
5 Steps To Enjoying Mortal Kombat 9

Push A To Start: In order to enjoy Mortal Kombat 9 (or should I say Mortal Kombat, because this iteration of the series has the exact same title as the original for no adequately explained reason) there are certain preparatory steps you need to undertake before you commit to it.

In the interest of providing people with a fair starting point, I thought it would be useful to construct this handy step-by-step tutorial in order to give people some idea of the sacrifices they’re going to need to make in order to have fun with what is, at its heart, a very solid fighting game.

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Pozzle4820d ago (Edited 4820d ago )

"Forget about the potential of videogames as a storytelling medium.
Narrative has no place in Mortal Kombat, and if you go into the “Story Mode” expecting a moving, character-driven tale of drama, suspense and konflict, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. If it makes you feel better, imagine each fight as its own little narrative, and make up all the backstory in your imagination."

Wut? Maybe I'm alone here, but I loved MK9's storyline. True, it wasn't an overly deep or intricate plot, but it's a fighting game- I don't expect a lot of depth.
Though it's easily one of the best storylines in a fighting game since...well, ever.

And it might not have been deep, but I was still pretty invested in it. I genuinely wanted to know what would happen after each fight, and I'm looking forward to MK10 to see how the new reality will have changed MK4's plot.

csreynolds4820d ago (Edited 4820d ago )

Agreed. I thought MK9's storyline was excellent for a beat 'em up. DoesNotKnowWhatHesTalkingAbout .com.

LightofDarkness4820d ago

I wasn't a fan, it all too often felt like one of those cheap "SyFy" channel movies. It didn't carry the same dark tone that the originals managed to convey, without even having cut-scenes.

Pozzle4820d ago (Edited 4820d ago )

"It didn't carry the same dark tone that the originals managed to convey"

Did you play all the way through? Holy shit, the plot in the last few chapters was one great big kick to the gut followed by a hundred more kicks to the gut. It was far more dark and depressing than I expected it to get, that's for sure. :(

Hell, even MK9's intro was dark. It's canon that Shao Kahn won the events of Armageddon. :(

LightofDarkness4820d ago (Edited 4820d ago )

Yes, I beat the game in a single sitting :p But the plot became entirely off-the-wall around the third act. I mean, what happens for the next game? We have Raiden, Johnny Cage and Sonya (among a few villains). I have no fondness for any of them, bar Raiden. So what now, is he going to go send another message back in time again? A whole new cast of hero characters wouldn't go down too well (think Street Fighter III).

Other things I disliked: villain characters seemed to lose just about every fight they became involved in. Who the hell would continue to send these obvious losers into battle, time and time again, against people who will more than likely whoop them? The bad guys have to win sometimes too, otherwise they become uninteresting and you don't consider them a threat. I mean, they build up Ermac to be a very dangerous/powerful force, yet he's beaten at every opportunity. By people like Stryker. FREAKING STRYKER. And Reptile? He may as well have been left at home.

The whole Sindel scene was more than a little stupid, too. Where did this come from? Since when is Sindel such a superstar that she can take on everyone... well everyone except NIGHTWOLF. I mean, Nightwolf, really? Since when is he so much better than everyone else. Again, this whole section felt rushed together in order to create some shock and emotional connections that weren't really there.

I could go on, but this story wasn't very well put together. Many characters' motivations for doing what they do are unclear and seemingly random, story events feel tacked on just to include people. I'd also liked to have played as the bad guys at least ONCE.

Pozzle4820d ago

I won't comment on the next game since I have no idea what they plan to do with the plot from here (though apparently the devs do have some plot ideas for MK10 already), but I have faith that the devs aren't going to create a completely new cast of heroes. That would just be a dick move.

As for the Sindel thing, that was Raiden's fault...


Raiden tried to save Johnny Cage from being killed by Motaro by killing Motaro first, so in retaliation Shao Kahn gave more of his power to Sindel when he revived her so that she'd be strong enough to take on the Earthrealm warriors without getting killed off herself. That was also a retaliation to the fact that the characters on his side continuously kept losing to the Earthrealm warriors.

I personally loved that Nightwolf got a chance to be badass in this game, instead of staying as a random sub-character. Heck, I loved that alot of the minor or 'joke' characters got a chance to be badass. And yeah, it was silly that a lot of the plot and characters' motives were random, but this is a fighting game after all. There's only so many ways you can come up with reasons to make the same 20-or-so people fight each other. I found most of the reasons for their fights funny (e.g. Jax kicking Johnny's ass because Johnny was being a dick.)
For what the plot was, I liked it.

Parasyte4820d ago

I liked MK9's storyline as well. I don't know whether they borrowed from the Legacy web series or vice versa, but I thought that the two shared a lot in common.

maxmill4820d ago

MK has the best story out of all Fighters

krazykombatant4820d ago

LOOL looks like someone is pissed off of the spam fest that is the online. GET OVER HERE!!!.... and the stupid ass wake-up attack shoulder charge of nightwolf...

I know I sound like a whinny little bitch, but seriously a whole match of just using special moves.... sad and pathetic.

And for those that said that kenshin would be cheap think again.

Bounkass4820d ago

5 steps? Either you do like mario-fighting games or you don't... It's as simple as that.

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Mortal Kombat 9 Is Still NetherRealm's Best Game 13 Years Later

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "Mortal Kombat 9 revived the series from a low point after bringing it back to 2D combat. It marked a new high-point for the franchise due to its incredible roster, exciting cinematic story mode, and high-octane combat."

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Sonyslave359d ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey60258d ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro2458d ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro2458d ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.

RiseNShine58d ago

The catched the woke virus after that, saying for MK 10 that "Female Characters Will Be More Realistically Proportioned". You could still rip a spine or blow a head in a bloody explosion, but don't you dare to show a side boob or all hell will break loose.

TricksterArrow57d ago

The ladies in MK9 look like men in drag. They are so buff and their faces are so bad, I don’t feel like we lost anything aside from some sexy costumes. But sexy costumes in drags do not appeal to me.


Mortal Kombat Remaster Is Reportedly In The Works, Eyeballistic CEO Teases

A Mortal Kombat Remaster could be in development, as teased by the Eyeballistic CEO on Twitter through allegedly AI-generated images.

EazyC72d ago

Not a good look given that NRS has treated MK2

Soy71d ago

Just stop. Let MK breathe for a while.

Magic_Spatula71d ago

Didn't they have HD remakes of the first 3 games ready and for some reason decided not to release it? And also, wasn't a remake of the first game being developed already with all new actors portraying the original cast and they shelved that one too?

Pedantic9171d ago

It's all they know how to do now huh ? Could've atleast have a look at remaking/remastering Shaolin Monks.


We need The Boys' Mortal Kombat rip-off to be real

GameSpew: Episode 3 of The Boys season 4 parodied Mortal Kombat with Vought's Tournament of Heroes. Now we want it to be real.

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Tzuno97d ago

we need Bolo Yeung in mortal kombat

The_Hooligan97d ago

lol at the start of the match he can "you are next!"