
AMD: Intelligent GTA pedestrians on Xbox 720

Product-Reviews writes: AMD hasn’t confirmed if they’re working on the Xbox 720, Neal Robison of AMD did say that we’ve got a lot to be excited about when it comes to gaming on the next Xbox. What blew us away was a statement about A.I. in the next-gen hardware, its claimed that Robison said the A.I. will allow for games like Grand Theft Auto to have pedestrians that each have their own mentality. Gamers need to pause a moment, and just think about the potential of that possibility.

The scary thought of each Grand Theft Auto pedestrian having a personality. What is next for artificial intelligence?

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Inside_out4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

They said the same thing about this gen. Lukas Arts back in the day said pretty much the same thing as did a lot of pub and devs....lol...whatever happen to Indy on 360/PS3??? Indiana jones reminds me of another game...hmmmm...treasure hunting, maniacal villain and treasure with incredible powers....LMAO...


This gen has turned out great but it really is time to move on. Can't wait myself!!!

The worst bragger was Ken Kataragi and his 1080p 120 fps stuff and all the CGI trailers...lol...lets hope that the next consoles live up to all the hype.

NarooN4814d ago

Krazy Ken Kutragi is awesome. His vision of the PS3 was awesome, but couldn't be realized realistically. If they were, the PS3 would've cost a lot more than $599 USD.

His deal with the dual-HDMI output was so that you could hook up the PS3 to two monitors at the same time, and then you'd have a much wider aspect ratio than 16:9, kinda like multi-monitors on PC gaming. The 120fps thing was probably his anticipation on 3D or something.

iamnsuperman4814d ago

There is always bull before any new potential announcement. I am going to expect the same with the PS4 details as well

Fox014814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

BS or not, what I'm taking away from this is Microsoft isn't shying away from pushing the graphics envelope again. In fact is seemingly embracing it contrary to much speculation.

This statement, and where and by whom it was released, cements really that Microsoft is planning to put graphical and technical prowess in the forefront of their next gen console.

thugbob4814d ago

"What blew us away was a statement about A.I. in the next-gen hardware, its claimed that Robison said the A.I. will allow for games like Grand Theft Auto to have pedestrians that each have their own mentality. Gamers need to pause a moment, and just think about the potential of that possibility. "

I really hope that they can make this happen.

danswayuk4814d ago

I really hope this happens as well, A.I. has to advance and with it really smart games.

MintBerryCrunch4814d ago

what would really be awesome is if there were consequences to killing random pedestrians, say one of them is apart of a gang/mafia, they get wind of you randomly just killing them, they would come after you or killing some random person, hearing about it on the radio and how the family is suffering because of their death, it would bring the world to life

it would be even cooler is if the police/FBI would investigate murders, say you kill a big number of people and you get labeled as a serial killer

evrfighter4814d ago

this will happen but not next-gen. this kind of AI is at least 10 years off

fluffydelusions4814d ago

Sounds like a lengthy development process.

DeadlyFire4811d ago

Its possible they can make this happen, but still AI will not be brilliant. So don't expect them to wash your car or anything in the game just cuz you say so.

As for AMD and tech. There is potential of 12-64 threaded CPUs in next generation consoles. I expect 32 threads to be the maximum potential, but 64 is questionably in the range. Most CPUs on the PC market today only have up to 8 threads so even the most advanced games are limited to that potential. Some Server single chip CPUs have 32 threads. It will be a couple of years before average PC users get that kinda power. Consoles on the other hand if released tomorrow with 32 threaded CPU + Latest graphics card. Engines built specifically for those 32 threads, multi-core setup + GPU can easily output graphics that noone has ever seen before. Its possible AMD has some kinda Crossfire Double/Triple GPU solution for the Xbox 720 so it could run that Samaritan demo in real time. Maybe. We don't know all the details. Other than AMD has some kinda badass hardware they wanna show you the potential of and are waiting to get the go ahead. The way it sounds its likely something is getting revealed by end of 2011.

They have not said the same about the WiiU though.

maniacmayhem4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

All these rumors from AMD really makes me think that MS will reveal something next year.

Damn...time to start saving now.

Anyways if this were to happen, i couldn't even imagine the development time for a game that would implement this type of AI.

Burning_Finger4814d ago

AMD sucks. Intel is a lot better.

iamgoatman4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )



Let's hope so.

qwertyz4814d ago

for CPUs but for gpus amd destroys intel. look what happened to intels larrabee, it was an EPIC FAILURE.

lugia 40004814d ago

You are very stupid.
If you said nvidia, then we could talk. But then again, if you say intel, you are just fucking retarded.

DeadlyFire4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

AMD has been using same K8/K10 CPU architecture since 2003. That is why it sucks.

Their first real innovative change is coming soon though. Bulldozer line is on new tech. Its completely built from ground up. AMD is so bold to even name the line-up of chips FX series. I don't know if you have followed AMD's past, but FX series CPUs were badass in the day when they were around. Outperformed any Intel chip released at the time. There is a chance AMD has that kinda flare again with this tech since those days.

Proof of this already emerging?
3D Mark Vantage CPU Score:

AMD FX-8110(3.8Ghz): 81917 CPU Marks
Intel Core i7 2600K(Stock): 64146 CPU Marks

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4811d ago
Raven_Nomad4814d ago

Lot's of smoke lately with AMD and the next Xbox. I'm going to go out on a limb and say there is going to be a new Xbox sooner rather then later. It only makes sense to release the start of a new Halo trilogy on new hardware. It also would explain a bit on the lack of exclusives this year.

Usually before a company releases new hardware they slow down production of games on their current hardware, case in point is Nintendo. Of course you still get some solid games like the new Zelda and Gears 3 for the 360.

Sounds impressive.

danswayuk4814d ago

What are you thinking? Xbox 720 unveil next year, and launch in 2013?

DeadlyFire4811d ago

Its what I am thinking. AMD is so bold with saying things though its possible we get some confirmation before 2012.

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Can We Call The Xbox 720 The Xbox Trinity...Please?

Gaming Blend "So we've been rustling up rumors for Microsoft's next-gen console a lot in the past couple of months and one thing that has bothered readers more than the rumors themselves is the name the Xbox 720. I propose we do away with the "720" and go with the name our readers voted for in the first place: Xbox Trinity."

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PS3ROCKS4612d ago (Edited 4612d ago )



zeal0us4612d ago

Xbox720 or w/e it name will be=Holy Ghost

There have you have it, the Xbox trinity.

MariaHelFutura4611d ago (Edited 4611d ago )

The Trinity isn't just for Christianity. It represents the Deity, Man/The flesh and the Vehicle. All three lead to enlightenment, which is what the "All Seeing Eye" is. In Christianity it would represent God (the father), Jesus (the son) and The Bible (the vehicle), Heaven would be the enlightenment. To me, it represents something entirely different than getting to heaven. Watch "Meet Me Halfway" by the Black Eyed Peas, it is entirely based on this.

zeal0us4611d ago

Thx for the lesson Maria. I was saying it as joke btw.

MariaHelFutura4611d ago

I know, it start as a comment and turned into a lecture. Sorry. :)

Bathyj4610d ago

Whats wrong with Xbox3?

Oh yeah.

I think I know, but Napoleon might be able to explain it better.

Neko_Mega4610d ago

I'm betting it is going to be Xbox 720, seeing how Real Steal had that in the movie (Don't see why Micosoft would let a fake name be shown).

I just hope it doesn't look like this thing, because that looks like a Wii with a small xbox wannabe hard drive.

Mr Tretton4610d ago

No way will it be '720'. That is just beyond lame. 720 is just meant to be a joke.

dragunrising4610d ago

Thats funny- just watched Real Steel. Bing was advertised as well as "Xbox 720." It could have been a joke or perhaps its a confusing placeholder for a proper name.

thebudgetgamer4610d ago

Only if it's molded to look like John Lithgows face

phatpahari4610d ago

after that i can predict the another release with name called Xbox 1080 lol

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Analyzing Skyrim Creation Kit reactions

InEnt writes: Skyrim excitement has reached new heights this weekend with the news that Skyrim’s Creation Kit would be available to download for free in two days time, which has been met with cheers and jealously from certain console gamers. We’ve spent a few hours over the last few days reading reactions to the preview for Skyrim’s Creation Kit, and it’s clear many gamers are extremely excited and think Bethesda “are the best“. This view is not shared among all gamers on all platforms and while some console users take the news with a pinch of salt, others are filled with disappointment and jealously.

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danswayuk4611d ago

Cannot wait for Tuesday and the Skyrim Creation Kit, although it would be nice to see some deal worked out with Sony and Microsoft for mods on consoles. They can also learn a lot this generation and bring better mod support for the Xbox 720 and PS4.

Parapraxis4611d ago

360 & PS3 owners shouldn't be dissapointed or jealous, Bethesda never said mods would come to consoles.
It would be really nice to have them, but I think most people buying those versions realized that it was very unlikely.

RavageX4610d ago (Edited 4610d ago )

You know what's sad? They COULD have mod support with the PS3. Unreal Tournament 3 did, I see no reason Skyrim or Fallout couldn't.

They tried to say that it seems they couldn't come to some sort of agreement with Sony/Microsoft but what I believe they MEAN is they couldn't for both PS3 and 360.

Considering the poor effort they have done with fixing issues/properly supporting their previous games on consoles(mainly PS3) I am not really surprised.

When I do play their open world games, it will always be on PC. Just too risky to deal with their console versions.


T-Model Ford consoles need Xbox 720/PS4

InEnt writes: We’ve seen a number of current Xbox 360 and PS3 owners feel that a release in 2013 is way to soon, and while we know there are those that would object to the idea of a PS4 or more likely an Xbox 720 coming next year you have to think about the age of the current hardware from Sony and Microsoft.

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danswayuk4612d ago

The console hardware is getting really old now, although rushing next-gen machines would be a mistake.

reynod4612d ago

Yes console hardware is old, however its not like people dont have another option. PC gaming can easily be used as an alternative option. Specially with services like Steam out, people can get a very console like experience on the PC. Hence if you are desperately looking for a performance upgrade and feel this gen is too long in the tooth I would strongly recommend going PC.

danswayuk4611d ago

Is PC a good idea for gaming in the living room?

CBaoth4611d ago

Why wouldn't it be? You literally could have just the tower sitting in/next to your entertainment hub. Nearly every modern GPU has a HDMI port anyway so hook it up to the big screen if you like. If your wife/GF has accepted gaming on consoles on the living room why would she suddenly develop an aversion to PC gaming?

tehpees34611d ago

Its not too soon imo. I don't know why people are saying it is. Just because Sony isn't ready for PS4 doesn't mean the world isn't. I'm more than ready. The people who aren't ready just don't have to buy it.

danswayuk4611d ago

I expect Microsoft to 1up Sony again and bring the Next Xbox out first.

Droid Control4611d ago

I don't know anyone that doesn't want a 720 or PS4.
Everyone is ready for some next-gen goodness.

360 is 7 years old. It will be 8 if the 720 comes out next year. That more than enough time.

360 might be doing well this year with Kinect, but how long can it last? Will Kinct still be selling this well in 2014? I doubt it.

Even M$ will want to release the 720 next year if they have any sense at all.

danswayuk4611d ago

Any gamer that has owned the Xbox 360 or PS3 since its first release will be thinking "I AM READY".

Abdou234611d ago

I think people who say it's too soon are just poor bastards who can't afford new ones.

danswayuk4611d ago

Or only just got a PS3 or Xbox 360 last year.

die_fiend4611d ago

True...I can't see how 6 years after release is 'too soon', when the last Xbox was around for about 4 years. Y would anyone not want new consoles?! If you're too bummy to afford it, don't bother buying, but many of us are gagging for sweet graphics

DebateMaster4611d ago

Not everyone got a ps3 or 360 six years ago. Do some people on this site live in the real world?

Genki4611d ago

You can rattle on and on about how old these consoles will be by year x, y, or z, but that doesn't change the fact that this generation was nearly crippled by hardware that struggled to keep up with the software written for it.

1080p and 3D WILL be standard next gen, take that to the bank. I'd bet a dime to a dollar that if consoles were released next year that they would face the same struggles that this generation faces. 720p HD gaming is a shaky standard at best. Consider how many games strain to reach it and/or are rendered at sub-HD resolutions just to have a stable frame rate. All the while we have the gaming media, fanboys, and even publishers telling us that our machines are state of the art and capable of running the most beautiful games our eyes have ever seen.

The fact of the matter is that the issues we're seeing today will not be acceptable by tomorrow's standards. If new consoles release tomorrow and run into the same problems, expect the community to once again be clamoring for yet an another new generation of hardware within 2 years.

Also keep in mind that a resolution jump isn't free; we can't assume that since 1080p will be the standard that games will automatically look and play better. That takes processing power and memory, and combined with 3d, it is entirely within the realm of possibility that if new consoles were to release LAST YEAR as many people had wished, that games would look very much the same vice the resolution difference. Let's not forget that another limiting factor is cost, which I can assure you won't be forgiving considering the state of the world economy.

My hope is that the next crop of consoles will release when they are truly ready, unlike the current gen. If waiting until even 2015 means that I can have lag-free 60fps 3D spllit-screen games in 1080p, then so be it. I've got plenty to do until then.

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