
Boosting - What is it good for?

If you have never heard the term, boosting is a way of getting together with other gamers to get achievements without actually having to do the hard work of earning them. For example, one achievement in Halo 3 is to get a triple kill (kill three opponents within four seconds of one another) in a ranked free for all game. You could do this by playing a game and trying to lure people together and then attacking them, or firing a rocket into a crowd of people, or a variety of other means. It may take a while but eventually you will get there. Alternatively, you could ask three people to stand in front of you and shoot them at point blank range.

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wil4hire6073d ago

Even I am getting sick of halo3 "news"

Thats all you guys have every day.. put up new news stories so I can troll those.

Charlie26886072d ago

Well my only experience with something related to people wanting help for achievements was on Gears were sometimes you were told by one teammate if you could exchange weapons since they needed that one for the achievement or help someone chainsaw or snipe someone else, since it was somewhat rare and probably all team mates asking were polite I helped

There were actually few situations in R6V were people talking about achievements on the lobby were kicked out O.o

kewlkat0076072d ago

as well as taking Steroids, really what are you accomplishing by taking the way easy route?

All my achievements have been earned the hard way [hardly have much], but then again it's not like I'm going for every one in every game.

I guess the more achievements the more skilled you look.

I notice playing folklore[ok so far] there is none. I wonder is Sony will have something.

NewZealander6072d ago

im sick of playing halo 3 just to hear b1tches wanting to boost, i get all my achievements legit, whares the fun of playing halo 3 onlie with a bunch of noobs that want to sit in a group in the middle of the play area and cheat to get killing frenzy (i got that legit too) kasperNZ

laryforlife6072d ago

first of all online achievements in any game is very hard and almost unrealistic in some games with almost no players. Sometimes boosting is the only logical way to get the achievements, but considering achievemtns don't count for crap, who cares if you boost.


The Xbox 360 Store Will Close July 2024, But You Can Keep Playing Your Favorite Games

On July 29, 2024, Xbox will stop supporting the ability to purchase new games, DLC, and other entertainment content from the Xbox 360 Store on the console and the Xbox 360 Marketplace. This change will not affect your ability to play Xbox 360 games or DLC you have already purchased.

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Vengeance1138309d ago

Curious to see if people will put the same energy reacting to this move as they did when Sony tried to close the PS3 / Vita stores.

CrashMania309d ago (Edited 309d ago )

I just hope this doesn't encourage Jim to try the same thing again any time soon.

lodossrage309d ago

Yeah I hope Sony keeps theirs up regardless.

And to be honest, who does it hurt? I don't keep track of Xbox, but I know PSN makes a ton of money hand over fist. It doesn't hurt them to leave the store up.

XiNatsuDragnel308d ago (Edited 308d ago )

Exactly or we riot fr.

roboteye308d ago

One way to stop that from happening is to keep buying old games from their store. If the demand is there they won't close it.

Profchaos309d ago (Edited 309d ago )

I hope so it's not a great move shutting the store I understand limiting payments on old systems but Microsoft has the technical ability and know how to at least keep the website running securely they don't really have an excuse as to why this needs to happen.

Where things are better than the PS3 store shutting in this case you can still buy backwards compatible games however that means Microsoft is now officially unlikely to ever resurrect the BC program again

MasterChief3624308d ago

I doubt it, since you are still going to be able to buy Xbox 360 games / DLC via the Xbox One.

Majin-vegeta308d ago

No,you can only buy those games if theyre BC.So if a gane isn't BC its gone.

LonDonE308d ago (Edited 308d ago )

NO way near the same, you can play most of the 360 games on multiple gens of consoles and even find the disks etc real cheap and play those too.
With PS3 is was such a fuss as at the time you could not play ps3 games on PS4/5 and still cant unless its via streaming which is rubbish.

They are not even in the same league with regards to being the same issue, PS3 games is emulated on PC very well now and sony still have not allowed PS5 games to play ps3 games..
So many great games on PS3 and no way to play without streaming, vita is a little different.
Thank god for emulators and being pc gaming.

I dont feel any company should be shutting down the servers as devalues digital purchases.. all digital games should be available for download as we purchased those games and need to be able to download when needed.

shinoff2183308d ago

Streaming ps3 games weren't bad for me. I played through xcom enemy within with no issues

porkChop308d ago

Not really the same situation. Either way I don't think these stores should ever be taken offline.

Firebird360308d ago

The problem with ps3 and Vista was the games on those 2 systems are only playable on those systems. So they're forever gone if your system dies. For me personally thats what I had problems with.
Its still bs either way but atleast xbox has backwards compatibility with that era.

jlove4life308d ago

Vista was that b4 or after xp

Petebloodyonion308d ago

1) it’s far from the same problem simply because MS ( like Nintendo) is warning you almost a year ahead of store closure unlike Sony that basically tried to shut down the store in a less then 3
Month window.

2) also a big chunk of the games still sold on the 360 store can be purchase via BC on the xbox1 store for example Red Dead Redemption.

Still this will be the end of an era and more importantly the real risk of permanent closure for a system like the 360.
Now you will still be able to access past games but for how long?

wiz7191308d ago

@Vegeance difference between the two is MS still allows you to purchase majority of 360 games on the current store .. whilst PS had a very select few and closing down that store your losing way more because there’s no way to access that same content on the newer consoles ..

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darthv72309d ago

End of an era...

I still use my 360 as it has several games installed that aren't available to get on the modern systems. Outrun online, afterburner climax, renegade ops, the tmnt games... too many to just unplug it.

Everything else that is bc on newer I already downloaded to my 4tb external.

lodossrage309d ago

to be fair afterburner climax has been pulled from all stores years ago. So if you didn't already buy it you're out of luck

Ashunderfire86308d ago

ebay says I still have that game

lodossrage308d ago


if you already had the game you will still have it. But nobody else can purchase it now

autobotdan308d ago

Same here i also own After Burner Climax and all the TMNT games on xbox 360. I also own Eternal Sonata digital on my xbox 360

Rebel_Scum308d ago

Renegade Ops! Now you’re talking. Still waiting on a new Strike series game to come out.

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Profchaos309d ago (Edited 309d ago )

And with that news sonic 06 just became the most valuable game in my collection

Blashted308d ago (Edited 308d ago )

Really sad day for gamers and game preservation. Bozo Jim Ryan tried to pull a fast one on us like this back in 2021 and we kept the PS3 store up. It's a shame that with MS' move that many digital only titles, DLC packs, themes, avatars, etc. will be lost to time. There are a lot of great 360 games that did not make it to the backwards compatibility program and are not playable on Series consoles. Hopefully preservationists will get busy and help store this content for future retention. Time to hop on the 360 store and grab some games before they are gone forever.

Physical 360/PS3 discs are a wise investment in 2023. I imagine certain 360 games will spike on this news.

If you are interested in helping the preservation of games, I recommend checking out https://www.preservegames.o... ( https://discord.gg/NFhbdwEY... or r/OnlinePreservation over on Reddit. There are many other preservation projects out there as well.

Profchaos308d ago (Edited 308d ago )

Yeah 360 games in general have maintained a higher value than PS3 games due to the BC program so I've managed to rebuy my favourite PS3 games for it's inevitable shuttering for around 1 dollar per game while 360 still cost up to 20 dollars for some games and if they make it to the BC service they may aswell be priced like new with some rare finds like blood on the sand getting more expensive than when new

Flakegriffin308d ago

Remember when people were up in arms over Sony attempting this?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Tacoboto308d ago

Remember when Sony enabled PS3 BC on PS4/PS5?

... Oh right.

Nevermind that Nintendo shut the 2012 Wii U store in early 2023 (which so far seems completely forgotten already), let's play whataboutisms!

Flakegriffin308d ago (Edited 308d ago )

Oh that’s right, I forgot you can play every game on the Xbox 360 Store BC on the Xbox Series X.

Silly me. 🤦‍♂️

Tacoboto308d ago

Says the guy that doesn't even have an Xbox.

Flakegriffin308d ago


Correct because I play them all on PC that supports much more older games than Xbox could ever.

Tell me, with owning a PC and playing their games on PC why would I need a Xbox?

Tacoboto308d ago

Ah so you're in an Xbox-related article for no reason but to stir crap that doesn't impact you. K

Flakegriffin308d ago (Edited 308d ago )

You sound like a typical Xbox fanboy who is quick to assume before knowing any facts.

But go off, king. 😘

Please educate me how this doesn’t impact me since you know everything about me.

Tacoboto308d ago

I'm sure you have an Xbox 360 now, just for this comment thread. Just like you're sure I'm a typical Xbox fan (which is totally why I got my PS4 and 5 before I got a One or Series).

But nah, queens first, Flakey

shinoff2183308d ago

Cause it's Nintendo. They get away with what ms and sony dont

ModsDoBetter308d ago (Edited 308d ago )


Don't waste your effort on this clown.

Guy is full of nothing but hot air and petty insults. Can't hold a constructive debate and types like a fourteen year old. He typically gives up and abandons a discussion when he's met with facts too, pointless trying to talk with him. He's really flying the team blue flag hard tonight. 😂

One thing the idiot said to you that struck me was, "You sound like a typical Xbox fanboy who is quick to assume before knowing any facts."

Literally an hour ago he made some wild assumption about me only playing on Xbox, guy is the biggest hypocrite on the site, sheer delusion.

Tacoboto308d ago


Spot on. I laughed when he said "It’s typical fake outcry" in the Diablo article. Who would know better, right?

Flakegriffin308d ago (Edited 308d ago )


Aw, you came in here to cry some more?

I love you too, cutie.


What’s your discord? Just recently picked me up a Xbox 360, GameCube, Wii, PS3, and OG Xbox. I’ll gladly prove you wrong. Who cares if you got a PS4/5 before the One S or Series. What does that prove? You came in here with ignorance and I’m deflecting back at you.

You two are cute. Keep it up. ❤️

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Report suggests the UK is a console nation

Bit-Tech: Perhaps the biggest surprise was that the tide of console gamers is a cultural phenomenon which does not appear to cross every border. According to NPD's research, while the UK has the highest incidence of console usage out of all the markets analysed Germany boasts the biggest number of PC gamers.

France, meanwhile, is clinging on to dedicated hand-held consoles like the Nintendo 3DS and Sony PlayStation Portable at a time when NPD's analysis shows that gamers in most other nations have ditched theirs in favour of getting their portable gaming fixes on smartphones and tablets.

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Knight_Cid4503d ago (Edited 4503d ago )

"when NPD's analysis shows that gamers in most other nations have ditched theirs in favour of getting their portable gaming fixes on smartphones and tablets."

you mean like japan, europe or the US where the 3ds is breaking records?

People are ditching the 3DS so fast in the US, 3ds sales have doubled over ds first year sales and the year isnt even over.

No source, no truth

who approved this garbage?

Knight_Cid4503d ago

you shouldnt be proud to approve slander

ATi_Elite4503d ago

but 250 million global online PC Gamers say other wise.

Everyone with a Gaming PC can play Wii Games so does that mean the world is a Wii Nation?

I think people just enjoy Games and it really doesn't matter the platform.

Console Nation, PC Universe, iPhone Realm, doesn't matter just enjoy your Games.

StayStatic4503d ago (Edited 4503d ago )

Considering most PC Gamers will own 1 or more consoles , declaring the UK as a "console nation" is complete and utter bollox.

kevnb4503d ago (Edited 4503d ago )

owning a console and playing the occasional game once in a blue moon doesnt make you a console gamer. Just like owning a pc and maybe playing some random flash game doesnt make you a pc gamer. Alot of pc gamers bought ps3s, its a blu-ray player and media hub that plays games.

guitar_nerd_234503d ago

I'm from the UK and game on nearly every platform I can think of.

But yes in general I'm more thumbs than fingers when It comes to my games.


Paul Christoforo to Write a Book Based on the Ocean Marketing Debacle

Remember in December of last year when Paul Christoforo became the pariah of the internet? Ocean Marketing was at the center of a scandal that took the internet by storm after Christoforo exchanged rude, angry emails with a customer of Avenge Controllers, for whom Christoforo was providing customer service. I recently had the chance to speak with Paul about the whole ordeal and what his life has been like since.

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