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PS3 owners snub Bulletstorm as game reaches million mark

It's a fact, PS3 gamers were not taken in by Epic Games' Bulletstorm as much as Xbox 360 gamers.

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Community4843d ago
shades724843d ago

Ps3 owners weren't lured in by gimmicks.

Abash4843d ago sure loves talking about PS3 related stuff

Oh and BulletStorm sold less on PS3 because of Killzone 3

shades724843d ago Show
Abash4843d ago

Grow up when I'm calling it as I see it? Sounds like you should take your own advice getting riled up by my comment.

And for something just as relevant to 360, are only focusing on the PS3's sales for the game saying "PS3 owners snub Bulletstorm as game reaches million mark"

ZombieAssassin4843d ago (Edited 4843d ago )


Yea 3rd article in 24 hours from this site that has been Ps3 focused.

ONTOPIC: The game prolly sold so much more on 360 because of the EPIC games name (even though PCF made it), besides UT3 I don't think EPIC has done anything else on PS3.

Tank_Commander_E64843d ago

Never heard of it...was it any good?

NateCole4843d ago

x360 fans love to complain about PS3 fans. Thats not news.

BlackTar1874843d ago

I really enjoyed Bulletstorm. Thought it was a refreshing take away from the serious FPS out there. I would def. play Bulletstorm 2

BattleAxe4843d ago

Bulletstorm looked stupid IMO, not to mention that Epic was stupid for releasing the game along side Killzone 3, and barely a month after Mass Effect 2 got released on PS3.

Dragun6194843d ago

It's a fact, Bulletstorm came out the same day as Killzone 3 And Xbox360 version came with Gears 3 beta.

Smh at article.

captain-obvious4843d ago

they got nothing to talk about on the 360 and they still got a website to run so ...
i dont blame them at all


DarkTower8054843d ago

Bulletstorm was a very fun game, and anyone here disagreeing simply because the article is knocking PS3 owners is foolish. I rented the game and the story was a blast, but I never tried the mp because I'm not going to give EA $10 for something I might not like, but I saw Youtube videos and the mp didn't look all that great.

There are other games out there that can provide a better mp experience and warrant a purchase for the replay value, that's why as a PS3 owner I didn't buy it.

evrfighter4843d ago

most played game on ps3 = what?

ya thought so

BubbleSniper4843d ago

they should have a sister-site or a name change to

SilentNegotiator4843d ago (Edited 4843d ago )

Bulletstorm was over-rated. They just took a shooter and gave it slow-mo, silly weapons, gimmicky kills that were always setups, and a scoreboard. But forum junkies will praise anything that isn't "serius!!", regardless of the games quality *COUGH*Duke Nukem*COUGH*.

And what an ironic marketing campaign.
"LOL, Call of Duty sux, slow-motion moments, dumb AI"

And of course PS3 owners didn't buy it in the same numbers. They were busy with a well made shooter that wasn't trying to attract people with gimmicks. Namely Killzone 3.

Spydiggity4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

Sorry, but KZ3 was overrated. it's a very average game. Bulletstorm is a very average game, but nobody claimed it was amazing. so it's not overrated...just average. The difference between the 2: Bulletstorm is just lighthearted fun, and KZ is a dull, depressing drag.

kikizoo4842d ago

spyddigity and other fanboys without exclusives, please, don't talk about games you don't even know, kz3 is underated (ps3 standard are higher) because of some stupid and biased reviews, most of the trusted media are giving 8 to 10 (12 to 14 if it was a xbox game with that graphic, technical quality).

MysticStrummer4842d ago

@evrtroller - Relevance of your comment = what? Thought so.

PROJECTbadass4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

"They were busy with a well made shooter that wasn't trying to attract people with gimmicks. Namely Killzone 3."

this made me laugh. well made games dont need the amount of patching that kz3 has needed. kz3's mp is as broken as any game i have ever played on line. they are still fixing things that should have happened in that useless beta they released. i think kz got pretty generous reviews for a game as broken as it is. you can spraypaint a turd gold, but it is still a turd either way.

bulletstorm is an ok game, but its more of a rent than a buy. one playthrough is about it.

zag4842d ago

If I remember correctly this games Advertising was all based around the 360, and in the very last quarter second there was something about it working on a PS3 or something like that.

I don't know about other people who have a PS3 but I'm probably not going to buy a 360 game if I don't own one and 99% of a game ADs are only about it working on the 360.

thief4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

for the same reason bayonetta never sold that well either - when you have killer exclusives like GoW3 or KZ3, why bother with sub-standard gimmicky games that xbox owners have to settle for?

"kz3's mp is as broken as any game i have ever played on line."
never played Gears 2 have we?
"They are still fixing things that should have happened in that useless beta they released."
No, they are supporting a game they released months ago, constantly listening to feedback. Something Epic would do well to learn.

PROJECTbadass - just checked your comment history
Sad. just sad.

hay4842d ago

Bulletstorm is really good and fun game. I'll say it again. You kids wouldn't notice good game if it'd slap you the face.

Keith Olbermann4842d ago

Ummm PS3 has had a crap load of exclusives. Thats why. Period.

jeseth4842d ago

This game got released in the same time frame as Killzone3, Socom 4, Dead Space 2, MLB The Show, Motorstorm : Apocolypse and Mass Effect 2.

Hard for a new IP to break in when well known franchises have releases coming out . . .

Bulletstorm looks fun and I'll probably get it during a buy 2 used Get 1 free sale at Gamestop or if Amazon has a good sale. So all fanboy crap aside, Bulletstorm just came out at a bad time on PS3 and a better time on 360.

ThanatosDMC4842d ago

Bulletstorm wasn't that good. Too many BS over the top actions.

lil Titan4842d ago

BulletStorm sold less on PS3 because its a crap game, the only reason why it sold so high on 360 because it came with the gears of war 3 beta. i admire the step away from the serious FPS out there but this game does it wrong, Time Splitters is a WAY better game thats not that serious shooter but its done right and where is Time Splitters 4?

afterMoth4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

You are damn right I snubbed this game. Why? The demo wasn't fun, the graphics are dated (by PS3 standards) and the dialogue is beyond horrible.

PS3 owners have hundreds of better games to choose from. Heck I would have thought even xbox360 owners have plenty of better games to choose from. I could be wrong, if so then the pickings are getting pretty dang anemic on the 360 side.

joab7774842d ago

Kinda funny that we all know why. First because of killzone 3, a huge ps3 exclusive, and second because its made by the creators of one of xbox's biggest exclusives, cliffyb and gears, which is also a killzone competitor. I'm not dumb enough to believe that bulletstorm was released w killzone by accident. It was to give Xbox a counter punch and steal a few from ps3. But, imglad PlayStation owners bought and played the better game, killzone. I remember people can fly saying that bulletstorm would blow uncharted away, that their whole game was like the train level...guess they were wrong

Shepherd 2144842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

KZ3 has a good MP but its campaign is nothing to brag about. The story is lifeless, the main characters are boring, and the campaign levels are just to give you something to do.

KZ3 has better graphics and a well implemented MP, but thats it. I know that sucks to hear since KZ is suposed to be the PS3's Halo or whatever, but youre kidding yourselves if you think the campaign is anything more than decent.

IcarusOne4842d ago

Can't stop lol-ing at all the KZ3 praise. People seem to be confusing graphics with an overall gaming experience. Underneath it's exceedingly polished veneer, Killzone is one of the stalest franchises of this generation. The trite story, the bland dialogue, the everything-done-before mechanics. Congratulations to the PS3. It's has some of the most beautifully ordinary exclusives of all time (UC and inFamous being the exceptions for me).

I give Bulletstorm props for at least trying something different and adding a sense of humor and style to the mix. And for not having Rico.

Boody-Bandit4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

How many exclusive mainstream titles were released in 2011 on the 360 vs the PS3? Oh, maybe that's why multiplatform titles sell a little higher on the 360. Just maybe.

What a silly article but what else is new.

You haters can down play Killzone 3 all you want. It doesn't discount the fact that on the PS3 Bulletstorm had titles to contend and nothing to go up against on the 360.

The only title I am looking forward to on the 360 this year is Forza 4 and that is only one of three exclusive titles being released this year and one is a remake. This really has been a great year for 360 gaming.

jadenkorri4842d ago

wow, just another day, 360 fanboys trying to downplay KZ3 somehow, the worst is comparing it to bulletstorm, oh god... you could at least try a little bit rather than grasp at straws. Why are we even comparing it to a multiplat game, shouldn't you like be comparing to an 360 exclusive....oh...that's right...well good job. I still remember the same ol downplays on KZ2 when it was 2 years old. How N4G never changes..

+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 4842d ago
Lekumkee4843d ago

Maybe just maybe the Gears of wars 3 beta included in the 360 version had something to do with it? Or the game just wasn't that good. I'll take a little bit of both.

Aloren4843d ago

The game was pretty good. It also got pretty good reviews, it's basically just as good as games like Crysis 2 or KZ3.

WitWolfy4842d ago

Its only selling point was the Gears 3 Beta, like Crackdown main selling point was the Halo 3 beta that time.

Was an average game IMO. And was what people expected Duke Numkem to be, If they included campaign co-op I wouldve worship this game. Thats for sure!

But after finishing the campaign and playing the horde like MP for a while it quickly got oldd and lost its appeal

Aloren4842d ago

Gears 3 wasn't its only selling point...It looks better than 90% of other games, the shooting is fun, and the single player campaign was quite enjoyable.

I've seen far worse games sell a lot more...

nycredude4842d ago

game is boring as fuck with no story. Same old moves over and over again it got old fast. I tried the demo on ps3 and thought it subpar and boring. Then I gave it a chance on pc and thought the same thing. If you paid full price for this then you got had period. It's worth $20 to $25 max. I might get it then but I am back up already.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4842d ago
Kon4843d ago

So why they were lured to PSMOVE?

RememberThe3574843d ago

Because it's not a gimmick?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I get it your trying to counter troll, my bad...

Urrakia344843d ago

Haven't tried PS Move yet but I still see it as a gimmick, just like Kinect.

cochise3134843d ago

Still stealth trolling on ps3 articles huh? What does ps move have to do with the article?

Bathyj4843d ago (Edited 4843d ago )

No offence Urrakia34, but thats because you haven't played it.

I dont speak for that Playstation Heroes game or playing with a plastic golf club, but (and I'm say this for the umpteenth time) Sharpshooter on Killzone is NO GIMMICK. Its a better way of playing and a completely different and more immerse way of playing.

I relate it to playing GT with a Steering wheel, it can be done without it, but is so inferior with a control pad. The wheel (and Sharpshooter) is much better, at least for those that take on the learning curve.

Holding steady, slowing your breathing and squeezing a single shot to get that distance headshot in Killzone, is a thrill that can not be duplicated on any other platform, PC and arcade included. We're not talking a crappy on rails shooter here. This is a real FPS played in the best way possible. Every shooter should support it.

jack_burt0n4843d ago


It will be years till the masses actually realise how good move is.

Its like going back to the launch of uncharted and trying to tell ppl its a masterpiece LOL

gamingdroid4843d ago

The bright ball and the gun attachment made it NON-gimmick! The crown jewel was when Kevin Butler convinced you it wasn't like the Wii at all.

2v14842d ago

some admin here that is no bias can ban kon the troll plz..

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4842d ago
Ravens204843d ago

PS3 owners just don't like playing as a bunch of fatasses as much as the 360 guys do.

Max_Dissatisfaction4843d ago (Edited 4843d ago )

Exactly, ps3 owners like to escape into fantasy...playing as fat asses would be too close to home for them
@pixelsword, did you just compare the lifetime sales of a 4 year old game to those of a 4 month old game?
*phone rings*. . . .
Its for you, its Logic, wants to know why you never use it

Ravens204843d ago (Edited 4843d ago )

So that means 360 guys like to keep it as realistic as possible?

By playing as feminine space power rangers and fatasses in tights they feel right at home.

pixelsword4843d ago (Edited 4843d ago )

@ Max:

1.Yeah, because playing as a space spartan is realistic.

2. Million means million, the timeframe is not significant, the sales numbers do; that's why you yourself undermined your point by saying lifetime sales. If million means success, then it doesn't matter how long it took as long as you got there. If million by a certain date meant success, then you would have a point; but you don't.

That's the funny thing about logic: you can't use it partially.

Lord_Sloth4842d ago

Exactly, Ravens20. i am so tired of playing characters who look like they've consumed a small village of raw protein.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4842d ago
pixelsword4843d ago (Edited 4843d ago )

Bulletstorm + million = achievement

Heavenly Sword + million and a half = disappointment?

Facts + fanboys = garbage.

At any rate Bulletstorm didn't sell well on the PS3, but it wasn't because of Killzone or Mass Effect; Bulletstorm didn't sell well on the PS3 because of Bulletstorm.

If Bulletstorm was a competitor of Killzone in terms of graphics or Mass Effect in terms of Story then maybe Bulletstorm would have sold, but since it lacked on both areas with competing games, it deserved to sell as low as it did in comparison to the other games.

the_kutaragi_baka4843d ago (Edited 4843d ago )

Ps3 owners weren't lured in by gimmicks"

funny, the MOVE sell around 8 millions...

and lol @ tards believe a multiplatform game has no chance competing with Killzone.Lets not forget the Killzone is still a small fanbase gamers.

memots4843d ago

Better on pc anyway , Looks actually quite good, Simple but effective shooter, Forgettable story.

nycredude4842d ago

Looks shit on pc also, a bit better than console but still shit.

mastiffchild4843d ago

It's a VERY average game with NO replay value and Epic knew PCF hadn't made a game as good as Painkiller this time round so stuffed it full of lame cock gags and stuck a Gears3 beta invite on it so it would, at least, pull a Crackdown on 360 and sell OK(ish)-not that the cock gags are platform specific(I certainly don't have a preference for which console gives me my genital based humour) but there was definitely no incentive anything like as good to buy it on PS3 now was there? It's a non -story.

Sadly, I had this game pinned,much as I had (wrongly in this case) Vanquish before it, as probable perfect rental fodder and in Bulletstorm's case I wrong too-it wasn't even a great rental. I =hate it when there's obvious effort put into a game but it's so aimless that the whole is a mess of ideas that either don't hang togeher or fall over each other never getting fleshed out enough to be really interesting.Buletstorm's biggest shortcoming was BECAUSE of opne of it'sstrengths too-the enemy AI was,largely useless so ou could treat them like idiots and pull of skill kills they HAD to be idiots so whenever they did the,usually, decent thing ofacting like a decent enemy and try to flank you, or, idk, actually move to cover it went against a core mechanic which tended to have you needing he enemy AI together to pull of the skills.

The rsultant mix of it being mindlessly easy and then totally frustrating without ever being dangerous was just not what that many gamers, on either console wanted. I'd say, for it's time, painkiller was a million times better then when you add in the release of KZ3(on PS) which was both a better game and had decent(though worse than KZ2's) MP which was absent from B'storm then it becomes pretty clear EXACTLY why that Gears3 beta made it sell a little better on 360-they had no shooter exclusive that month AND this carried a beta for their systems biggest game of the year!! Talk about a story that didn't need telling!

Also, I remember Cliffy talking about B'storm as being cable of doing what Gears3 did and building to a 6million+ series by game 2. That was just after announcement and that talk, even from Cliffy,went quiet very quickly as they must, themselves, have realised the game was one dimensional. So there you go: didn't sell on PS3 as there was a better choice with more value and sold a little on 360 as there was no competiton AND a big incentive with that Gears beta. Chirst, we all called this before launch.

Queefy_B4843d ago

It had the gears 3 beta and was an fps so no sh*t.

4843d ago
NyGiants74843d ago

I personally just think PS3 is more of an adult console, mainly teens play 360 and that's what Bulletstorm was going after.

WitWolfy4842d ago

Thats the biggest pile of bull Ive ever read. This game was just plain aweful, lackluster story line and forgettable characters.

Saying one console is more immature then another is just idiotic.

Lord_Sloth4842d ago

I'm sorry, WitWolfy, have you tried XBL? I have and all I got was cussed out for winning, called every obscenity in the book by perfect strangers just for being there, and even kicked for doing well, not even winning. Just doing well.

I asked "How's every1's game goin today?" trying to make conversation when 1st playing a game on XBL and ya know what I got? I for told to "Shut the **** up" by some kid on the other end. That didn't stop no matter how many different rooms I went to.

It sure failed the mature audience test to me no matter which game I played.

PROJECTbadass4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

@lord sloth

give everyone on ps3 a mic and you will get the same result. PS3 users dont use mics or they dont have them. any game i have ever played on ps3 is basically silent.

saying the ps3 is a more adult console is just another way for these fanboys to convince themselves they are superior. this site is a good example of immature ps3 gamers.

Muffins12234843d ago

bulletstorm sold more on pc than ps3,ps3 people are big shooters...ps3 really dosent have a shooter fanbase,and dont say killzone and shit ,if you compare that to gears, or halo,(halo sold 8 million,and cod only sold 12...) it dosent live up to the fanbase xbox/pc users have

JasonPC360PS3Wii4843d ago

"Ps3 owners weren't lured in by gimmicks" Yet you defend Move.

Multiplatform games are known to sell more on the 360 about 95% of the time. PS3 even has a hard time keeping up with 360 exclusives in sales.

gaden_malak4843d ago

"PS3 even has a hard time keeping up with 360 exclusives in sales"

Lol, only Halo and Gears sell massive for 360 exclusives. The others are on par with PS3 most ps3 exclusives (excluding Uncharted, MGS4 and GT)

Why o why4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

'360 exclusives'

sorry, had to. time will tell if either move ( a peripheral) or bulletstorm (a game) were gimmicks. Ive seen some serious fraggers using move and some great gameplay from bulletstorm. Calling something a gimmick is down to the users sometimes but comparing the two is a little silly, whoever threw that up as a response was kinda scraping the bottom of the barrel....kinect anybody??

Blaze9294843d ago

bulletstorm was a terrible game. if it wasnt for the Gears 3 beta, i bet many of those copies on 360 would not have been sold

otherZinc4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

This is why Epic should have made Bullet Storm exclusive to the 360 so it could have "campaign"co-op.

We know it can be done on the 360, Gears 1, 2, & 3 showing 4 player co-op proves that. This game would've sold over 1million inside of 2 months.

@guys talking Killzone 3 sales:
You guys act like Killzone 3 sold like a AAA title should: like Gears, Halo, COD. Killzone 3 didn't sell anything like that. So, what the hell are you guys talking about?

Pillville4842d ago

The reason for no multiplayer is the skillshot/slowmotion feature.

Cliff B said it himself:

How you going to have multiple people playing in real time if one person is seeing slow motion?

That's also why Fallout doesn't have multiplayer (V.A.T.S.)

Inside_out4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

Going up against Killzone 3 while Sony spent the whole month with a beta and a Demo gave the game a very low chance of success on the PS3 platform. Sony not only sabotaged Bulletstorm but Crysis 2 as well. Epic and Crytek should of went exclusive with M$ and they would of done much better.

If Bulletstorm had gone exclusive on 360 with an exclusive Gears of war demo and a beta key for the multi-player beta, the game would of been a smash hit with well over a million units sold on 360 alone. No real multi-player hurt the games chances as well.

I hope Epic learned a valuable lesson. Stay away from EA and Sony. Hopefully, Crytek have learned their lesson as well as PS3 fanboys attacked that game to no end and still attack it regularly. Sony really showed that they don't care about third party games...Bulletstorm and Crysis 2 really paid the price.

M-A-R-S-H-A-L-L4842d ago

Hey look! It's evrfighter, trolling in an article yet again and provides nothing to continue the discussion!

The PS3 has something called 'variety'. Maybe this site should do some research before they spew garbage in the first place.

frostypants4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

Bulletstorm was fun and had a cool original way of playing online, but was overpriced. Should have been $40 at launch.

It was still a helluva lot more fun than the Gears 3 beta, though.

Also, it's no secret that 360 players tend to be more into these kinds of games. I bought it for the 360 for that very reason (more people to play with).

Frostbyte4842d ago

God. Why are you PS3 owners so concieted and full of yourselfs. Always running around on this site acting like your all superior. Bulletstorm was ok, it might not be the graphical powerhouse kz3 was but that's no excuse to pit down and trash all the hard work people at PFC did on bulletstorm. You guys are pathetic look at yourselfs.

frostypants4842d ago

Um...they're just responding to the article, ya troll.

Why DIDN'T PS3 owners buy it, in your opinion?

Andronix4842d ago

Cliffy B. Is a big character in the industry which is great. But he is so big he is seen as the face of Epic. The problem is he is also regarded as a 360 evangelist. He regularly makes comments about how he hates the DualShock, and the PS3 is not his favoured console. The implicit message is that Epics PS3 games are half-hearted ports. This may or may not be true but If Epic want to have parity between sales of their 360 and PS3 games then they have to work hard to convince PS3 owners that they put 100% effort into the PS3 versions.

Tru_Ray4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

Agreed. Cliffy B is one of the biggest douche bags in the gaming industry. He has made it clear on innumerable occasions where his loyalties lie. PS3 gamers are not going pay $60 for a third rate game when KZ3 and Crysis 2 are available. It is not that difficult to figure out why we snubbed this lame game.

Mizz_mai4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

I Know the answer to this KILLZONE 3,see bots when you have choice you can pick a better one :)

maddfoxx4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

Or maybe its because PS3 owners were getting multiple exclusives during Bulletstorm's release. There was LittleBigPlanet 2 in January and Killzone 3 in February. Games like Mass Effect 2(PS3) and Dead Space 2 also released around the same time.

It probably sold more on the 360, because 360 only owners had fewer games to buy in that time frame.

Edit: Oh, and the 360 version of bulletstorm had the Gears 3 beta.

Tempist4842d ago

Yeah this is a bad thing how exactly?

showtimefolks4842d ago

i bought it used at gamestop buy 2 get one free sale. and no way in hell is this game worth a full 60 bucks.

it doesn't have anything to do with epic games or ps3 owners this game has boring online and a single player you can beat in 7-8hrs

and i bought killzone 3 over this and not ashamed to say that because much more replay value

evilmonkey5014842d ago

Ps3 users weren't lured because ps3 users have to many games to chose from, unlike another system out there.It has less to do with the game and more to do with choices.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 4842d ago
Silly gameAr4843d ago

Could have something to do with KZ3 releasing the same day. Not sure though.

shades724843d ago

PS3 owners only buy one game now? If you look at the source link it's based over 10 weeks. Surely once the buzz of KZ3 died down you'd buy other games? I did and enjoyed both games.

BrianG4843d ago

I'm sure PS3 owners buy more than 1 game. I do, but I don't do it on the same day very often at all. I usually wait a month or two to get another, some might wait longer.

But either way it is hard not to argue that KZ3 releasing the same day had an effect. Both FPS's, so same genre.

Silly gameAr4843d ago (Edited 4843d ago )

I didn't say that. Why are you trying to twist my words? I'm sure KZ3 being released around the same time had plenty to do with the poor Bulletstorm sales on PS3. Some people just don't have the money to buy more then 1 game so close together.

Or it could have something to do with Cliffy B saying they had to release it on the same day to f*** with KZ3? I kind of doubt that one, but who knows man.

Laika4843d ago

i bought killzone. bulletstorm just never did it for me. demo wasnt all that fun. plus with so many other better games coming out why waste my money on a game i dont care about.

Ju4843d ago

I rented. It was refreshing. Releasing with KZ3 wasn't smart. Actually, when that wore off, I got Socom4 instead. Bulletstorm was worth the rental, but it didn't really warrant a purchase for me.

Pedobear Rocks4843d ago

If I have my choice of ratty ass multiplat bs or exclusive made for my hardware games....what do you think we should choose?

Jack-Dangerously4843d ago

Lol wow. Good freak out bra.

4843d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4843d ago
shades724843d ago

Bulletstorm released on 02/25/11 that's almost 16 weeks ago. In that space of time the game only managed 200K sales on PS3.

I agree with you that even after the first 4 weeks going head to head with KZ 3 would affect sales, but I would not think it would last 16 weeks later. It just sounds like PS3 gamers are not interested in this game period.

fucadastates4843d ago

well after kz3 for the first 4 weeks, other new games came out.. and people got them. bulletstorm was old news at this point.
but one million for a new ip, thats awsome.

but.. if not for the GeoW beta.. would it even sell that much?

BlackTar1874843d ago

shadesz you need to calm down.

mastiffchild4843d ago

@fucadastates-you're right and the fact is the game is nowhere near as good as Crackdown1 was which is the only other time I recall a game getting as big a sales boost on a platform via a beta key give away. Most of us bought Crackdown, if we're honest,not cos it looked cool at the time(which it did) but because it had that precious Halo3 beta key with it and the same is true of Bulletstorm.Sadly, as it isn't as good a fame as that was it didn't spread by word of mouth and relatively few after that bought it for either system and by the time everyone who wanted the beta key had one and the buzz for KZ3 died down we were all eyeing new games anyway.

A sequel would sell even more poorly unless they reboot almost entirely and add a ton of features to the game or find an even bigger beta to give away with it. IDK how Vanquish sold myself but as another shooter without MP(which I first rented)I'd say that the lack of it affects sales fromthe start.Now, I went back and bought that game as there wer still interesting challenges to be had(to huis dy ith replays but there isn't the same level of challenge on Bulletstrom even with online leaderboards or with mates because the game doesn't lend itself to anything but showing off and you're STILL subject to where the daft AI wants to stand most of the time for skill shots/kills.

We've seen games, even when PS3 had sold way less consoles than 360, sell better worldwide on the PS3(I remember as far back as RE5 and TR;U this happening)before and on this occasion I see a reason for sales on 360 but very few reasons for sales on PS3 and more competition to boot on that platform at that time and in the same genre and exclusively. There's less mystery here than there,maybe, is in the way TR:U sold better on the platform where it DIDN'T have exclusive DLC.

I hate stories like this,made just to knock another platform for no good reason.Had it NOT had that beta, a big 360 exclusive had also released at the time and it still had the same figures then maybe(though as it's shit still possibly not) there would be some interest in the story but as it is it's a no brainer to me and a flamey one to boot.

Philoctetes4842d ago

You do realize that other games besides just Bulletstorm and KZ3 have come out in the last 16 weeks, right? It's not like PS3 owners finished KZ3 and then had no choice but to go back to Bulletstorm if they wanted games to play.

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NukaCola4843d ago

PS3 owner here. Didn't care that much.

news4geeks4843d ago (Edited 4843d ago )

I don't think many cared outside of 360 gamers. I'm not taking a shot at them but the typical run of the mill shooters always sell best on that console. Likely a result of the 360 gaming demographic being majority american and majority teens.

mastiffchild4843d ago

Gears3 beta.the only way you could get much value out of a shooter with little actual challenge and no MP. With KZ3 to choose instead and no gears3 beta why would a PS3 only gamer be interested in buying the game? I don't even think the "shooterbox"myth can be brought into play here when it's a case of Crackdown1 syndrome without the quality of the first Crackdown to bolster the legs of the game.

Redgehammer4843d ago

According to the ESA:
America's entertainment software industry creates a wide array of computer and video games to meet the demands and tastes of audiences as diverse as our nation's population. Today's gamers include millions of Americans of all ages and backgrounds. In fact, nearly three-quarters of all American households play games. This vast audience fuels the growth of this multi-billion dollar industry and helps bring jobs to communities across the nation. Below is a list of the top 10 entertainment software industry facts:
1.Consumers spent $25.1 billion on video games, hardware and accessories in 2010.
2.Purchases of digital content accounted for 24 percent of game sales in 2010, generating $5.9 billion in revenue.
3.Seventy-two percent of American households play computer or video games.
4.The average game player is 37 years old and has been playing games for 12 years.
5.The average age of the most frequent game purchaser is 41 years old.
6.Forty-two percent of all game players are women. In fact, women over the age of 18 represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (37 percent) than boys age 17 or younger (13 percent).
7.In 2011, 29 percent of Americans over the age of 50 play video games, an increase from nine percent in 1999.
8.Fifty-five percent of gamers play games on their phones or handheld device.
9.Seventy-six percent of all games sold in 2010 were rated "E" for Everyone, "T" for Teen, or "E10+" for Everyone 10+. For more information on game ratings, please see
10.Parents are present when games are purchased or rented 91 percent of the time.

WhiteLightning4843d ago

The only thing which bugged me when it was released along side Killzone 3 is that most reviewers would give games a low score just on the fact that a game dosen't have a full online yet Bulletstorm got a free pass.....what's up with that.

pixelsword4843d ago

*looks around and whispers*

PS3 exclusive

*runs away*

ElementX4843d ago

I bought KZ3 and Bulletstorm.

Aussiegamer4843d ago

Yeah I bought both and loved both, although bulletstorm was not the game killzone 3 was it was still enjoyable. I also picked Bulletstorm up really cheap like 3 weeks after release and it was a really fun game, at the end of the day thats all you ask for. And I dont seem the big deal that ps3 owners didnt buy this game, not everyone can afford to buy unlimited amounts of games so people are always going to pass on something.

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Duty Calls - Epic Games' Forgotten Call of Duty Parody

Back in 2011, Epic Games and People Can Fly launched a Call of Duty parody - Duty Calls - that has been lost to the annals of history.

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closed_account465d ago

"Duty Calls: The Calm Before the Storm" sounds more like a massive case of the sh**s. 😂

I saw the parody mention, and half expected the ability to drop a deuce on your opponent... I left disappointed.

closed_account463d ago

Never too much Taco Tuesday!! Now if only we could just achieve eternal Taco Tuesdays without the inevitable Wipe-It Wednesdays!!! 😂😂

464d ago Replies(3)
Amplitude463d ago (Edited 463d ago )

Hahaha i actually just dropped a review of this game on my channel! I hit all the story beats for anybody too lazy to install it and play through it


Bulletstorm - A Cult Classic Worthy of Revival?

Bulletstorm will soon receive a VR remake, but is it worth revisiting? Take a look back at the original 2011 release.

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SullysCigar473d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(2)
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IMissJimRyan473d ago

Absolutely. I remember when the game came out on ps360, I thought: "wow, another shooter" and in the 7th gen that wasn't an unfair reaction.

But when the game was re-release on ps4 I took my time an played it (it was on playstation plus at the time) because, ironically, I missed a shooter in that console. And boy, what a fun game! They made a game to be played and not to be watched. It was a fresh air in the genre that deserved better.

So yes. Maybe it find its audience this time.

SullysCigar473d ago

It's an awesome game. The only exception (for my taste) is the script writing, which is OTT, but I guess that's what they were going for. It does at least match the OTT action and gore. I thought it was great overall and actually being in this game is going to be bonkers!

IMissJimRyan472d ago

Yeah, I agree that storywise it's not an Oscar nominee, but it's like a porn movie in game format.

Abnor_Mal472d ago (Edited 472d ago )

Agree with the over the top script, and felt at the time that was the only thing that people were hyped about, the language and not game play.

But in vr this game is going to be great. It has everything that would make a great vr game. Lots of bombastic action, gunplay, blood, and that leash.

Looking at the gameplay now it seems that the game was ahead of it’s time and was perfect for vr before vr wasn’t even off the ground.

Venoxn4g472d ago

I loved the game back in the day and will love in VR even more!

Yui_Suzumiya472d ago (Edited 472d ago )

I got it on PS3 at launch and am still waiting for the long rumored sequel to finally be announced. Currently have it on Switch and wish a physical version of that would be released. Absolutely love it.

FinalFantasyFanatic472d ago

I actually feel like this game gets revived all the time, not that I hate the game, I actually quite like it, it's just constantly available, unfortunately I'm not a fan of VR so I'll be skipping this version.


8 Games that need sequels

GF365: "Here are eight games that need sequels. These games are ones that players would love to experience another time, bigger and better."

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Leeroyw509d ago

Bloodborne is a game I still restart and play every few months. I would welcome just a re release in 60fps with a visual upgrade. It's a perfect game. If I was king for a day I would include the randomizer mods because then it would be a kind of rogue like and I could play it forever.

gleepot508d ago

Sure, ill take a sequel to all of these.