
Bioshock Infinite: 'No platform’s going to be the better platform'

GB: "Admit it or not, Bioshock Infinite was one of the most alluring games that we saw in action at this year's E3 and is set to rule the roost when it releases in 2012 on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.

Nowadays with so many games going multiplatform, it's obvious that certain gamers will question about the superior version."

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firemassacre4747d ago (Edited 4747d ago )

bioshock 1 was better on ps3 right? so i dunno. they added tweeks and such to that version. it also had updated graphics if i remember.

BioShock for PS3 will feature "exclusive" DLC puzzle scenarios which take place outside of the game's narrative -- the DLC will be accessible through a separate section on the main menu. There is currently no release date or pricing at this time.

The BioShock DLC takes place in arena-type levels designed to look like Rapture. The scenario we saw involved a little sister stuck atop a Ferris wheel -- she needs to be rescued! The first thing that has to be done: Hit the control box with the shotgun's electric buck, causing the wheel to move a little. To move it a little more requires finding a booby-trapped room featuring an electric crossbow inside a safe. Shoot the control box with the crossbow and cut the line to give it a charge, and the wheel moves a little more. Every electric item found will move the wheel a little more until the Little Sister is saved. No other scenarios were discussed.


sdtarm4747d ago

incoming wage of angry PC etilists expected

EazyC4747d ago

@ Above, correcting someone of their ignorance isn't elitism of PC gaming.

That was a silly statement to make, firemassacre. Play Bioshock on PS3, and have a go at it on a good PC. Yeah...

I'm not angry elitist, hell, I'm a PS3 gamer, and I still think that was a very stupid thing to say.

chrisgay4747d ago

What's even more stupid than ignoring the PC as the obviously superior platform however, is claiming the PS3 version was at all better than the 360 version. I would be hard pressed to claim either superior, but considering the graphical bugs at the release of the Playstation release, which was when I played it, I'd go with 360.

I'm slightly ashamed to be in a position in which I am capable of comparing all three formats, as somehow I ended up owning the game for all of them.

On topic though, Bioshock Infinite is going to be sweet on all platforms for sure, but I'll be playing this one on PC and I absolutely expect it to be the better platform.

badz1494747d ago

if they exclude the pc, right?

Dramscus4746d ago

People always bring the pc into these arguements. Nobody every talks about the pc in this regard. It's not even a contest. Why start off every statement with while the pc obviously has better graphics of the twe console versions bla bla bla

it's stupid
Stop telling people the pc has better graphics. Of course it does ...

humbleopinion4746d ago

@ firemassacre
You got it all wrong and that's why you're getting disagrees. Next time try to understand that some IGN semi-preview before a game is released without proper comparison acounts to nothing.

Doing your research before coming up with ridiculous claims is important if you don't want to make fun of yourself, and having a short memory is no excuse:

Bioshock on the PS3 ran on a lower resolution, was blurrier, had low-res texture, more prone to frame drops, was more buggy and was released a year later (with the promised extra content which kinda sucked not even available upon release). Calling all this "better" is as ignorant as it gets.

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Inside_out4747d ago (Edited 4747d ago )

...then the 360 version will be the best version BUT things have changed quite a bit. Bioshock 1 on 360 was 720p and looked fantastic. The PS3 version was 640p and was ok.

Bioshock 2 was developed by 2k marin and while the game was 720p, there was an obvious dumbing down of the graphics.

If Irrational games says the consoles will have the same visuals I guess we will have to take their word for it. Seeing is believing so when the game or demo launches, we will have something to compare. Unreal 3 generally shows a advantage towards the 360.

Ken Levine should create his own IP. Being enslaved to 2k is a waste for a guy like him. Same for Cliffy B...get out there and make some new Ips that you OWN.

@ Firemass...lol...so 640p Vs 720p was a decision to make the PS3 version better looking...o_O...everything you talk about was an attempt to show that it was worth buying it on PS3 even tho it was half price on 360 and of a higher quality. It didn't work btw, as the 360 version basically had double the sales of the PS3 version...doesn't matter...Bioshock 1 was a masterpiece Imo, regardless of the differences. The question is how it will look on each console and they will make it look identical at any costs since they don't want to deal with certain rabid fanboys that complain about everything...they know who they are as do you.

btw...psm gave RDR it's GOTY. I'm sure you can find someone to say that the PS3 version was better than the 360 version even tho the PS3 was 640p, half the draw distance and a fps of somewhere between 15-30...O_o...does it make it true???

firemassacre4747d ago

BioShock PS3 Looks Better, Plays Harder (Say IGN)

Avatar for Luke Plunkett Luke Plunkett —The PS3 version of BioShock is a little different to the 360/PC one. It'll have downloadable "challenge rooms" for starters, but it'll also feature a new difficulty mode, "Survivor". Which is a stupid name. It should really be called "Will Kick Your Ass Up And Down Rapture". Instead of tweaking things like AI, they've instead decided to cut off pretty much all of your ammo, leaving you in many instances to pick up a gun with a single bullet in it. It'll also jack up the price of plasmids, reduce the amount of health vita chambers give you and just generally make the game, oh, impossible.

That's one of the main gameplay additions covered, but IGN are also reporting that that the PS3 version features improved visuals, with "cleaner high resolution textures for every facet of the game". They also say the water effects look "much slicker" than what we'll assume is the 360 version. So, improvements all round, then! Question is, PS3 owners: does this make up for the long wait?


gamingdroid4747d ago

All I have to say to that is:

"PS3 BioShock Apparently Looks BioShitty: 2K Responds to 'Bioshock' PS3 Pixel Problem"

At the bottom of the article:

"*UPDATE: Contrary to the vocal PS3 defenders, new screenshots have surfaced that show a blurry PS3 BioShock when compared to the Xbox 360 version. Head here to see the images."

source: http://n4g.com/news/209893/...

MarkusMcNugen4746d ago (Edited 4746d ago )

Honestly, I think anyone trying to make the distinction between platforms of course needs to remember that Bioshock was originally aimed at PC gamers. Im not trying to make the distinction that the PC version was better, it was, at least for the original Bioshock... but it has moved to a multi-platform game unlike how the original was meant to be.

Of course we can argue which console is better than another, or whether or not the PC is better than all of them. But in the end, it really all just depends on how the game is developed.

Its not unheard of for a company to realize that there's a larger market share and want to develop for all platforms. It may depend on the development team and such, but I have to say that in the end, its the same game whether it is in 640 or 720p... whether its on 360 or PS3.

Of course excluding Call of Duty and the terrible development of the PS3 version... that was just sad...

RedDead4747d ago (Edited 4747d ago )

Don't forget Ps3 Bioshock had a year on the 360 version(was it a year?)

firemassacre4747d ago (Edited 4747d ago )

That's one of the main gameplay additions covered, but IGN are also reporting that that the PS3 version features improved visuals, with "cleaner high resolution textures for every facet of the game". They also say the water effects look "much slicker" than what we'll assume is the 360 version. So, improvements all round, then! Question is, PS3 owners: does this make up for the long wait?

wow, im getting disagrees for FACTS. ONLY ON N4G

the ps3 version spanks the 360 version face it.

EDIT@inside out, this is not about red dead redemption, and besides, to each his own because ps3 got exclusive content.

Blaze9294747d ago

if the PC versions isnt better then they aren't doing it right....

multipayer4747d ago

The textures have been getting progressively worse for PC.
Bioshock 1 (best) 2 (getting uglier) Infinity (complete eyesore!)
Just kidding, even the really bad ports look badass when running at 100+ frames per second and 1080p+. But I bet their new cellshaded look is making texturing easier...

nopunctuation4747d ago

We will let our microscopic pixel counters be the judge of that. God knows a few missing pixels defines a game. /s

SilentNegotiator4747d ago

But 3D/Move support sure is nice.

TheLastGuardian4747d ago (Edited 4747d ago )

I played Bioshock 1 three times and Bioshock 2 twice on PS3, and got both platinums. Bioshock is my favorite multiplat FPS series ever.

Like Ken Levine, I'm also a fan of the Playstation Move. I've always thought Bioshock would be an awesome series to play with the Move especially after playing KZ3's campaign twice and now playing KZ3's MP only with the Move.

I believe Playstation Move will be the best way to play Bioshock Infinite. This game is gearing up to be a GOTY 2012 contender.

subtenko4747d ago

So the PSVita versions is gonna be on par with the PS3?! Hot dang!! :D==

50Terabytespersec4747d ago

same damn repeating stages and same limited characters and same boring "I have been here many times" feeling .
This game would be fun if they had the budget to build an actual world that doesn't feel so repetative.
We have bluray know you know??

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DigitalRaptor4747d ago (Edited 4747d ago )

PC version (most technically capable) > PS3 version (Move & 3D & Original game on the same Blu-ray disc > 360 version.

Unless somehow the PS3 version is badly developed (doubtful), that is how it will play out.

gameseveryday4747d ago

Given the fact that how Ken Levine came out during Sony's presser during E3... I HIGHLY doubt that the the PS3 version will be badly developed.

Heartnet4747d ago

the PC version will only be more techically able if the developers allow it to be though :)

If they made the console version the ONLY version and just was on PC the graphics settings etc would be same

but yeh ;)

AKS4747d ago

Theoretically, but it would certainly not be wll received if that happened. Many PC gamers would flip out if they did that.

buckley4747d ago

The developers don't have to "allow" it to be. PC gamers can activate things like antialiasing and anisotropic filtering through their video card alone without the assistance of the game itself.

I don't think there's a way that a developer could actually prevent any of that.

NYC_Gamer4747d ago

why should people worry about this long as the game runs solid on their platform of choice

buckley4747d ago

Shhh... there's no place for logic in fanboy wars.

JonahFalcon4747d ago

PC, by definition. People with their killer rigs...

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Top 10 Rarest Xbox 360 Games That Are Worth a Fortune

Twinfinite: “War may never change, but the prices of rare games do!”

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Christopher334d ago

"And lastly, famous Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling helped to create the action-RPG’s setting. What’s really fascinating, though, is that the game was partially financed by taxpayers from Rhode Island (which allegedly lost the state millions of dollars). Yikes!"

1. Now infamous Schilling
2. No allegedly, it did. And they couldn't pay it back.
3. What really lost the money wasn't the SP release but the MMO they were working on. This was supposed to be an introduction into the MMO world.

Soy334d ago

I hate counting limited editions for these lists. I mean, they're made to be rare and expensive. It's far more interesting to hear about the NCAAs (even if most people know that one already) and the El Chavos than some massive hit that came with a $200 statue at retail.

gamerz333d ago

Me too. Here's the best I can do:

El Chavo Kart $90.14
NCAA Football 14 $87.72
Spiderman: Edge of Time $75.94
Spiderman Web of Shadows $75.09
Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions $67.76

Christopher333d ago

Wow, El Chavo Kart is not at all what I expected by the name. 100% looks like a Sackboy Kart game.

Soy333d ago

It's so odd that so many Spider-Man games are seemingly given lower print runs, even if they're not the best games.

jznrpg333d ago (Edited 333d ago )

Most Xbox games don’t hold as much value compared to other systems. Kameo, Blue Dragon, Last Remnant , and a handful or 2 of other games that I kept.

sadraiden333d ago

Fallout 3 and Bioshock Infinite are the rarest games of all time.


8 Best Games Set In A Multiverse

One of the biggest TV and movie tropes in the last decade has been the multiverse, the idea of exploring multiple dimensions to uncover alternate versions of existing ideas. From both a business and creative perspective, it makes sense why established franchises are shaking things up in this way.

However, there aren't many video games latching on to this trend, as rendering multiple worlds in real-time is a difficult feat and the medium is relatively young in comparison to its contemporaries, making crossover opportunities more difficult. Still, there are a few great titles that manage enough to overcome these challenges, and here are some of the best examples.

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Christopher353d ago

While I love someone mentioning Planescape, not really multiverse. Planes and dimensions, yes. But, they are typically their own locations and are very rarely tied to another 'verse' let alone another plane. The only things that are directly tied are the ethereal and material planes. Otherwise, they are dimensions created of their own design and goals by the creator/owner and not comprised of 'their own version of another dimension'.


Bioshock Infinite vs Clockwork Revolution Comparison

See what a side-by-side comparison of Clockwork Revolution vs Bioshock Infinite looks like.