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Assassin’s Creed: Revelations Preview | CheatCC

CheatCC says - The first Assassin's Creed title was a bit shaky, but since then, the franchise has been on a roll. Assassin's Creed II and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood will almost certainly go down in history as two of the deepest, most inventive, and most enjoyable video games of this generation. So the bar is set high for Assassin's Creed: Revelations, which is due out in November.

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Community4873d ago

Show 2K An Amazing Bioshock 2 Vid, Win 5k And A Big Daddy Suit

2K Games is looking for anyone with a talent of showing off their menacing kills in the recent release Bioshock 2. Winners can win $5,000 and a Big Daddy Suit!

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Top 10: New Series of the Current Console Generation - LAG

LAG - "The video game industry is flooded by long running sequels. It takes only one look at the Wii’s library to realize great intellectual properties are a rare sight to see. That is why this week’s top ten focuses on those series that only just began this generation. It doesn’t have to be entirely original, but it cannot be an extension of a series from previous generations. That basically means Mario Galaxy and Modern Warfare does not count as “new”. The series can be on Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, and PC, but had to have begun no earlier than 2005. This is a top ten based on series, that means at least two games. Remember, quality is always better than quantity, so just because a series has more games does not make it a better new series."

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Community4697d ago
jthamind4697d ago

that's a pretty good list. i think they definitely got the top 2 right, it just comes down to preference for which is #1. i do think Bioshock should be on there, though.

Bokan4697d ago

You are right that it deserves a mention, I added it to honourable mentions. While I loved the first game, as a series it hasn't hit a home run for me yet.

coolbeans4697d ago

He should've just labeled it "From Software's 'Souls' series" rather than "Demon's Souls series". You can't call Dark Souls a sequel when it introduces a different universe (although similar).

coolbeans4697d ago

Thank you for taking your taking your time to edit that. Good work on the list, if I may add.

moofo4697d ago

Bioshock, now that you mention it. Is getting a third. So that is relevant i guess.

jrgl4697d ago

Not exactly what I'd have chosen but I agree with most of this.

Relientk774697d ago

Demons Souls is a PS3 exclusive, why is it listed on Xbox 360 as well?

anyway my top new franchises are:

- Assassin's Creed
- Uncharted

Bokan4697d ago

I had it listed as Demon's Souls(series), and Dark Souls is on 360. It's in italics meaning the entire series isn't on the system.

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The G-Spot Podcast - Episode 43: The Meaning of Gaming & The Return of Kratos

Welcome to the 43rd episode of the Game Fanatics G-spot. This episode is hosted by FanaticalG, founder of the Game Fanatics. We talk about the biggest news in gaming from God of War 4 being “leaked” and the Alan Wake “2” teaser trailer impressions. We also round the podcast off by talking about our favorite games of 2011, and our biggest disappointments. This episode includes Breezy, David, and our two newest Fanatics DaJuan and Gabie.

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