
PS Blog - DanceStar Party Gets E3 2011 Moving

PS Blog - Ever since I have been attending trade shows like E3, the London Studios team has been there providing a great source of entertainment for participants and onlookers alike with SingStar and now with DanceStar Party, a dancing game played with the PlayStation Move motion controllers on PS3.

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DanceStar Party Hits Official Trailer

DanceStar Party Hits on PS3 - Become the master of the dancefloor and show you have all the moves with 160 brand new bespoke routines for you to choose from.


Music games a dead genre?

When music games came, they caught the world's attention with challenging gameplay, coupled with a huge variety of music. But is this a genre that is now dead?

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Venoxn4g4487d ago

Those Guitar hero and rock band games can go to hell, but I hope that games like Child of eden, REZ, Space channel 5, Rhythm thief, Rhythm heaven series won't extinct..

axisofweevils4487d ago

With games like Rhythm Thief and Theatrythym coming to the 3DS, there'll be music games for some time yet.

NYC_Gamer4487d ago (Edited 4487d ago )

Studios/gamers have moved on to motion dancing games

ginsunuva4487d ago

Not if you go to Kickstarter and donate to Auditorium Duet!


Video Review: DanceStar Party

If there is one thing that has managed to take motion control gaming by storm it’s the dance genre. Since motion games have been changing the way we play, for better or worse, the only games to do as well as mini-game games are dance games. Now Sony have decided to release their own dancing game in the form of DanceStar Party. Does this game get you on your feet and dancing or is it a flop?

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