
Microsoft give standard 'do not comment' to Windows 8 rumour

No there's obviously not going to be someone breaking protocol over at Microsoft as our queries to the giant have turned up rather would you'd expect.

Microsoft "do not comment on rumour and speculation", and the idea of Xbox 360 titles on PC with Windows 8 is super rumour and extreme speculation.

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Inside_out4821d ago (Edited 4821d ago )

Having PC and Xbox become one is a great move and would help BOTH platforms and allow M$ to address the entire XBL demographic at once. I doubt anyone would have one without the other especially as M$ is ratcheting up the features like Skype integration, Windows Phone 7, and of course all the games, movies, music, ESPN, UFC, Skype...etc

This is about world domination for these guys and this kind of stuff really get the analyst mouth watering. M$ is moving like a Bear with a bee sting. Deals with R.I.M, LG, Facebook...you name it, it's war with Apple and Goggle. Something big is coming down the tracks and right now the light is blinding.

Nothing motivates you better than when it gets personal. Somebody got personal with Stevey B at M$. These guys a rolling like thunder right now.

Isn't it exciting!!!

BeastlyRig4821d ago (Edited 4821d ago )

If I have to pay to play online on pc than that would suck!

What would be nice is if they made 720 the same as pc's so both can run the games!

This will only make sony want to do the same! Since they already have pc exclusives like planetside 2 why not?

That could be a benefit of pc being neutral platform..

F4sterTh4nFTL4821d ago (Edited 4821d ago )

That way all Windows 8 based laptops & pads & desktops & Windows 8 based phones can play Xbox 360 games without worrying about the requirements and any mobile device will become a direct competitor to Nintendo DS & PS Vita & off course the iPhone.

and the last but not least the piracy issue (excuse) solved.

Ranshak4821d ago

it probably will be cloud based.


PUBG Lite PC System Requirements

Are you looking for PUBG Lite PC System Requirements, If YES, then you have reached right page. You can checkout PUBG Lite PC minimum and recommended system requirements below. PUBG Lite PC is a new free version of the PUBG PC game with scaled-down graphics designed to play on computers and laptops equipped with lower-end …

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khiva42062d ago

PUBG is a good game I liked Pubg.Pubg is better then a fortnite game.

GamerzElite2062d ago (Edited 2062d ago )

Lol, I downloaded PUBG Lite from this site and found Free Fire game inside with Blue Stack.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey To Change Controversial DLC

After apologizing for forcing your character into a heterosexual relationship, Ubisoft is planning to issue a patch that will correct the error.

A controversial bit of Assassin's Creed Odyssey downloadable content will be changed in a future patch following a backlash from fans. Spoilers follow for the Shadow Heritage episode of Odyssey's DLC.

At the end of the Shadow Heritage episode, your character has a child from a heterosexual relationship. Those who had spent hours playing their Kassandra or Alexios as LGBTQ--or simply not interested in relationships at all--felt forced into a plot development

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Chaosdreams2068d ago

This is good to hear. *Thumbs up

Nobody loses, everyone wins.

Hungryalpaca2066d ago

Except now canonically it doesn’t make sense. This was supposed to be part of a bloodline.

If the character is gay...the bloodline ends...unless they still have children. So they’d need to tie that up now.

lilzay333112066d ago

why would it be a bloodline thing, they killed bloodlines in origins with the invention of the portable animus. there's literally no need for a child or even a relationship when the connection is to the person not their relative.

NewMonday2066d ago

so we can't say you can't have natural children with the same sex?

babadivad2066d ago

This may come as a shocker to you but, gay people have children all the time. . .

mikeslemonade2066d ago

I’m for gays but here’s another example of entitled people complaining about small things. Ubisoft should stand up against this and change nothing.

fathertime44642066d ago

Yeah gays have kids all the time through adoption or artificial encemination. One of two of these things didn't exist back then. Now add in the fact that you need the historical bloodlines you kind of just killed off the past games with this one.


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2066d ago
JokerBoy4222066d ago

Explain how this supports the science of the Animus now. They pandered to the LGBTXYZ cuz those cancers of society never shut the hell up about anything.

Chaosdreams2066d ago

It’s not pandering. If the devs didn’t see a proper solution then they’d leave it be, but since they’ve chosen to update the content that leaves an impression they found a solution, narratively speaking.

Considering the content with the update hasn’t been addressed - all I see are cancers flipping out.

NewMonday2066d ago

the impression it leaves is that they compromised their artistic integrity under mob pressure.

Batnut002066d ago

Well they already covered this in Origins where you don't need bloodlines anymore to go back in time for Assassins.

Chaosdreams2066d ago


In that context I understand the frustration/worry.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2066d ago
xRacer74x2068d ago

Now I expect this from both sides from now on. I do not want any game to force non hetro relationships. If one side can be offended then its certainly okay for the other side to offended.

Batnut002066d ago

Well if the game prides itself in offering player choice to the point of advertising as such and than suddenly forces your character who you've decided to play as hetero to suddenly be forced into a same-sex relationship than absolutely

rowuxa2066d ago

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xRacer74x2066d ago

I usually do not care. But Im growing tired of the LBGC complaining at every turn. The last 2 or 3 years the USA is has become inundated with this crap. Love who you want to love, I just have no desire to hear about it and I will do the same.

fathertime44642064d ago

Well by pandering to the pansies they've kinda killed the entire game series. It's what's called a paradox. Now that they've made it so you don't have to procreate they've completely screwed the entirety of all previous assassin's games.
I'm aware that they did away with the whole bloodlines thing in origins, but you needed them in previous games and now you have a virtual butterfly effect in that the non birth of one person eliminates the birth of many people and can also change the course of human history completely. Thank you lgbqt community for ruining everything you touch and thank you Ubisoft for being so politically correct (idiot's)

Sashamaz2066d ago

Yeah, I feel like most games now force you to do things one way, I guess it's all about who shouts the loudest.

WitcheRivia2067d ago

Ugh, nothing worse than a bunch of heterophobes.

tar_tar072066d ago

Crazy times we live in man.

Profchaos2067d ago

So they abandoned the whole idea of needing a bloodline to utilise the animus?

lilzay333112066d ago

yes they did away with that in origins.

Profchaos2066d ago

I always thought the modern day segments were pointless after AC3 i still have no idea why they bothered with black flag it felt forced

Sophisticated_Chap2066d ago

@ Profchaos

Ubisoft plans on re-telling the story, allowing for Artificial Insemination, to fill in the plot holes.

Cobra9512066d ago (Edited 2066d ago )

It was, until they made it an issue.

beulahland2066d ago

Well, if they hadn't transformed Assassin's Creed in a full RPG game, this would not be an issue. But...

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Microsoft Disables Safedisc DRM On Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, & Windows 8/8.1

DSOGaming writes: "Last month, we informed you about a Windows 10 update that disabled Safedisc DRM on Microsoft’s latest operating system. Well, it appears that Microsoft has applied this security update on all its other operating systems as well. This basically means that the Safedisc DRM is disabled on Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, thus rendering a number of games unplayable."

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MCTJim3288d ago

Both pieces of DRM are no longer maintained, meaning that any vulnerabilities could be easily exploited given the way they hook into the operating system. SafeDisc, for example, tries to load the SECDRV.SYS driver with system-level permissions, and it was found to be insecure back in the day.

So good riddance to bad rubbish. There is a work around that enable you to use your old software..it takes just a few seconds to implement.

DarkBlood3288d ago

Well hopfully my steam games will still work like usual

contradictory3287d ago

It shouldn't affect anything from Steam.
And they issued a work-around on the article anyways