be pretty.

Activision created an entire company just to cover all these features and they haven't even shown half of the features because, you know, parasite EA-Dice is always watching.

Dart894817d ago

*COD is hardcore*.

OMG ROTFLMFAO pfft my @$$ since when does having a computer do the aiming for you become hardcore??I knew i should've taken that left turn at Albuquerque.


femshep4817d ago

lawlz sir you have your descriptions backwards, call of duty is just run around and clunky animations where battlefield has the tanks and helicopters which if you had any intelligence are really easy to control, and it also has extensive team work were you need to work as a team and communicate to get anything done

Activision are leeches and only got into online waaaaay after Battlefield had set the standard and still has the best multiplayer

can't blame you casuals for trying to act the best though it always makes me laugh

radphil4817d ago

"COD is hardcore while riding around in tanks, camping from a mile away or fly impossible to handle Helo's are for the wannabe hardcore...lol "

So apparently soldiers on the field are more "hardcore" in wars than those in tanks?

Glad to know where you're coming from in all this.

Mikeyy4816d ago

you all tore up World at War, because the tanks where too "OP" and "noobish"

But tanks in BF is "tactical"..

Love the double standards.

solidworm4817d ago

Elite is a complete waste of money seeing as COD players use zero strategy anyways so all this stuff is moot.

Mikeyy4816d ago

Then you should be thankfull that most of elite that you have read about is free anyway.

Only the hardcore need pay for Elite. that deoesnt include you.

Ognipode4817d ago

Modern Warfare 3 can suck it!

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

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masterfox680d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia679d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad679d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

679d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin679d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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MadLad805d ago

There's fun to be had here.
