
Nintendo's Secret Weapon: Why The Wii U Will Dominate The Market

As the excitement caused by E3 dies down, and the videogame press returns to a sense of normality, reality starts to kick back in. Nevertheless, Bits 'n' Bytes Gaming's Martin Watts still has a great deal of interest in Nintendo’s Wii U console, and he thinks that the console is in for a very sucessful future. Join him as he discusses why he thinks Nintendo’s latest innovation will rule the videogame market.

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Eu4854d ago

No, NO and NO to this BS....if this thing dont come out with less than 250 price ticket on it it will a DIAMMOND HARD sell for the same people they sold the Wii. Even if they do manage to pull a Apple with this thing, it doesnt matter because Sony and MS will fight it with price (for PS3 and X360) and the launch of the next iteration of their consoles.

Merivigian4854d ago

It's a console. A hardware heavy console at that (yes, when you say console that does include controllers). It's not going to be $250 when handhelds like the 3DS and Vita are selling at that price.

Eu4853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

Look, I know people thses days really dont READ, they simply take whats wroten and answer without really thinking...WHO bough most of those 70+ million Wiis? CASUALS. Will they be willing to buy another console for more than 250? HARDLY! Specially because they DONT CARE ABOUT GRAPHICS! Remember that? No? Well, they do care about price, those gram, soccer moms and such wont be that happy if the WiiU isnt cheap, and for the hardcore people who could CARE LESS about the old Nintendo IPs why would they buy WiiU if they could play, basically, the same games on cheaper (by then) PS3 and X360?

Reading compreending skills are lacking so hard theses days....

Nintendo will do whatever it can to try and keep the specs on the WiiU as reasonably powerfull while being cheap, but will that work in the end?

LMAO at the disagrees...

jacen4854d ago

think back, how much was a ps3 when it first came out?
did people buy it? yes
was it anything new? no

Legion4854d ago

What do you mean no? Of course it was new. Bluray, cell processor, graphics capability, directly competing with the Xbox 360.

Now the Wii U... will not be directly competing with the 360 or PS3. It will have similar HD capabilities but will not have the capabilities that SOny and MS have been able to achieve with their years on market with their current generation systems.

You just can't try and come into the current generation at the END of the generation with any chance of being able to compete. It is like starting the Indy 500 after everyone else has already put in 400 laps. You might have more gas in your tank but you are not going to be able to win the race... or even compete. Nintendo will be still on the track at the Indy 500 as PS3 and 360 are in their next race again competing while Nintendo tries to figure out what they are doing.

Wii and Nintendo is and was succesful because it wasn't in direct competition with Sony or MS and their superior systems.

Rush4854d ago

Dude the Wii U GPU is going to be around 3/4x faster then what's the in PS3/360.

It's going to have 3x more ram, and the processor is no push over.

Any mulitplat game released on the Wii U will look far superior to that found on the 360/PS3.

It will most likely be running in 1080p with X2AA why the PS3/360 version struggle at 720p 0AA.

Legion4854d ago

"Dude the Wii U GPU is going to be around 3/4x faster then what's the in PS3/360." ~Rush

Really? hahahaha

chrisgay4854d ago

I've read somewhere (likely not reliable) that the graphics processor is a modified Radeon 4850. If true, it most certainly is considerably more capable than those in the other consoles.

Legion4854d ago

Chris... you do realize you just referenced a source that you yourself say is likely not reliable to make your point? What is wrong with that picture?

The whole point of the Wii U is that we have no idea what it will be able to do other then Nintendo's reference that it will be comparable to current systems in HD quality. And yet everyone is marking it as the next best thing. Really...? Have we fallen for this type of thing before? Until we even see the specs we can't go around claiming it is the messiah. We can WISH... but we can't act on wishes. Stop hyping the system before you get the specs... it will only hurt it if it can't live up to the hype.

mamotte4853d ago

Why did you buy a PS3 at that price? Power is all that matters to you, so I think you should be better with a pc, and you can upgrade it.

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Legion4854d ago

"As the excitement caused by E3 dies down..." really? Was their excitement this year? Come on... this had to be one of the lamest E3 showings in a long time. People just were NOT excited after E3. Nothing dropped that people didn't already know about or have a true interest in.

And Wii U... hahahaha people are STILL scratching their heads.

TGM4853d ago

Regardless of whether it was exciting for any specific reason, E3 in general is an exciting time for the games industry.

thorstein4854d ago

NINTENDO HAS FINALLY MADE A CONSOLE.... for this .... erm.... generation? Maybe?

Legion4854d ago

More like Nintendo finally planning on making a console for this generation? Or a controller? Or something that seems to maybe be this generation capable but not sure and not really caring about until we see some specs maybe???

EvilDonkey4854d ago

Nah, the Wii U is a next-gen console. Both hardware and idea wise.

Lets see if Nintendo's disruptive strategy works again.

qwertyz4854d ago

the wii u controller allows for RTS games like shogun 2 total war on consoles. but does it have the horse power to handle such games at good graphics quality ? or is the wii u as weak and ram deficient as current gen consoles when compared to pcs ? these are the questions lol

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The Last Console Generation?

With the recent unveiling of the Wii U, and internet chatter talking about PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 being unveiled (if not released) next year, it looks like we will be ushering in a new generation of consoles in the very near future. But do we actually need another generation of hardware, and what do we hope for from the next generation?

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scruffy_bear4820d ago

Can't wait to see what MS and Sony bring to the next gen :, game's that will look like this will be amazing but the gameplay needs to match the graphic's

qwertyz4819d ago (Edited 4819d ago )

I hope next gen consoles have at least 12gb ram(ram is much cheaper than it was in 2005/2006. they will need it in order to handle Samaritan tech demo graphics the demo was running on 3 gtx580 (which have 1.5gb vram each) an i7(12 cores I'm amusing they used 3 quad core i7s) and I think 8GB ram.

AhmadCentral4819d ago

12GB of ram is not going to happen. Btw you can't really compare pc specs with console specs, they;re quite different.

Pikajew4819d ago

It won't be the last console gen. As long as there is innovation we will have consoles

Hicken4819d ago

I'll just agree with you here. I couldn't figure out how respond without sounding like a dick.

jacksonmichael4819d ago

Please let me know what your other comment options were. Lol.

Hicken4819d ago

It wouldn't have been nice; the very cleaned up version is that this is a silly article, written by a similarly silly person.

EVILDEAD3604818d ago

LMAO @ Hicken spamming inboxes with false information and then block responses because he's scared of the truth..

Fan Kids on N4G are hilarious...

On topic..the ball is already rolling..this gen is two years away from officially being done.

Pikajew is correct consoles are far from over..but who knows what gthe lanscape will look like 5 years from now


Hicken4818d ago (Edited 4818d ago )

lmao@ evildead stalking people while spreading ignorance as "truth."

Edit: Enjoy playing Uncharted and other console exclusives on your "superior" PC.

EVILDEAD3604818d ago (Edited 4818d ago )

Superior PC? What r u even talking about? I play Uncharted on my Slim just like anyone else who OWNS and plays games

Fact..you send me messages in my inbox..and when I call you on your fake facts.like you can't even name the 20 exclusives you pretend came out..then you send some silly rant and block me like a little girl...LOL

Look..your not even worth a bubble or even close to following..because your simply a one console fankid who doesn't even play the games he talks about. You've never even played Gears but hypocritically say that the sequel is the same game as the one before. Don't worry about a console you'll never play. Simply enjoy the games on your console of choice.

On topic..

WiiU will be released next holiday..The new Xbox will be in stores by holiday 2013..and Sony will follow.

The success or lack of success of the next gen will be known 5 years from now. This will determine the landscape. What will also change how we play is if Apple or others jump into the fray. By the we may by on Ipad 4 or 5..who even knows what products will compete with consoles.

Only time will tell..it's going to be fun to see how it all unveils


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4818d ago
meganick4818d ago

True, and as long as consoles offer exclusive games that people want, that you can't play on computers, then consoles will stick around.

zinkabassy4819d ago (Edited 4819d ago )

Maybe ,.. because gaming is getting to shit really fast,..
It used to be about games,.. now most publishers are more concerned how to leech money from us... Shit is always good for them,.. Nothing industry ever does is good for us,.. Hell you must agree to god knows what in eulas before you can even start a game,.. this shit is incredible,.. look at this guy
Will stop now, because everything I would say from now on I have written to many times today ,.. about monetizing advertizing and making gamers caught into their social systems instead of supplying them actual games and could be considered MS hate(because I really dislike them for 20years now),.

Shit is getting really bad really fast,.. And they have us in these fanboy clubs instead of some unity,.. and they are just fucking us left and right,..

and to predominantly PC gamers,.. (I am also a PC gamer) Don't think what these fuckers are doing to us does not concern you,..

nCiTy4819d ago

If anything I feel like consoles keep slowly becoming PCs.

Mr Tretton4819d ago

I don't think they're becoming PCs fast enough.

AWBrawler4819d ago

i prefer to keep those separated. I want my MMOs and RTS on my PC, and my Marios, Zeldas, and Smash Bros. on consoles

meganick4818d ago

I think it's more accurate to say they're becoming more PC-like, but I know what you mean.

jacen1004819d ago (Edited 4819d ago )

graphics wont make a difference in gameplay so unless other innovations are brought forward the gen wont move because graphics is not the key in generation leaps , pc's already exist if consoles keep upping the graphics and power eventually they will become pc's or on the other hand you would be better owning a pc because it is best of both worlds

SoapShoes4819d ago

What do you have to say for PC then? It keeps going forward and all that changes are the graphics... PC doesn't have innovative hardware to play games, it doesn't need it and frankly I don't think consoles need it either. It's all about gameplay and more power often does allow for new types of gameplay.

jacen1004819d ago (Edited 4819d ago )

ther is only one way u can play a game with a control so no power dosent make for different gameplay, on the other hand you would call what the wiiU is doing next gen.
also pc's were not developed originally to play games nor do they class there self as gaming consoles but consoles are gradually becoming pc's
also pc's dont get classed under GENS because hardware is evolving rapidly and pc's are constantly upgradable , consoles are not

N4g_null4819d ago

Pcs keep getting bought because there are apps out their where the name of the game is make millions in real money. So that's why you get the rush for pc tech. Right now there is not a reason to get the most high end video setups unless it helps you make games faster lol.

Yet console you are just waiting on content, waiting in the hype. On pcs you can just go and get a 3d app and an engine and go crazy if you want. On consoles your are waiting on the content.

The key for console has always been take the tech make fun games not wait on the tech, wait on the power, or ohhhhhh look at my powerful console. Yet thanks to none console friendly console makers real console game makers are being marginalized ever so more by web sites and gamers. You all know some thing is wrong but at least the graphics are good.

If power is your goal then you should just be a pc gamer. You guys are confusing developers.

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Why Bioshock Infinite Is Not Coming Out on the Wii U

"In a new interview over on IGN, Irrational Games creative director Ken Levine has announced that they currently have no plans to develop Bioshock Infinite, or any games, on the Wii U."- Shanghai Six

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maxcavsm4821d ago

Well, that's easy. Wii U is going to be a ridiculous gimmicky system.

qwertyz4821d ago

yeah the 3ds and wii are gimmicky but we still don't know much about wii u so I'll reserve my judgment for now.

theonlylolking4820d ago

Wii U is nintendos way of saying Wii F U

ChickeyCantor4818d ago

its gimmicky how?
It provides standard controls as well, there is just an extra input on there.

So what are you complaining about?

yavorsv4820d ago

who gives a shit. keep hating on nintendo. :)


6 Uses for the Wii U Controller's Camera

Have you wondered how useful the Wii U controller's front-facing camera could actually be? Here are six ways games could potentially utilize it.

bojanson4823d ago (Edited 4823d ago )

i like the concept of this. Anything that wii can bring to the table that makes it more family friendly the better. I'm sure the way they incorporate the camera into profiles, games, videos, etc will be a great way to get people interested.

I just hope they don't allow the camera for online multiplayer, we could have another chat roulette on our hands. lol