
NGP: Digital Distribution And The Cross-Platform Prospect

The SixThaxis: Despite numerous ups and downs, the PSP has had a great run, especially in Japan where it’s still managing to push an average of around 60,000 units a month.

However, with Sony’s “Next Generation Portable” on the horizon as well as the newly-announced PSP Remastered series, the original PlayStation handheld’s days are numbered. We have no doubts that publishers will continue to support the platform even after the NGP’s release but with Sony’s target market mainly consisting of up-to-date, hardcore gamers, the PSP will have a hard time keeping up, at least in Western territories.

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sinncross4778d ago

I think that cloud gaming is the way Sony should go.

Instead of having a game made available for both the PS3 and NGP, instead have a PS3 game that can be played on the NGP via cloud and vice versa.

This way, each game can technically be played on either device, provided you own both hardware, but also allows each device to still carry exclusive titles.

The last part is the most important because Sony will want to market the device as having titles that cannot be played except on the NGP or even the PS3. Cloud gaming would theoretically blue the lines fo the exclusive so the games are both exclusive, but not.

I also do believe that PS Suite will ba made for the PS3. Whereas the service is for touch screen games, the PS3 version can easily be translated into move titles (games like infinity blade could not be played on a normal controller). Thsi way, Sony can at least have support for the Move device they are trying to market otuside of the few titles we are seeing for it.

But cloud gaming with exclusive titles is what I believe should be the route.

remanutd554778d ago (Edited 4778d ago )

interesting thoughts


GameInsider: PS Vita Showing It’s Muscle With Hot Shot Golf

Be sure to check out our PSVITA walkthrough with Everyone’s Golf (Hot Shot Golf in the US). There are some awesome feature to check out.

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lazertroy4758d ago (Edited 4758d ago )

"Living La Vita Loca"

Lord Anubis4758d ago

but can we manipulate the wind?


LordStig4758d ago

I've always liked the Clap Hanz sport games the controls are not complicated so they're easy to jump in to and the DLC was dirt-cheap.

Surfaced4758d ago

Definitely getting this at launch, along with Gravity Daze and maybe Uncharted.

blusoops4758d ago

This along with uncharted will be day one!
Also, i'll get stardust and sound shapes, cause i imagine they'll be cheap downloads...i hope.

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Sony PS Vita (NGP) Australian Price Revealed?


"And no, it isn’t cheaper because of our strong dollar.

With the unveiling of the not so secret name of Sony’s upcoming handheld console today at E3 as the Sony PS Vita (no longer the NGP or PSP2), Americans, Europeans, and Japanese got to find out the price. But not Australians. Yet.

It has just been revealed by EB Games what the estimated RRP for the PS Vita here is."

gaminoz4766d ago

Wow...import anyone? That isn't fair considering the Aussie $ is better right now...

Tachyon_Nova4766d ago

PS3 is still $500 retail price over here, so $338 actually surprised me by being so low.

BadCircuit4766d ago (Edited 4766d ago )

And he says that price could go UP??? I really really hope the games aren't region locked.

Mind you I mostly feel that way because the US price was so good.

gaminoz4766d ago

Well I do have to admit the price is WAY better than the 3DS RRP!

timzone4766d ago

Region free would be great for the consumer especially given how the vita is something you would take with you as you travelled internationally. If it wants to sell 100 million plus then I think region free is a must.

gaminoz4766d ago

It would also one-up the 3DS, which is region locked.

VampiricDragon4766d ago

the ps2 was region locked.

How was that?

XboxOZ3604766d ago

They could also not allow imports restricting hardware from overseas which many do these days to ensure local markets are not affected.

It's outrageous for sure to have a price like that, but, it is Sony after all, Bot Nintendo and Sony do have a rather high regard for their products, and tend to charge for that.

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STN: Hands on with PS Vita and its games

STN Writes:

Now that Sony has officially announced the new name of the NGP to be “Vita”, we decided that it was time to get some hands-on time with the powerful handheld device. After waiting in line for two hours, We finally got to the demo stations and were told that we would have four minute demos with five different games.

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Close_Second4766d ago

Terrible name. Having owned a PSP since 2006 I can honestly say the Vita does not appeal. I know it should but I really hate the form factor and lack of built in storage. I hated having to buy memory cards from the get go for the PSP and doing it all over again plain sucks.

GoldPS34766d ago (Edited 4766d ago )

Let's see you make your own handheld then. Give it a better name and better features. Let me know when you done making it.

Close_Second4766d ago

So your saying because I'm just a consumer I dont have a valid opinion? are Sony giving this away for free or do they need to convince me my money is worth it?

By the way, PSP2 is a better name.

gta28004766d ago (Edited 4766d ago )

I'm glad I still have my PSP and I'm glad I can still use the same memory cards. Memory sticks are pretty cheap now compared to when PSP first came out. You can literally buy like a 8GB for 20 bucks. And I don't care about the name. That's the last thing that's gonna be on my mind when this sexy beast is in my hands.

By the way, has it been confirmed that there will be no built in storage? It would be great if they provided a couple of gigs. Nothing major but enough to hold a lot of save data. Then just make the MS optional for those who will want to buy downloadable titles.

SilentNegotiator4766d ago (Edited 4766d ago )

Quit complaining about the name. No one blinks twice at the name "Wii" anymore.
It's just a name.

The built-in storage was obviously going to be a price barrier (make it more expensive than 3DS), so they removed it. You can easily fix this by buying a 16GB memory card (The amount that was planned to be in the NGP).....problem solved. And if 16GB isn't enough for you, then there's nothing to complain about; it wouldn't have met you needs anyway.

Close_Second4766d ago

So, NGP + 16GB memory card will cost what? you all know it will be months after the release of the Vita before 16GB memory cards will be affordable.

Gee, I hope the next iPod comes with no built in memory.

gta28004766d ago

16GB memory stick for less than a PS3/360 game. Not too bad, I'll be using the 8GB I have on my old PSP but if I ever need more space I'll upgrade to this and by then I'm sure it will be cheaper than 50.


Close_Second4765d ago

You do realise the Vita uses a new type of memory card and not a pro-due or mini/micro SD.

VampiricDragon4766d ago

In the US yes. Much more expensive in japan and europe

with games likely at 60 dollars.

Quagmire4766d ago

Only Americans would disagree, they dont believe the rest of the world.

Mnemonic-DK4766d ago

What I don't get is why Sony continues to screw over their EU customers?

Late releases, downgraded hardware, more expensive consoles - all this to their most loyal customer base. WTF?

And now PSVita will be using Valve's infamous 1$=1€ pricing? 249$~1269DKK and 249€~1856DKK - aka the 33% "EU tax"! :(

F that - I'll just do what I started doing with Valve - Stop buying until the price is lowered.

Sony make it very hard to continue to support them. PPL are getting very tired of being screwed over by them again and again.

SilentNegotiator4766d ago

WAHT?? Things being more expensive in the EU and Japan? I'm stunned!

What the hell were you expecting?

MasterCornholio4766d ago

games will probably be worth the same as 3DS ones. I read in an article somewhere (tried to find it but cant) that the development costs for the Vita is the same as the PSP. What i do know is that the Vita in europe will cost the same as the 3DS which is priced at 250 euros here. Dont fight it fanboys the NGP and the 3DS cost the same unless Nintendo drops the price before the Vitas release which might happen.

Regardless on which one you choose both are quality handhelds and in the end its down to the games that you like.

VampiricDragon4766d ago

i read that ngp games will be 60

AceofStaves4766d ago

I can't wait to get the PS Vita. The name is fine. After all, we're gaming in a generation where the dominant home console is called 'Wii.'

4766d ago