
NES Issues - Gamer Rage

Heller is having an unbelievable run in Contra before he falls victim to the blinking screen of doom!

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Contra: Operation Galuga - NES Screenshot Comparisons

"The Contra series is poised to make a comeback thanks to fan favorite-developer WayForward and Konami. Contra: Operation Galuga is a 2.5D reimagining of the original Contra arcade/NES game that will launch in early 2024. The remake looks to retain the series' traditional cooperative run-and-gun action, and we're all about it. How close will Operation Galuga be to the original game, though? Let's compare screenshots and see!" says Co-Optimus.

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ShwaaMan352d ago (Edited 352d ago )

I am all over this
I wonder if the extra lives code will be included…

Retroman352d ago (Edited 352d ago )

I've been waiting for another decent Contra since Shattered Solider PS2.

Day one for me

Minute Man 721352d ago

The arcade/8/16-bit collection ain't bad, picked it up on a Xbox sale

Venoxn4g352d ago

There was couple good Contras that you have probably missed then. One on DS and Hard Corps: Uprising

eastx351d ago

Operation Galuga actually comes from the same director as Contra 4 and Spidersaurs, Tom Hulett. This one should definitely feel like a real Contra.

Z501351d ago

Hard Corps Uprising not decent enough?

Minute Man 721352d ago

As long as it's not hard like the arcade version, I can never get past the waterfall

Profchaos352d ago

I wonder if they will have a toggle for old and new graphics that would be sick

eastx351d ago

The levels are actually remixed and sometimes new, so it's not a straight remake. For instance, there's a level on hoverbikes that wasn't in the original game.

Agent75352d ago

Another old game updated. Why not a new game?

WiiU-Dude352d ago (Edited 352d ago )

I am certainly welcome to and want new games, but I am ALL about doing this to classic games. They can't do it enough in my book. Personally, I think Sega Saturn and PS1 era games are what I want most. Keep the original gameplay intact, unless the gameplay itself was an issue then fix it, and give those games a complete facelift!!! I understand your point, but for me I LOOOOOOOVE having games from the past being given updated graphics. I am 52 and have been a gamer since the late 70s. I loved the games I played as a kid. The nostalgia is certainly there for me, but I truly love how beautiful games have become and playing games from yesteryear with gorgeous graphics is living those great gaming moments again only beautiful.

Chocoburger351d ago

Because all of Konami's talent is gone, and they're not willing to take any creative risks these days. So its easier to go back to fan favorite games, and do sloppy remasters, or quickly made low budget remakes of 30 minute NES games.

eastx351d ago

This one shouldn't be sloppy at all. Also, WayForward is the developer, and they're well known for their proficiency in 2D and 2.5D games.

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Contra blasts its way onto mobile as a side-scrolling shooter, and so far fans aren't happy

Contra is a classic run and gun shooter from Konami that has seen many followups since its debut in 1987 as an arcade game. It would seem Konami saw fit

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Retroman1154d ago (Edited 1154d ago )

Contra has fallen since SNES days. Last good contra was PS2 Shattered Solider ........PS4 version was Crap!!!!
Will Konami make a decent Contra again..... probably not.

Einhander19711154d ago

Shattered soldier PS2, Contra 4 DS. Since then total crap. Gone are the days, of the amazing Nes, Snes, Megadrive versions. Luckily still play them:)


Contra is making a return this July

After 30 years, contra is making a comeback, this time on smartphones. Tencent Games have teamed up with KONAMI to develop Contra Returns. Contra Returns features over 200 levels, new game modes like one life mode, 1v1, & 3v3. And comes with HD graphics.

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Amplitude1183d ago

"After 30 years"

Guess were just pretending it didn't exist. Probably for the better

RaidenBlack1183d ago

A Contra Dread would've been a better return. A worthy one.

Army_of_Darkness1183d ago

I was excited about this news!..... then I click the link to read more details and found out it's a mobile game...... 😑😒

Amplitude1183d ago

Ayyyy my disagrees just love contra rogue corps lmao ok

ArmorOfGod1183d ago

Contra Rogue Corps is actually freaking hilarious - like a good B-movie.

Amplitude1182d ago


Yooooo alright. Sounds up my alley actually. I just heard it was one of the worst games of the year but that could be a good thing. Imma try it tonight lmao thanks dude

brewin1183d ago

Do we really need more contra? Some things are better left in the past. I recently purchased the Contra collection for like five bucks on the PS store. I never realized how much these games actually sucked.

MetalProxy1183d ago

Or more than likely how much you suck at them.

brewin1183d ago (Edited 1183d ago )

Wow, lots of trolls on this site lately. Nah the games just are not fun. Gaming has advanced, these games are dull and boring in comparison. Take your nostalgia glasses off. I also bought Castlevania collection. That's still fun. Contra on the other hand, just blah. Shit game is shit regardless of the memories. I beat the game plenty of times on NES and Snes, it's just not fun anymore and they don't hold up well. And the last attempt to bring contra back was a joke. Let it die already!

specialguest1183d ago

I think as gamers from way back we enjoyed simplistic gameplay, because we didn't have anything better. I find myself in the same situation when playing old school games from my childhood. The games get repetitive and boring, and I ask myself how did I enjoyed this back then?

z2g1183d ago

agreed. back then they were maximizing the hardware and the designs were new. I still appreciate them for nostalgic value but the entertainment value is a bit different now that we've experienced exponentially more powerful hardware that allows vastly more complex game design.

brewin1183d ago (Edited 1183d ago )

Exactly. I loved it then, but now it all just seems so bland. I can go back and play any Mario game and still have fun. The only fun i had with the Contra collection was with hard corps, which is barely a contra game

thesoftware7301183d ago

Super Contra was and is still super fun!

Just played it again with my bro last week, action packed and requires skill to beat.

northpaws1183d ago

I don't understand the complain, games shouldn't exist because YOU doesn't like it? You don't have to buy it.

brewin1183d ago (Edited 1183d ago )

So many other IP they own they could bring back, but sure lets have another Contra game. Sounds like a great idea, especially after the shit show the last reboot was... Damn cant even have an opinion on this site anymore what a joke. Yall supporting shit mobile versions of games now? Cool, you can have them. Go ahead and support this dreck while their good IP languishes forever. Then complain when they give us teasers and don't release the stuff we want. Silent Hills could have been amazing. Why not just remake the 1st 2 or 3 Silent Hill games with fancy graphics?! Id be all over that. Instead we get MORE Contra. Kojima left this company for a reason, stuff like this is probably why. But sure, co ahead and buy shit then wonder why we cant have nice things....

northpaws1183d ago


That's exactly what you are doing, not letting other people have their opinion. Don't act like you are the victim.

brewin1183d ago

Lol I'm glad my opinion matters that much to you that you feel I'm not "letting" others have their own opinion on the matter on a gaming message board on the internet 🙄

FreeckyCake1183d ago (Edited 1183d ago )

" Wow, lots of trolls on this site lately. Nah the games just are not fun.". You can say that, but they're the responsible for influencing a whole genre these days, along with Metal Slug. Even indie games haven't released something similar to these two in my book. I thought Blazing Chrome would satisfy that need, but it didn't.

+ Super Contra, and the PS2 Contra games are still decent to this very day. Don't forget the Genesis one as well!

ApocalypseShadow1183d ago

The problem is your opinion on the games. They don't suck. At the time, they got high praise and are still fun with friends. I still play them. Just recently I was playing Yie ar Kung Fu and getting my butt kicked by Tonfun and Blues. But I got my revenge after several plays. Only difference between now and then is that my hands hurt from age.

Contra was simple run and gun with big bosses. It worked. It still does. I agree that I'm not into most mobile games, Tencent and Konami sitting on great IPs. But a lot of companies sit on great IPs that could be remade. It is what it is.

But wanting something new doesn't mean those games sucked. It's why everyone disagrees with you. You want us to accept your opinion. Accept our opinion that you're wrong.

brewin1183d ago

But that's the problem, you're trying to get me to change my opinion. I'm not doing that. I think the old contra games suck. I even tried playing it with my 16 yr old and 7 yr old. They also thought they sucked and didn't see what the fuss was about. I told them these are classics and they laughed! Three weren't fun to us in any way.

The games just plain suck to lots of people, regardless of your feelings on them.

lodossrage1183d ago

Come on, no need to attack brewin for his/her opinion. I bought the contra collection awhile back too

The fact of the matter is not everything from yesteryear was good back in the day.

I enjoyed contra in my elementary school days, but when it comes down to it, the game was average. Heavy Barrel was actually a better game

WelkinCole1183d ago

Dude. Contra is one of the best game in the NES and SNES days.

thesoftware7301183d ago (Edited 1183d ago )

See the problem is, you posed a question. "Do we really need more Contra?" The answer to that from many people and myself would be absolutely, if done correctly..it was a very popular franchise, enough for you to have purchased the old games for $5.

Then you went ahead and said other people only like them because of nostalgia, and they really suck..and then call the game "Shit". When people disagree, you say you dont care and call them a defense force? Try not coming off so aggressive and people might resepct and have a normal discussion with you. You cant tell people what they like and why they like it.

Then you went ahead and said Castlevania is still fun.. you see, it's all your opinion but you present it like fact and come off bullish and prick-ish about it.

I would love to see a new 2D Contra with some nice updated graphics, QoL changes, hard skill based platforming and huge boss fights, no 3d stuff..some awesomely animated 2d action in the vein of Super Contra would be amazing to me.

brewin1183d ago

But it's not being done correctly. It's a crap mobile game. They tried rebooting it recently on ps4/xbox and failed miserably. They're just selling it on the nostalgia of the name, they don't care about the quality of their legacy. By supporting this practice you're allowing them to take advantage of consumers. If theyre going to reboot something shouldn't they strive to make it better than the original?! Y'all don't seem to care about quality though. They can just slap the Contra name on it and people will buy it cuz they remember how much fun they had with the og title way back in the day.

That's why I bought the collection: nostalgia. I used to love contra when I was young. Then I played the old one recently with my kids and we all thought it was trash. I don't remember it being that bad, but it made me realize how powerful nostalgia can be.

I didn't say every contra was trash, but I feel the 1st one is after replaying it. Then people try attacking my character and saying it's because I suck at the game. No, that's not it at all. I thought the game itself sucked because it just wasn't fun. And to see the once great Konami just banking on the nostalgia factor to keep selling reboots of Contra kinda pisses me off, knowing how much great IP they have in the vault.

But sure, disagree with me all you want, it doesn't change the fact that I feel the first nes Contra game is trash once you have your nostalgia glasses off. Konami can do better, but y'all seem to be happy with what they're doing so have fun with that ✌️

ApocalypseShadow1182d ago (Edited 1182d ago )

Now it's just embarrassing.

*I never realized how much these games actually sucked.*

*Nah the games just are not fun.*

*I beat the game plenty of times on NES and Snes, it's just not fun anymore and they don't hold up well.*

*The only fun i had with the Contra collection was with hard corps, which is barely a contra game*

*I even tried playing it with my 16 yr old and 7 yr old. They also thought they sucked and didn't see what the fuss was about.*

*I think the old games are crap. I liked Hard Corps, but the old contra games are not fun to me anymore.... I just think Contra is trash compared to other games from that era. It took me replaying them with my kids to see that. That's how I feel, I don't give a shit who disagrees with me.*

See that? That's *PLURAL* Do you know the definition? You're not being consistent. You say one game but go on to say all contra games. And the fact is, those old games don't suck. The list of games in that collection don't suck.

We all AGREE with you that not all attempts to revive it were good. We AGREE with you that Konami is sitting on great IPs. We AGREE with you that Contra deserves better than a mobile Tencent game.

We DON'T agree that those games from the past suck. Contra 1 doesn't suck. You just no longer want to play it and want something new. There are plenty games I no longer want to play from Pong all the way to now. Doesn't mean those games suck. You just have a taste for other games to play. Your family doesn't represent all contra fans. How many kids today would go back to play NES games or Atari games? Not many. Their opinion doesn't count Because they didn't live in that era. Calling us trolls when you're the odd man out just makes your inconsistency embarrassing.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1182d ago
brewin1183d ago

They're going to just keep on milking and whoring out their franchises at this point. Shameful. They have so much great IP they could utilize to carefully respect their legacy. Instead we get phone Contra 🤮

frostypants1183d ago (Edited 1183d ago )

And from one of the scummiest mobile developers on the planet.

Knightofelemia1183d ago

Hopefully Konami does something with SH next.

Servbot411183d ago

It'll just be a phone game if they do.

gleepot1183d ago

They released a new Contra game a year or so ago, and it was absolutely abysmal.

brewin1183d ago

Not allowed to talk about that, the Konami Troll Force is out heavy right now and they defend all the BS Konami does... They thought Rogue Corps was a CLASSIC, the bro-ness cant be beat.

CrimsonWing691183d ago (Edited 1183d ago )

Look, I love Contra and hated Rogue Corps. I think this “Troll Force” you’re upset about is mainly due to people not agreeing with your opinion. The games don’t “suck” to obviously a lot of people. You’re more than welcome to hate the franchise, but don’t get so butt-hurt when people disagree with you.

brewin1183d ago

That's where you're wrong, I don't care if people agree with me, where and when did I say that?! I think the old games are crap. I liked Hard Corps, but the old contra games are not fun to me anymore. I can go back and play something like Mega Man and have a blast. I just think Contra is trash compared to other games from that era. It took me replaying them with my kids to see that. That's how I feel, I don't give a shit who disagrees with me.

GenWorld1182d ago

Yeah your are not getting trolled here, you're just extra wrong.

DarXyde1183d ago (Edited 1183d ago )

Contra Rebirth on Wii was the last good Contra game to me. Good stuff.

I'll always have a soft spot for III (which is probably why it took so long to beat it. Any vulnerability going into Contra III would be exploited).

blackblades1183d ago (Edited 1183d ago )

Yeah, I'll take another hard corps considering its in the same universe i think. That was the last good one i think

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