
Neocrisis: New Captain America Screens

Neocrisis: Here are some new screenshots for Captain America: Super Soldier PS3, 360, WIi, PSP, NDS and 3DS.

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captain-obvious4771d ago

they need a Captain obvious game

now thats the next big thing in gaming history
i mean like the Halo/CoD/mario/Zelda/ every game known to man killer


/end dream

cr33ping_death4771d ago

nah a Captain Hindsight game :)


Another 5 of the Best Licensed Video Games

By Moshe Sweet: Did you wake up today and tell yourself “man, I sure am in the mood for another top 5 licensed video game list”? Then you are in luck because I have a fresh list coming straight for your eyeballs. If not, then you got one anyway.

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Why There Aren't More Big-Budget Games Starring Superheroes like Wonder Woman

Superheroes dominate the movie screen, but they almost never star in big-budget games. Why?


After Civil War, why not make another Captain America game?

Opinion piece from Pause Resume

"You’ve seen the movies, but why hasn’t Marvel brought their film universe across to video games? In particular: Captain America"

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