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Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition announced

Bethesda's pulling a Disney, and re-releasing a super special 5th Anniversary Edition of Oblivion. The idea is a 'from the vault' package for true collectors (word on the street is, only 200,000 will be made, ever) that includes the following:

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game Of The Year Edition
Collector's Edition Content (map, 'Making Of' DVD with an added Skyrim trailer)
A $10 Off Coupon (redeemable at any retailer, nationwide) for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Lucreto4872d ago
rabidpancakeburglar4872d ago

Not really worth it unless you don't own or haven't played oblivion

MAJ0R4872d ago (Edited 4872d ago )

yeah it is 10$ off Skyrim, only 200,000 being made which means it will be rare

as long as it has everything included (all DLC's) and isn't 60$

xPhearR3dx4872d ago (Edited 4872d ago )

Did either of you even bother reading the article? It's $30 with $10 off Skyrim. So you're basically paying $20 for Oblivion+All DLC, a map, and a making of DVD. I would say that's worth it if you plan on getting Skyrim.

rabidpancakeburglar4872d ago (Edited 4872d ago )


I never said it was over $30 so I don't know why you said either of you. And you're basically paying $30 not $20. I only said it's not worth it because the oblivion goty can be found incredibly cheap and the other stuff probably isn't worth the extra money


That was MAJ0R, and no you're paying $30. The $10 off of skyrim is an entirely separate purchase 6 months away minimum. We clearly have different valuations on the worth

xPhearR3dx4872d ago

You said right there "as long as it isn't $60", you would have had no reason to say that if you read the article because it states it's $30.

And no you're basically paying $20 because you get $10 off Skyrim. So if you plan on buying Skyrim you're saving $10. It's simple math really. Plus $30 isn't all that expensive anyway, especially considering what you get.

BeOneWithTheGun4872d ago

I'd pay $100 for Skyrim. This game is going to be my GOMY (Game Of My Life)

I would almost pick this one up but I played Oblivion 2 times and clocked about 200 hours on each play though. I still see those spinning rock monsters when I close my eyes at night. I wish I had a MIB flashy-thingy so I could erase my memory and play it again for the 1st time. November is soooo far away.

No Way4872d ago (Edited 4872d ago )

How are you basically paying $20 when the extra $10 isn't for Oblivion?
I guess in a way you are only paying $20 as you save $10, towards Skyrim.
But, it's more less you save $10 off Skyrim, not so much that of Oblivion.
Regardless, it works out to the same price, which ever the $10 goes towards.

Anyway, no more Oblivion, my copy was stolen, so I believe I'll pick this up.

AyeGee4872d ago

You guys suck at math.

You're paying $30..

And it comes with a $10 dollar off coupon for Skyrim. Derp.

For all of you saying "You essentially are paying $20".. no.. you're not.. the approximate amount of money that flows from your wallet to the retailer is $30, correct? Therefore, you are paying $30.. it'd be different if $10 were removed from the $30.. which would mean you're paying $20 and adding $10 to a pre-order of Skyrim or something. On the contrary, you're paying $30 with a $10 coupon INCLUDED.

Math solved.

Ch1d0r14872d ago


The only simple math i see is that xPhearR3dx is a dumb ass. Just kidding man.. stop being such a hard ass bro.

Plus this game and Skyrim will suck. Whens Dark Souls coming out?? That there will be your GOTY contender for sure.

JoySticksFTW4871d ago (Edited 4871d ago )

I might get this. Or at least it might drive down the price of the regular goty edition

Absolutely love Oblivion, but I never picked up Shimmering Isles dlc (which is still $30 to download on PSN). That's as much as the goty and collectors editions.

X-DominusRebellis-X4871d ago (Edited 4871d ago )

This is very strange. I woke up this morning and decided to play Oblivion for a bit then I came on here and read this. Oblivion is an awesome game, I'll probably pick this up for the $10 off coupon, plus BestBuy usually takes $10 off from pre-orders so essentially you can save $20 with this coupon and pre-order bonus! I cant fucking wait for this game to come out!!!

Okay is giving a $10 preorder bonus along with a $5 off for it being a Canadian Holiday sale. So you can get this game for:

$59.99 - $10(preorder bonus) - $5(bonus) - $10(collector edition savings) = $34.99 before tax!!! Hope this helps everyone!

HardCover4871d ago

200,000 copies of a game like OBLIVION is not "rare" by any stretch of the imagination.

This is a cheap little marketing ploy to get people to buy a game they already have, so they THINK they're saving $10 on Skyrim.

This is only worth it if you haven't played the game or don't own it, just like rabidpancakeburglar said. Any one else probably doesn't really work for their money to think spending $80 to get Skyrim cheaper and an extra map and trailer is a good purchase (especially if you're planning on getting the Skyrim special edition).

White-Sharingan4871d ago

@AyeGee- If I tell you "Buy my $50 game and I'll give you a $20 gift card from GameStop", in the end, what you really payed was $30. Yes, it is true that while you did hand over $50, I gave you a gift card that is worth $20, meaning that you actually used up $30. The same thing applies here...ONLY if you plan on buying Skyrim. If you don't plan on buying Skyrim, then you payed the $30 with a useless "gift card" that you won't use.

I guess people can view it many ways but that's how I see it. Although it's not physical money, it's a physical object (be it another paper, a card, a paper with a code, whatever) that is worth (in this case) $10.

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Larry L4872d ago

I played Oblivion to death. So I don't really NEED this. BUT, if the PS3 version actually has trophy support this time, I may order this.

dgonza404872d ago

that's exatcly what i was gonna ask: Dopes iot have Trophies?

I know, it's a bit shallow, but there are other games out there i am also interested in. So this having trophies would put it over it's competition. If not i'd just get It before V comes out

snipes1014871d ago

Only on N4G could a discussion thread turn into such a hilariously pointless and off topic tangent in so little time. I'm not sure whether to applaud you or cry a little.

Im just gonna go make a bagel.

pain777pas4871d ago

NGP! NGP! NGP! NGP! Try it Bethesda!

persistentlobster4871d ago

Yes! I would love it even more if they ported Morrowind to the NGP with upgraded textures and combat like Oblivion. I don't think they realize home much profit they would make from it. It would be like the Monster Hunter for the Western gamers.

mugoldeneagle034871d ago

If the PS3 version has trophies? If it does it'd be well worth the purchase.

AusWarrior4871d ago

As I have played it before, the deciding factor for me will be whether it has trophies or not.

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kookie4872d ago

This is news i would approve.

SuperSaiyan44872d ago

Re-releasing a really old game with stuff that the original collectors edition had on the 360. Are they even including all the DLC? This is one edition not worth the time personally.

rabidpancakeburglar4872d ago

Well it does say that it's the goty edition so yes it does include all of the dlc

thrasherv34872d ago

Are you sure it has ALL the DLC? I remember not getting the GoTY because it only had KoTN and Shivering Isles...

No Way4872d ago

What were the other DLC's besides the two you listed .. Horse Armor? Ha.

omi25p4871d ago

Im buying it, I never played oblivion but ive been wanting to buy the GOTY Edition for xbox for ages. But the only place i can find a copy is and they are selling it for near £100 which i wont pay.

So this is perfect for me.

4872d ago
Neko_Mega4872d ago

I plan to get this for my 360, seeing how I got all the add ons for it and I already fully finish it on PS3.

k2d4871d ago

From one inferior version to the next, and don't disagree with me, bacause you all know mods make for a better version..

Neko_Mega4871d ago

What the PC mod for Morrowind? Less I check all Elder Scrolls Oblivion were inferior versions.

Haven't play any of them that didn't have alot of problems and that go's for PC to.

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The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion's Shivering Isles Is One Of The Best DLCs In Gaming

Oblivion's Shivering Isles is arguably the best DLC for any RPG and is still enjoyable after more than 17 years.

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Snookies1284d ago

I was just thinking about that a few weeks ago. How amazing Shivering Isles was... Felt like a whole new world.

TheNamelessOne84d ago

So few game get true expansions anymore.

Charlieboy33383d ago

Witcher 3 Blood and Wine is the best dlc for any rpg....not even arguably. It is the best.

DustMan83d ago

Agree that Blood and Wine is an exceptional DLC cut from the same quality cloth of the main game. Shivering Isles was that over a decade ago, and was truly a unique setting from the rest of the game. Possibly one of the last major old school "expansion" packs.

TheColbertinator83d ago

Terrific expansion. A starkly different locale with new plants, wildlife, towns, weapons, quests, Daedra variations including a remarkable madman deity presiding over that beautiful freak show.

Bethesda may never make anything that good again and that saddens me.


Virtuos Working On A Multiplatform UE5 Remake, Rumored To Be The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Virtuos is currently working on a multiplatform Unreal Engine 5 remake, which is rumored to be The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

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BlackIceJoe155d ago

If this is true, I hope it leads to Morrowind getting remade next.

-Foxtrot155d ago

I thought they’d go for Morrowind first to be honest but this is a welcoming surprise to tide us over before ES6

TheColbertinator154d ago

Well said. Exactly my thoughts too.

Tedakin155d ago

Unreal Engine isn't efficient for open world games, so I question the reliability of this story.

isarai155d ago

Yeah, 1st thing that came to my mind too, although i CAN see it being likely for ease if use, but it's not going to run very well if so

Tacoboto155d ago (Edited 155d ago )

I'd wonder if it would just be exploiting Unreal for graphics but the underlying engine/logic is still the original framework.

Like how we had the graphical remakes of Halo Anniversary, Tomb Raider I-III, and Demon's Souls.

Could also end up a disaster like the GTA Trilogy

mkis007154d ago

I have heard that too but even if it's modified isnt arkham knight UE?

Fragslayer154d ago

"remake will run both an Unreal Engine 5 project and the old Oblivion project. For instance, new graphics are rendered in the Unreal Engine 5 project, but most of the gameplay and physics are still done on the original Oblivion engine"

So with this logic it'll run just fine using UE5 tool sets on top of Gamebryo's engine or maybe even Creation Engine, who knows.

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Ranking Every Elder Scrolls Game From Worst to Best

Created by Bethesda Softworks, The Elder Scrolls is hailed as one of the most groundbreaking RPG franchises.

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babadivad238d ago

If they have Skyrim number one, list has lost all credibility.