
DICE Responds To Gamers Disappointed Over PS3 Footage Of Battlefield 3

While most console gamers are more than satisfied with the PS3 footage of Battlefield 3 shown on late night with Jimmy Fallon last night, there are some who say they’re somewhat disappointed in the showing, claiming it’s a downgrade from what we’ve been seeing all along after DICE had promised it’d look the same across all platforms.

Well the developer’s responded to that, making quite clear their intentions.

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Pedantic914788d ago

And even i find those complaints stupid as hell.

Seriously, who in there right mind would ever expect the console version to look better than the PC version ?

blumatt4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

That pretty much explains it. lol And, more than likely, most of the people complaining are the ones that have a $2000+ PC rig that are trying to make themselves feel better by complaining about the PS3 version's graphics. haha I personally thought the footage shown was excellent for console graphics. I'm getting it on PS3 and I'm about to get a new Mac that could play it on very high specs. Why? Because all my friends are on PS3. (And because I prefer a DualShock to a keyboard.)

Also, the graphics isn't the only thing that's been improved. The destruction looks very well implemented and the ability to help out a fallen foe is certainly a welcome addition.

Well, my statement might have been a bit hyperbolic, but you get what I'm saying. That's still much more expensive than a $300 PS3 console.

Bolts4788d ago

You don't need a $2000 PC gaming rig to make BF3 look better than the PS3. $700 should do it.

DualConsoleOwner4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

The game may still be the best looking multiplatform title.Having said that, i don't think they are fully using the power of the cell.

PS3 exclusives like Killzone 3, God of War 3 and Uncharted 2 looks way better than any multiplat titles out there..

I am beginning to wonder if multiplat devs will ever fully use the power of the cell.

whats up with the disagrees??
All i said was game looks great but not as good as existing PS3 exclusives... which is true.

Montrealien4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

at least seven people clearly have no idea what it costs to build a good gaming PC since they disagreed with fanboi, and are mad.. I just did mine for 600$ granted I already had a monitor.

and lol @ saying "using the full power of the cell" in 2011

theIMP4788d ago

@ DualConsoleOwner
I think you're going a little far with the "WAY BETTER" thing. Also what exclusive are you talking about that’s doing half of what BF3 is? I really want to know so I can go buy it tonight. Please don't take this the wrong way. I love every game you just listed, but to compare a game like GOW3 where you can't even move the camera to a game like BF 3 that has that much stuff going on at one time is pretty sill if you ask me. Again I love GOW3, hell and 1, 2, Chains of Olympus, and Ghost of Sparta, but they are not even in the same league as this.

Montrealien4788d ago

To be fair, on the PC, Arma 2 does way more then half of what BF3 does, and it looks pretty damn good. Does that count as an exclusive? since it kinda is.

Ve_Chuy4788d ago

dualshock to a keyboard on a shooter hahahahaha u made my day

dyennam4788d ago

@ Ve-Chuy

Dude he was just telling his opinion on what he prefers.

B00M4788d ago

Montrealien - Yeh agree with what you said on Arma 2. I've tried the demo but its just so glitchy and the controls feel horrible. Graphics arent bad but it is a demanding game.

pandehz4788d ago

Misleading horsecrap.

Make statements with logic and facts. Try not to mix em up with ur version of facts.

2000$? Gimme

ProjectVulcan4788d ago

Looks amazing in the PC shots. Perfectly acceptable on console.

Anyone that thinks consoles in the later stages of their lifespan could stand up to a decent gaming PC needs their heads checking.

PC gamers will have paid more and they will get more when it comes to visuals. That is life and that is how it should be

Ulf4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

People love to exclude the keyboard, mouse, and OS and when they "build a custom gaming rig for under X $$$", or the coffee table you'd need to set up to use those things (in the livingroom) without a monitor and computer desk as well.

It's pretty tiresome to hear PC fanboys go on and on about how cheap a "good" gaming PC is, when its basically BS, unless you plan on scavenging components from an old PC, pirating a copy of Windows ("re-using" it is actually illegal, you know), and already have a decent monitor, desk, speakers, etc., or plan on setting up your living room to have said gaming PC -- which is a huge irritant for most people.

The PS3 version looks great for what it is. I'm not complaining, and I'm not bothering to get it on PC, despite owning a PC which can give my PS3 a performance beatdown.

DaTruth4788d ago

Although a $700 PC is all you need, he said he is getting a MAC; whatever you can get in a PC will cost you a helluva lot more as a MAC!

ProjectVulcan4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

@ Ulf

Probably because a keyboard and mouse are cheap peripherals and you can get them for next to nothing all the way up to uber prices as you choose. As are monitors, when you can use a HDTV same as a console.

PC is a flexible system with many options. Many are obvious and shouldn't need to be explained constantly like i find myself doing to people here who only present one side of an argument. Flexibility is one of the great assets of the system. Table? Stand? You could use a pad or wireless keyboards etc or build a small, discreet, powerful HTPC that fits on a tv stand. Same place where a console might go. Vast options to suit anyone's requirements desiring a gaming PC.

It is tiresome for me too listening to console only gamers forgetting stuff like extra peripherals for their machine, or online subscription renewals or bigger hard drives or games that are always more expensive over the life of their console ownership which would add up to many hundreds of £/$ more than PC versions...

This works both ways. Think. I have owned every major console from every generation since the late 80's and have a nice gaming PC setup. Many people now consider their PC as an essential home item and would not be without one. So i consider it extra value if the PC can also play games besides the other stuff you might always use one for.

People are going to talk about a budget gaming PC which would certainly destroy aging consoles especially when it is in a topic about a special looking PC game such as this. Other people should at least accept that is going to happen instead of launching into a tirade.

Tank_Commander_E64788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

They're disappointed? Did they expect it to look exactly like the PC version? F***ing idiots.

BF3 looks a million times better than MW3. I can't wait to checkout the rest of the game hopefully we'll get new footage soon.


What the f**k are talking about and why do you awesome it's PS3 gamers that are complaining?

HSx94788d ago Show
gamingdroid4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

When I first saw the footage of BF3 at E3, I was like wow, that some seriously good graphics! Until my friend told me, that is PC!

Well, how the heck am I suppose to know it is PC footage if they don't say it and show it during one of the three's console manufacturers conference?

Maybe that has something to do with it? Maybe the marketing department have been talking sh!t up about new engine, Frostbite 2, and people got their expectations up? Combine that with the footage they have shown?

@Ju below:

So the PS3 is actually more similar to PC, as many games requires an installation. KB/Mouse say hello to controller.

I don't think PC will replace consoles in the near future, but they are more similar than you think.

Ju4788d ago Show
HeroComplex4788d ago Show
xTruthx4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

All the people who disagreed with this

"You don't need a $2000 PC gaming rig to make BF3 look better than the PS3. $700 should do it. "

Have probably never build a computer part from part

"Well, how the heck am I suppose to know it is PC footage if they don't say it and show it during one of the three's console manufacturers conference"

It was pretty clear it was running on PC when they showed the guy with a keyboard and mouse right at the beginning

Tank_Commander_E64788d ago

obviously I meant to write assume instead of awesome. XD

slayorofgods4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

Anyone that believes that it costs 2000 dollars to have a gaming pc is ignorant.

Some of you are sounding ridiculous; PS3 owners on here are acting like the PC gamers are the ones putting down the PS3 version, not true. All they are saying is it doesn't cost 2000 dollars to have a gaming PC. A 700 dollar gaming PC is very realistic, I only paid 500 for my build and it runs most games on very high.

Elwenil4788d ago

I think a lot of people are put off by the whole expensive PC thing. While $2k is a bit much, it's understandable for someone buying a "in the box" PC and not building it from scratch. Personally, while you can build a $700 gaming rig now, it will be damn near useless in a few years so you are probably better off to spend $2k or so to build one so it will be relevant a little longer rather than dump almost a grand every few years. I know my old Pentium 4 rig I'm on now was a compromise when I built it in '05 and now it's next to worthless for new games. I can't hope to run ARMA 3 on it as it barely ran the original ARMA on low settings. I swore my next build would be with the best tech that was available at the time so it would be a little more "future resistant". I'm not talking ridiculous $1k i7 Extreme processors but at least an i7 of some sort and a current generation graphics card and enough RAM to be useful until an upgrade is needed provided the motherboard can handle it. For me, this will require everything new except for the tower case itself, which is a shame since I hate this Ultra POS I have now. My Thermaltake 480w power supply? Useless on a modern rig. My old PATA drives? RAM? 8X AGP graphics card? P4M900 MB? All useless for a modern rig. My monitor is new but my old G15 keyboard and G7 mouse have just about had it so those will need replacing also.

So while you can build a PC for gaming for $700 for some people, you can't logically disagree with other people who say that such a PC will not fit their individual needs. $700 is a drop in the bucket compared to what I will need for my next gaming PC.

lil Titan4788d ago

i thought the game looked decent being that ITS NOT FINISHED YET smh wait until the game releases

AKS4788d ago

Seems like there's a lot of hate being thrown at PC gamers. I game around 50/50 PC and PS3 most of the time (and own a Wii and 360), and I have no problem with the way the PS3 verion looks. I think DICE has done a great jobs making the PC, 360, and PS3 versions of multiplatform games look great.

Aquanox4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

We're in the times of sli/crossfire setups (wih each GPU 4x more powerful than the ones on consoles), CPUs that easily overclock to 4.5Ghz and 8GB of DDR3 Ram now, and BF3 will most likely drain every bit of power of those setups. Why in hell wouldn't it look better than the PS3 version?

AKS4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )


"$700 is a drop in the bucket compared to what I will need for my next gaming PC."

Need or want? You don't NEED to run every game at max. Perhaps you WANT to, so you will spend a lot more than you actually need to?

An overclocked Sandy Bridge i5 ($200) and decent mid to upper mid range card ($200 to $250; here's an XFX 6950 w/ STALKER Pripyat and Dirt 3 for $199 shipped http://www.newegg.com/Produ... ) will play every game on the market at respectable settings, just not always at max with the top end games.

Deputydon4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )


Okay, and to get HD graphics from a PS3/Xbox 360 you need an HDTV *SHOCK*. So add that into the price of a console I suppose...

If you build your own PC (which is ridiculously easy anyways) you can get a pretty damn capable PC for pretty cheap. I just bought a new PC mainly because of BF3. I honestly have no clue if it will run the final product at 1080p on very high settings, but I'm positive it'll manage on at least high.

Nvidia GTX 560 Ti
Phenom II x4 955 BE (@3.6, easily OCed from 3.2)
8GBs of Ram
Asus M4N98TD EVO Motherboard

The reason people don't include keyboard and mouse. Do you REALLY need to buy new ones? I've used the same keyboard since CS:CZ came out. That's 7 years on the same crappy $8 crappy basic keyboard. I used a $14 Logitech Click mouse for years, best mouse I've ever used for gaming until it broke, about 6 years after I bought it.

Also, 'reusing' Windows is not illegal unless you have an OEM version. And that's because the OEM version is meant for 'system builders.' Which really means, companies looking to build system and sell them. Such as Dell. The serial number gets attached to that motherboard so it can't be reactivated on another motherboard. A RETAIL copy of Windows is free to reuse as much as you want. You just cannot have it activated on more than one computer at one time. Meaning if your household has multiple computers, in order to 'legally' have windows on each computer, you'd have to buy a copy for each PC.

In most cases you can even use the case from your old PC assuming it's not a Dell and is big enough... same with the HDD. Why would you not reuse hardware if given a chance? If the PS4 comes out and it uses the exact same controller as the PS3 just called 'Dual Shock 4' but the PS3 controller will still work on it, are you going to go out and purchase an extra dualshock 4 just because the name claims it's newer? Well, you might, I sure as hell would be happy using the old one. Just like i'm doing with my keyboard, mouse, HDD, and my RETAIL copy of Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.

Oh, and for the record, I actually think the PS3 version looks pretty good for a console game. Not to mention I'm mainly a PS3 gamer (350+ hours of Demon's Souls). Yeah.

EDIT: I forgot to mention how much I paid for my new PC excluding all the reused things. I bought a new case as well. An Antec 300 for $60. I also bought a new PSU mainly because I wanted to, my old one was 500 watts which would have worked, but I wanted to make sure it was adaptable for the future (buying another 560 Ti for SLI down the road, which will effectively add another 2-3 years for what will be relatively cheap at that point) So I went with a 650 Watt Antec PSU on sale on Newegg for $65 That makes the total cost of my pc about $625. Excluding my HDD, Monitor (Acer H243H), mouse, and keyboard. More expensive than a console? Yes (the same price as a launch PS3 with tax....)and I get superior looking games.

Elwenil4788d ago


Need or want? Well that's sort of the point. I could build a new PC for about $1k to run todays game but, like I said above, I would be back in the same spot I am now in a couple years and have to do it all over again. Keep in mind that I don't overclock my PCs to keep them reliable as I work for a living and can't afford to cut short the life of anything I buy. Also since I am running a 32 bit P4 with XP, I would need a new OS and everything which just ads more to the price. And no, I do not run linux or pirated OS. I use my PC for more than gaming so it has to meet certain reasonable requirements. So is it want or need to have a PC that is relevant for more than a few years? Is it more practical to spend $700-$1k every couple years to update a PC or just spend $2k or more to build one that is good for 5 years or more?

No one can say what fits an individuals needs more than that individual. Sure, a lot of us could get by with less than we "want" but am I not already doing that by getting BF3 for my PS3? I would love to play BF3 with my old squad at Tactical Gamer on PC but $700 or $2k, it's just not in the finances right now. Maybe next year. But either way I disagree with the people saying "all you need is $700 for a gaming PC" since this may apply to someone with a fairly modern gaming rig already that just needs and overhaul or it could be a console gamer with a 10 year old laptop that will need damn near everything. So I would caution people to not criticize others for not agreeing that "all you need is $700".

mrsatan4788d ago

There is no Mac that will play this game at the highest settings. Keep dreaming and get a real gaming PC.

RedDragan4788d ago

You can build a gaming PC for $700, but it would not be anywhere near as good as a gaming PC that costs $2000.

But that is by the by, the thing that matters most is what you want and what you are willing to put up with.

If that means a $300 PS3, $700 gaming PC or a top of the range $2000... so be it. The magic of this world is it is all your choice and nobody can stop you.

ProjectVulcan4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

Updating a PC inside a console generation for games is not always needed, it is a choice if your machine is already faster i believe. Once its faster, its always faster than that generation...

This caught my eye from Elwenil : "Is it more practical to spend $700-$1k every couple years to update a PC or just spend $2k or more to build one that is good for 5 years or more?"

I think it is entirely more practical to spend less and update more often. Let me get this clear, i don't believe it NECESSARY, its just choice.

However, because of the speed of the technology you could spend a fortune on a machine, get all top end gear, and then within 2-3 years at very most, cheap lower/midrange hardware is far faster.

I feel it is far wiser to buy smart, buy components that are the best balance of performance and cost with the most chance of a long lifespan. Then upgrade gradually selling older parts to subsidise, and retain parts that can outlast main processors like cases and power supplies etc.

If you spend a lot of money you might find yourself with a machine dated far faster than you had hoped and parts worth far less to sell and replace with newer. This is why $700-1k every couple of years makes more sense to me than $2k every 5 years. You will almost certainly have a much better system more of the time this way.

If you had spent $2k 5 years ago you would have a Core 2 duo and a X1900XTX and still have it. If you had split it over time and spent less you would have had a slower machine then yes, but also now probably upgraded to an i5 750 and say a Radeon 4870. A far better machine.

orakga4788d ago

You don't need to "do it all over again". That argument is so flawed.

You can build a $700-1,000 system today, enjoy it for a couple of years, then spend $500 or so in the second year to extend its life for another 12-18 months. I've done that pretty much all since 2000 (before then, yes, you sorta had to "do it all over again" due to technology standards changing too fast).

Plus, don't forget that this is your PC. It's not like you own a PC for browsing, then another PC just for gaming. Everybody owns a $500+ desktop already, so you're really only adding a $100-200/year premium on top of your existing PC to make it "gaming capable".

Like others have been saying, people who use these hyperboles have no idea how PC gaming actually works.

I own two PS3s and 360s as well, so please don't go branding me as a PC fanboy. I just don't want facts being skewed unfairly in this discussion.

pixelsword4788d ago

It's a multiplat, which won't look as good as an exclusive anyways, so the fact that it looks good in and of itself ought to be enough.

DatNJDom814788d ago

I'm pretty sure that the "fanboys" that are complaining are most likely the xbox camp from this site. LOL. See I can start something on the interwebz too. Hooray for me getting recognized online!

awi59514788d ago


Well when i saw the graphics its a dead give away. Did you really think a console could make graphics that crisp and clear with that draw distance. When i first saw it i knew it was pc i dont see how you would get confused. Maybe because you never had a good gaming pc maybe.

ChrisW4788d ago

Everyone knows that it's impossible to get the exact same graphics across all platforms.

And IMO, it looks damn awesome on the PS3 considering that it's running at an equivalent to a nVidia 7800GTX. That is technically 4 generations behind the newest graphics card.

If they can do that good of a job with the PS3, then they did a DAMN good job!!!

ht21124788d ago

I can play PC games with a Dualshock 3 controller.
Or a Xbox 360 controller.
Or a Mouse and Keyboard.
While sitting on the couch playing on a 60' Plasma @ 1920*1080 because my computer can hook up to a TV.
Shocking! Right?
(I also own a PS3 and an Xbox 360)

4788d ago
badz1494788d ago

most of those complaining are PC fanboys! they really feel the need to emphasize that the PC is more powerful which is common sense anyway! BF3 looks good on PS3. not PC good but still good regardless! stop whining bitches!!

ChrisW4787d ago


Unfortunately younger gamers more than likely still live their parents probably aren't allowed to hook their computer up to their TV... that is, if their parents have a TV capable of hooking a computer up to.

+ Show (37) more repliesLast reply 4787d ago
The_Claw4788d ago

Pre-Alpha build confirmed.

narked4788d ago

still, it's like having a fiat and expecting it to drive like a ferrari

gedapeleda4788d ago

They should downgrade graphics on consoles,and allow more players and bigger maps,cuz I dont give a $%!^ how those graphics look bc1 visuals would be good enough.

S_C4788d ago

The game Looks really good for console but did anyone eles notice line on the screen when the player moves and when he run through the door way ?

The_Claw4788d ago

you probably saw a bad video. some guy was promoting a 1080p video when in reality it was 720p upscaled and looked like crap. try watching it in 720p

S_C4788d ago

cheers mate, shall do now :D

ILikeTurtles4788d ago

"I'm a ps3 fanboy"
I stoped reading right there xD

Petro4788d ago

Why did you stop reading there? Wouldn't we who own and love our PlayStation 3's be the most disappointed if game for our system looked bad? And it obviously doesn't look bad at all.

Jocosta4788d ago

It is because Ps3 fanboys still think that the Ps3 is somehow just as powerful if not more than a good gaming rig.

Petro4788d ago

No we don't. Also stop generalising like we all are single minded. Usually when we talk about games and graphics we are comparing them to other games of the same platform or to other console games. Cause its obvious that PC can do better graphics.

HSx94788d ago

Im laughing at the fact that these PS3 Fanboys are admitting their fanboyism with Gaming machines

Clarence4788d ago

We all don't think like that. Pc shooters are suffering. Why do you think the top Pc shooters are coming to consoles. The market for shooters is stronger on consoles right now. I bet your pc friends already have consoles.

Go cop a PS3 or 360 so you don't have to play online by yourself.

PRHB HYBRiiD4788d ago

it looked awesome...*goes to gamestop to finish payment*

Statix4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

The people who are disappointed by or lambasting the footage of Battlefield 3 on PS3 are either:

a) MW3 fanboys looking to bash BF3
b) PC fanboys looking to bash the console version of BF3
c) Mentally retarded

Ser4788d ago

I agree with all of the options aside from "c."

The difference in quality is there, but it's not so drastically different to the point where I would consider getting BF3 for my PC instead.

FFXI1014788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

PC's vision(BF3) is looking better no doubt.

But there is no need to bash the console vision or console gamers, lot of us prefer to play on the consoles because most of our friens do.

Just be glad we have a nice, decent game to play.

Ju4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

Oh, I think it looks awesome on the PS3. Well, and of course it would be a big disappointment if a SLI PC wouldn't beat the shit out of it. Who knew.

And yet, for me it looks good enough to say "PC who?".

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4788d ago
Kaneda4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

The smoke could have look a little better..

Before the car got hit by rocketpropeller..the smoke looks weird.. but they are still working on it.. :)

sorry, for complaining..

frostypants4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

The problem is DICE's own PR people basically implied that the console version would practically be the same, as if they were going to pull off some sort of miracle. They then allowed this delusion to grow by only releasing precious few console screenshots, and sandbagging gameplay video from the consoles while they showed everyone the PC stuff at E3.

Yes, it's ridiculous to actually believe that the console version would match the PC, but at the same time, DICE (and other devs) needs to stop mincing words in their cheerleading sessions and interviews and just speak the TRUTH about these things up front. Otherwise, this is what happens: people who feel they were duped get whiney about it. I promise you their PR people did all this intentionally to drive interest in the game...for DICE to now act like they're surprised that people feel misled is a bit hypocritical and insincere.

If they would just say "the PC version will look better and there's nothing we can do about that" up front, it would shut these people up.

Anyway, that PS3 gameplay still looked FREAKING GOOD, aside from maybe the smoke effects. What do people want?! For 6 year old hardware it looked pretty epic to me.

squidyj4788d ago

“Our philosophy is to not to talk about things we cannot prove and this is true also when it comes to the quality of the Xbox 360 version of the game. All of the core game systems (animation, destruction, rendering, audio etc.) are the same on all platforms so there will not be a difference when it comes to the general experience of the game. Some technicalities will of course be different due to larger memory and the graphics cards you can have on the PC. We are trying to push the envelope of FPS games in general and this will be obvious in all versions of the game. Looking back to what quality we achieved with Battlefield Bad Company 2 last year we do know how to make high quality games on all platforms.”

This is what you're talking about. It doesn't say games are going to look the same, it's saying all the core systems are in all the platforms so you're going to get the same basic experience on all platforms. It does not mean that consoles are going to look the same as the PC version. Anyonw who pulled that out of this quote was deluding himself from the start.

frostypants4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

That's the kind of thing I mean, yes. But that's hardly the only statement they made. In any event, my point was that yes, anyone who assumed the PC version wouldn't look better was deluded, BUT DICE was not as direct as they could have been. Look at the statement you refer to...it took them a full paragraph to say what they could have said in one concise sentence: "the PC version will look better." Then, the decision to show everyone the PC version at E3 but sit on the console. Again, it's PR stuff and it's intentional. They know what they did.

In summary, yes the gamers in question were delusional. But DICE marketing/PR did everything they could to exploit it.

The funny thing is the console version looks impressive enough that just about everyone would have been happy anyway if DICE had just managed expectations better (or rather, not implicitly exploited them).

Rainstorm814788d ago

Frosty, dude, they are in business to sell games...

They couldntve alienated all console gamers by riding the pc, the console fps market isnt small. Besides the way Dice put it is more professional than just sating "the pc version will look better"

As squidy said anyone that took out of that statement that they will all be equal was kidding themselves from the beginning..

Reading is fundemental....

squidyj4788d ago

I'd challenge you to find these other statements in that case.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4788d ago
hiredhelp4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

Im concerned that more of this goes on by a silly select few ppl. Ea wont make for ps3 instead start doing ports. Please for thoes who are trying to ruin things for the rest of us stop it.

You cant get blood from a stone witch means you moan not like pc go buy a pc what do you expect.
Myself i think dont bloody amazing job.

Oh last thing if this is a stunt to knock the game to give mw3 more sales , its not working for me. Ill be buying on pc and ps3,

StbI9904788d ago

U mean, EA are a bunch of mofos who gives attention to every f fags complaining out there?

Don't blame the fanboys, they are just a bunch of blind spot on a already blind field, EA should take there opinions from other kind of you know, fanatics, those with constructive opinion, and not destructive like most fanfags around.

GarandShooter4788d ago

The only thing that will shape EA's PS3 development plans is sales of their games on the PS3, not unrealistic complaints from losers on the internet.

MsButterbean4788d ago

I'm not sure what the issue is, because the PS3 version looks incredible.

PS: Isn't it amazing that no one even mentions the xbox 360 version of the game? Which must mean, PC version > PS3 version >>> Xbox 360 version.

jetlian4788d ago

360 fans are more realistic! they not trying to beat everything on the market.

SSKILLZ4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

No one cares about the 360 version it probably looks 16 bit

MysticStrummer4788d ago

@jetlian - Would those be the same realistic 360 fans that think Crysis 2 on consoles looks better than either Killzone 2 or Killzone 3?

jetlian4788d ago

its the ones that know crysis 2 looks better than kz2/3

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4788d ago
showtimefolks4788d ago

BF3 on pc is suppose to look better that's the point of having a pc that can run awesome games.

but whoever says it doesn't look good on consoles is blind

so keep up the great work dice looking forward to BF3

Jack-Dangerously4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

I don't think ANYONE expected it to look BETTER than the pc version. That is absolutely crazy man.

OT: Maybe the reason they expected it to look "the same" is because DICE was running their mouth about how their goal is to "make it the same across all platforms" ect ect.(hopefully that didn't come off as rude, as I am a huge DICE fan)

The more I watch it the more I like it. But my expectations were WAY too high from the get-go(though I wasn't expecting pc quality).

But after reality has sunk it, I can honestly say now that I am MORE than satisfied.


finbars754788d ago

I agree 100% I didn't expect it to look as good as the pc.To be honest with you I knew it was pre alpha build but even for that the game still looks awsome and I loved the destruction i'n it very detailed.This game is still going to be a beast of a game from what I have seen so far.I can't wait unti Oct.25.So instead of complaining about it just give it until release date to decide on the graphics I'm sure it will look awsome but it's the gameplay that counts to me for this franchise.

slayorofgods4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )


PC's don't need to be replaced every year. If you absolutely need the most cutting edge pc or a mac then you will be spending a lot of money. But for gaming purposes a 3 core processor is the magical number. So a AMD quad core for about 150 - 200 bucks will last you a long time. Personally I think the i7's are overkill. Additionally, graphics cards can be upgraded separately, and in all honesty you shouldn't need to upgrade them every time a new graphics card comes out. You'd be fine upgrading every 5 years or more and keeping up with current games. I have a amd 5770 ( a 130 dollar card) and I'm keeping it until the ps4 and new x box comes out. Previously my pentium 4 processor lasted about 7 years, the life-cycle of a console.

My build
amd x3 (unlocked 4th core and catch, it becomes a powerful phenom processor for 90 bucks)
gigabyte motherboard (70 bucks, make sure you have sata3 support)
4 gigs ram (dirt cheap right now 40 bucks)
Radeon 5770 graphics card (130 buck)
tarabyte hard drive (dirt cheap now 60 buck)
reused old case (free)
750 watt power (never skimp on this, 80 bucks)

JsonHenry4788d ago

I thought it looked damned good for a console port.

awi59514788d ago

Ps3 fanboys man what can i say. Consoles are old tech sorry thats what happens when you go over 5 years in the market.

likedamaster4788d ago

A PS3 gamer disappointed? What's new.

trancefreak4788d ago

I thought this looked fantastic really why so many complaints. Choose your weapon and play the game!

Definitely getting me a pc copy and the kids a ps3 copy. I know they will love while I ban them from being another cod game.

My 13 is already begging for the new blops map pack go figuire.

makingdamage4787d ago

Yeah, I totally agree pedrami91!
What worries me though is the fact that Dice wants to create a battlefield with only 24 players! We´ve already seen that it didnt work in BC1 & 2 and now they want to repeat the same missatake!?

I´m not saying those games are bad, just that they dont give the player a sense of being involved in a battlefield and thats what the title of the game communicates.

KRATOS-PS34787d ago

you can't compare the RSX exactly to the GF 7800GTX. Actually, the RSX is faster.


+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 4787d ago
Nate-Dog4788d ago

Anyone complaining is deluded because it looks pretty boss to me and it's still not the finished article yet. Nice work DICE.

dangert124788d ago

Games critics are just getting stupider every minute.
I mean beta's get reviewed O_o

and then they asses the game on the beta and say the games crap.Instead of...

'this level meh and i don't like how the perks work'

where they should be saying it has potential i will get the game if they fix this, they say...' nah the games shit' but to be honest with you all the lastest beta's for games did't need beta's as player feed back has been ignored.

for example.

Killzone 3
Finally Fantasy 14? (that mmo from last yr)
Socom 4

I mean if there just going to ignore us straight do what CoD do and run no beta's tell us its internal.

Nicaragua4788d ago

In all fairness KZ3 and SOCOM 4 were both released in a pretty sorry state so the critics points were justified - SOCOM still dosnt even have a party system which is pretty ridiculous for a game focused on its online multiplayer.

Ulf4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

You realize that changes and patches take like 2 months to get through the quality assurance pipeline, and to hit PSN, right?

Have you even bothered to download the latest patch for SOCOM 4? You know, the one that would have been the first actual response to beta feedback?

Understanding how these things work is critical to posing a valid complaint about them.

frostypants4788d ago

All the more reason not to release a game in an unfinished state.

dangert124788d ago

Such an aggressive response :p
I don't care how long they take to get patches to playstation network IMO
killzone 3 should not have released when it did
because it was broken if you think it is acceptable to say yes pay £40 and these 'fixes may come' then hey ho thats you. but i like something better rounded off say like uncharted 2 online

Ju4788d ago

What are you going on about? Neither KZ3 nor Socom4 were broken at launch. Not like some other games which actually crash or would not connect. Stop comparing the two to those beta releases from some other developers. Both got tuned, like they usually do because more people get their hands on and the devs get more feedback. And no, a beta will never be a full representation on how the game is received at launch. All it can do is to make sure it is free of technical faults (as much as possible). I played Socom4 and KZ3 at launch, so do even think about telling me what worked or what didn't.

Ulf4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

Anyone who believes KZ3 and SOCOM 4 were "unfinished" at launch have, obviously, never played them. They were both extremely polished at launch -- I know, because I *did* play them at launch. The patches are simply responses to user feedback.

How anyone can complain about that is beyond me. The spoiled gamer is really a remarkable animal. You guys must be like 15 years old, or somehow have gone through life completely ignorant of the amount of human effort it takes to put large media projects, like games and movies, together. There's a good reason most game developers are < 35 years old you know... most of them quit by then, and move on to an easier job, which pays better.

I get a laugh every time someone whines about how their game design choices would be better for all the world, and how they could have made such-and-such game by burning a digital image into a disc with a magnifying glass and a cigarette in their backyard.

dangert124788d ago

-joining game lobbies 8 vs 2?

-bullet hit detection(dying in split 2nds)

-badges not showing up allowing stop you from using perks

-respawning into tree's you have to kill yourself to get out

-aweful map rotation when perefed is selected


search me on the kz forums played 23hrs of it then sold it if you think up above is hw games should be released, you need to check yourself out

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4788d ago
THC CELL4788d ago Show
Ninver4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

wow are you serious? why respond. Frankly all gamers should know by now multiplats are best played on PC. PS3 shines in exclusives and the 360...well let's just say M$ is happy with their sales.

If you were expecting Uncharted 3 like graphics well then you just got trolled lol.

pandehz4788d ago


I own a gaming pc and an xbox, Unfortunately just a psp from sony side.

Whenever theres a multiplat i buy the pc version.

Various reasons for this behaviour, i dont need to explain coz pc owners know what im talking about.

superrey194788d ago

Same here, except I have a PC + ps3 combo.

MasterCornholio4788d ago

Whats stupid is that there are people who believe it will look the same as the PC version. The PS3s hardware is 5 years old so its normal that a modern day PC will be able to produce better visuals than it. What you should be happy about is that the PS3s version will look good and play with a solid framerate. Unlike crysis which was in sub HD and had a terrible framerate on consoles.

Kleptic4788d ago

I'm disappointed with what they showed, but not because it didn't look good...but because they barely showed anything...

This is the game that is going to bring the console vs. PC bs to an all time high for the generation...with what they showed, there is barely a discernible difference...period...the lighting looks similar, the level geometry (at least from this off screen footage) is identical, the animation was the same...etc...the particle effects where definitely lacking (the burning car looked ridiculous at one point), but that is obviously an issue of an unfinished product...

that is not to say the consoles will be the same or even close to the full blown PC version...its just they didn't show anything to really prove what the consoles can or can't do...I was hoping to see the bridge section under the helicopter...as there is way more stuff going on in that scene, and if anything of whats been shown of the game so far, that is the area that most people want to see how the consoles hold up...

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HyperMoused518d ago

2042 just die so a real BF game can be created


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masterfox620d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia619d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad619d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

619d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin619d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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