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10 Reasons Why 2011 is Good for PC Gaming

PC gaming has never gone away, or weakend, but the public eye has often made it seem irrelivent. That is changing. If you are thinking about coming over to join us, here are 10 reasons that this is a good year to do it.

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Community4770d ago
1PC2PS333604770d ago

every year is a good year for pc gaming.

Been gaming in stunning 1080p with 8x anti aliasing on EVERY GAME for the last 6 years!

KeiserSosay47884770d ago

I agree. I finally got mine this past year, and it made me kind of pissed at my 360...well, my ex 360, lol. I mean, C'mon! BFBC2 for 5 bucks with better graphics, more players, better community, etc...can't beat it.

ATiElite4770d ago

Two worlds II
Dawn of War II - Retribution
Shogun 2: Total War
Civ V
Portal 2
The Witcher 2
Star Wars:The Old Republic
Torchlite 2
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Battlefield 3
Red Orchestra 2
Nuclear Dawn
Black Prophecy
Guild Wars 2
Defense Of The Ancients 2
Free to Play Games

yeh these are some pretty good reasons why PC gaming is great in 2011

1298d ago
SpLinT4770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )

not a very good list. BF3 and witcher. APB Reloaded, first one was trash. Age of Empires Online is hardcore farmville

tdrules4770d ago

you have never played Age of Empires if you consider it a copy of Farmville

Ducky4770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )

Seems to be missing games like Shogun2, RedOrchestra2, TrackMania2, and a hand full of indie games (Magicka, Terraria)... along with the continued evolution of existing valve games. =/

eccothedolphin74770d ago

This list is far from complete, I know. These are some of the major ones that got my interest, and I wanted to share. I could easily do a list like this every week for why PC gaming is awesome.

zackacloud4770d ago

1-Infamous 2 on pc
2-Type-0 on pc
3-Ps2 games HD remastared on pc
4-Psp games HD remastared on pc
5-FFXIII-2 on pc
6-KillZone3 on pc
7-Gears of War 3 on pc
8-Uncharted 3 on pc
9-WKC2 on pc
10-Sorcery on pc

Yes good reasons

dirthurts4770d ago

I don't really get what you were trying to do there...???
Gears of War and Unchared I would like to see on pc, but the others, meh.

zackacloud4770d ago

I would see them also on pc.

But I think companies same as Square Enix , Konami and Naughty dog ,etc. afraid to develop on pc.

The reasons:
1- Mods in their games.
2- More Budget.
3- Lack of experience in PC developing.
4- Extract files from their games

This my point of view.

Ducky4770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )

... You should've mentioned LPB2 and LA Noire over 'remastered' games, as bragging about being able to re-buy old games that are no longer compatible with your hardware isn't that smart a thing to do.

zackacloud4770d ago

I was to mention a loooooot of games but there just 10 reason and i put these randomly because there than 30 reason.

zackacloud4770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )

So who mention Uncharted she/he troll!!

Why didn't u just say u totally wrong??


I'am not talking about exlusives but talking about games itself and their gameplay.

KeiserSosay47884770d ago


I thought you were being sarcastic and pointing out the fact that PC players don't get to play console exclusives. If that isn't the case, then I'm sorry. If it is, then you're a troll.

BeastlyRig4770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )

Arma 3 & star wars next year!! yeah!

pandehz4770d ago

Lol you are trolling.

Trying to say its better to be a ps3 gamer?

Rofl I dont have time for second rate ps3 games trying to emulate pc graphics n tech.

zackacloud4770d ago

Oh gears of war and FFXIII-2, mean ps3 gamer errrrr!!

I just explained the games itself I don't care about consoles if it PS3 or NES.

Just tell me who don't wish to play FF,GOW,GOW,MGS,UC,KH,SO,GT,LBP and a lot of games series on pc with the high settings and amazing mod.

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ufo8mycat4770d ago

I use to be a HUGE PC gamer back in the day where PC's had alot of exclusives.

I am currently playing The Witcher 2 and thoroughly enjoying it.

To be honest with you, PC gaming as been incredibly stagnant. There are hardly any games on PC, that I can't already play on my 360 (which is what I prefer). Sure the graphics aren't as good, but it's still the same game, so that excuse does not work.

Playing The Witcher 2 atm, whats next though? Diablo 3?. This very well might be the last time I upgrade my PC, as there is hardly anything left to play on the platform.

And please don't start dishing out the whole higher res/better gfx nonsense, because that shit doesn't matter, otherwise I would be playing mulitplats on my PC, instead of 360.

Of course I totally understand the avid PC fanboys to defend their platform (just like PS3/360 fanboys do), because I use to be one.

eccothedolphin74770d ago

Well, there are lots of PC exlusive games on the market. Arma 2, Red Orchestra 2, The Witcher, Dwarfs?!, Minecraft, Starcraft 2, Diablo III, Shogun 2, The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2, League of Legends, and tons more!

A lot of mainstream gaming sites are console focused and they don't talk about these games, but that doesn't mean that they aren't out there.

1PC2PS333604770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )

95% of console games are on pc, in actual hd instead of some shit resolution, they cost less, have mods, and soon, all ps3 exclusives will be on my pc too...when i emulate them and they look 10x better than they do now

btw, i have a ps3/360

only, they just sit there cause the graphics are so bad i cannot play them, and the witcher 2, uncharted 2 looks ugly to me now, the witcher 2 ruined every other game, just like crysis did in 2007

pc is my number 1 choice for games by a giant margin and i am completely unintrested in consoles except for Dark Souls, until the ps4/xbox720///won't be long!!

2011 new consoles please???

HenryFord4769d ago

so - you have no clue what it means to actually emulate another set of hardware? Emulating the PS3 - this won't happen the next 10 years or so.

Another thing is: It is virtually impossible to make a game look better then it does on the original hardware. Sure - you can throw some gimmicks on it, but you won't get any real benefits from it.

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Slander, extortion and doxxing - beneath the surface of TF2’s bot crisis

Behind the aimbots that have plagued Team Fortress 2, a far more sinister story of harassment has unfolded - and it's only getting worse.

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How Valve has treated Team Fortress 2 is a disgrace, and its community deserves better

17 years on from release and 5 years into a botting epidemic, Team Fortress 2 is on its knees, and it's high time Valve stepped in to fix it.

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Community12d ago
badz14912d ago

Valve can do no wrong, remember?

fsfsxii12d ago

Ah yes, pc gaming aka the bastion of fairness and equity and everlasting online playerbase, all i can say is lmao
Not to mention that these tf2 idiots were the progenitor of mrx in gaming


Todd Howard Has No Plans to Retire, Open to Other Studios Making Fallout Games

In a recent interview, Todd Howard revealed that he has no plans to retire and reiterated Bethesda's openness to help from other studios.

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Nitrowolf247d ago
DOMination-46d ago

Oh great, now we have to deal with Anasts Bethesda fetish indefinitely.

Thanks a lot, Todd

anast46d ago

You're welcome for the free entertainment. Usually, it comes at a cost of $70 because of inflation.

Crows9046d ago

That's an inflated price...

anast46d ago (Edited 46d ago )


It would be if it weren't a valuable resource.

mastershredder46d ago

"with no plans to retire anytime soon" I mean this is like a common news topic involving his name. Knock it off and do some actual newsing. This is like the biggest "No Duh" article of the day, and several sites had to regurgitate it. Geez. So lame.

OtterX46d ago

"Batman. I like the idea that if I had enough money, time, and vengeance, I could become him." - Todd Howard

This is when he'll retire.

nmbr1esq46d ago

He doesn't have to retire, just the stupid outdated garbage creation engine.

Kados46d ago

Netimmerse 4.0, presumably 5.0 for TES6. They should give the Fallout IP to Obsidian, and have it made in UE5.

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