Shaman4785d ago

Its's gamespot source,so its probably much more serious than some german site that was writting about it last year.

Anyway...HELL YESS!!!Let it be VC R*!

Eiffel4785d ago (Edited 4785d ago )

I'd take San Andreas over Vice City.

Give me an entire state this time, not another confined city.

Shaman4785d ago (Edited 4785d ago )

I wouldn't.Vice City with RAGE engine...oh my...0_o.Not just the city,maybe state of Florida with big city being Vice City.I wouldn't mind next SA for the last year of this gen though...

Solidus187-SCMilk4785d ago

noone would want to drive from miami to orlando in a game. Everyone would just fast travel between cities, making the in between pointless.

Trust me, I live in Florida, and most of the state is covered by woods, swamp and small redneck towns. Only a few cities worth going to.
I could understand if they had more than one city, but an entire state or even only the big cities is not possible. It would take way too much time, money and space. They would not be able to get all cities on there, and what is the point of having the whole state if there is a crap load of empty space in between the few cities that they could make.

Even with every single city and town in FLorida, there would still be way too much empty space in between. It would have to be on 20DVDs and multiple blurays, and would have a bunch of loading after traveling a while. Not to mention the DEV time needed to do something like that.

I think they should focus on one or two big cities, maybe some towns outside the city. My main problem with GTA 4 was the friendship and phone calls that they added, totally pointless and dumb.

TheDivine4785d ago

Ive always wanted gta new orleans. So many great things could be done there. Id like it to have a big hurricane hit and parades and voodoo. All the crazy charm no has.

kma2k4785d ago

@ The Divine i dont think they would want to go the new orlans route, Infamous 2 just did that. Granted GTA could do it better, but why duplicate a city that was so recently done!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4785d ago
nopunctuation4785d ago

This game has probably been in development for a long time. Rockstar started on GTA IV right after san andreas was released so I dont see why they would not do the same here.

Ahasverus4785d ago

Make it a two DVD - 1BR game with both San Andreas AND Vice City. Otherwise why does it have taken so long to be made? it must be epic in scope

NYC_Gamer4785d ago

i believe they should wait and release it on next gen hardware

jbiz3304785d ago

and I believe youre an idiot.. Who wants to wait till 2014 possibly for a GTA game?

Prcko4785d ago

omg omg omg
every time i hear gta 5 my heartbeat going over 100

nopunctuation4785d ago (Edited 4785d ago )

360 is pretty likely to be included as well. I think Rockstar learned its lesson on developing for 360 as the primary build though and hopefully they will use PC or PS3 as the primary build and port it to Xbox 360. It makes all the versions better really.

slavish34785d ago

last time i checked final fantasy was developed on ps3 1st and port to 360 and they got screwed so learn the facts. Better if they develope all 3 simultaneously.

HappyTrigger4785d ago

I know that most of you would like to see this game a PC and PS3 exclusive because you no longer want it to be "dumb down", but c'mon, actually think about the gamers who don't give a crap about that stuff. People who actually enjoy the game.

GodsHand4785d ago

I still enjoy GTA:IV. Though it would of been nice if PS3 users did not have to wait so long for the DLC, seeing as I own the copy for PS3.

As for what city GTA:V will be, I have a feeling it will be Los Angeles (San Andreas). Just because of Mid-Night Club: LA, and LA Noir, even though that city is set some time ago. They pretty much laid the ground work for the cities to be used in the next GTA Series.

FunkMcnasty4784d ago

How does the Xbox 360 "dumb down" a multiplat game?? People on this website talk about the 360 like it's an Atari 2600. I don't get it..

jbiz3304785d ago

good luck in hoping for that to happen.

Burning_Finger4785d ago

PSVITA can handle it.. Make it happen R*.

nopunctuation4785d ago (Edited 4785d ago )

Id like to see San Andreas stories on Vita. As far as a full fleged GTA on a handheld goes, that is a prettty bad idea. As good as Vita is, it could hold back the potential of the game.

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Rockstar almost ported 2 classics for Nintendo, and they’re not GTA

Rockstar Games' The Warriors tie-in game and Bully almost landed on Nintendo handhelds, but the GTA 6 devs never got them off the ground.

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OtterX6d ago

Bully would have been a great one for portable. I would have bought it.

Knightofelemia5d ago

What's wrong with porting 2 classics to the Switch? Bully is a decent game I know nothing about the Warriors. I own LA Noire on the Switch would have grabbed the GTA trilogy if it wasn't a steaming pile of shit.


GTA 5 DLC: Parts of Canceled Project Made Its Way to GTA Online

A Former Rockstar dev has revealed that they were making a GTA 5 DLC, but it was scrapped since GTA Online was such a "cash cow," though it wasn't a total waste as parts of it made its way to GTA Online.

shinoff218317d ago

What a damn shame. Sinfmgle player dlc could've been so dope but nope fk you single player guys.

Perfect reason why I'm against single player games having multiplayer attached. Eat up more resources

17d ago
Rebel_Scum17d ago

Honestly sucks they couldnt do something for SP dlc. It wouldnt hurt their bottom line at all to do.


Why I Believe GTA 5's Story Mode Isn't As Bad As People Think

GTA 5's story mode deserves more attention.

Read Full Story >>
Ezio204819d ago

Sure the story mode which got a 97 metacritic isn't as bad as people think. Stupid ass article.

GamerRN18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Who actually thought it was bad? Personally, I think they should have finished the Story DLC to at least gauge sales and if it was worth it vs GTO.

Terry_B19d ago

I think I did not see even one thought out piece by this site named tech4gamers yet. approvals for this nonsense from me.

isarai18d ago

Ive never heard anyone really complain about the story mode 🤨

cloganart18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Just some people who didn't like that the story was split between 3 protagonists and kinda had weird pacing because of it.

Rebel_Scum18d ago

I didnt like how the heists consisted of 3 preparation/fetch quests which were dull as. Also there should’ve been more heists and more assassination missions.

It was pretty good apart from that.

But yeah some folks didnt like the character switch on release.

gold_drake18d ago

ehhh who exactly thinks the story mode is "bad" ?

Dudeson18d ago

The only bad about it is that there isn't any more! Cancelled story dlc to make online stuff... But hopefully gta 6 will be a great adventure again.

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