
360/Mediocre, PS3/Moderate to Strong, Wii/Strong: Holiday Gaming Outlook By CNET

CNET Author Don Reisinger reports:

Now that NPD has released September 2007 figures, it strikes as quite interesting that so many people were taken aback by the Xbox 360's jump to first place in hardware sales. In fact, if you remember an article I wrote back in September, it would have told you everything you needed to know about hardware sales for September.

But instead, there are a host of journalists and pundits making such a big deal out of the Xbox 360's rise, as if it wasn't expected. As I've said here hundreds of times before: videogames sell consoles, not the other way around.

So, with that in mind, I thought it would be nice to take a look at what is coming soon to a console near you and discuss what I think will happen by the time January rolls around. And while I still believe the Wii is a fad and Sony has some work to do, my conclusions may surprise you.

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ElementX6124d ago (Edited 6124d ago )

Lame article! It says "videogames sell consoles, not the other way around." Yet he only mentions Mario Galaxy for the Wii and doesn't even mention ANY games for the PS3. I think the 360 has the best lineup because there are simply more games. I'm not anti Sony, however I think with two years of games under the belt, the 360 does have more appeal to the mass market.

People will definitely consider the new lower priced PS3 model, however they'll also be looking at the selection of games. I go to Gamestop (yeah, i know) and see one shelf of ps3 games and 3 shelves of 360 games.

ElementX6124d ago

Nice, a disagree. Lets hear your statement.

MK_Red6124d ago

I agree with you on the Wii front. "Videogames sell consoles" and yet none of the big games of holiday is coming for Wii aside from Mario Galaxy.
Do they even realise how much sales games like Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed and Rock Band could bring? Even Guitar Hero 3 has better chance on PS3, 360, PS2 and PC because the average casual Wii owners won't spend so much money on a game.

crazy250006124d ago

"the 360 does have more appeal to the mass market"

i disagreed with this because of the lineups and pricecut for the ps3......i know a lot of people that have been waiting for the price cut and the games that they want, especially mgs4

The Swordsman6124d ago

While I do not agree entirely with your post Element X, I do agree with your point about the Wii. The Xbox 360 has already released some great games in the last month, with Mass Effect still to come, while the PS3 has released both Warhawk and Heavenly Sword recently, and have two great games, Uncharted and Ratchet and Clank Future, yet to come. But the Wii? The last good exclusive it had was Metroid Prime 3, and before that Super Paper Mario, and before that... I actually don't think there was any good exclusive before that. And now, the only exclusive worth purchasing this Christmas for the Wii is Super Mario Galaxy, and after that it's a long waith until Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

b777conehead6124d ago

i disagree theirs a bunch of great ps3 games coming out now and all thru 2008 and beyond and if i am a parent i'm going to buy the more reliable console .so my kids wouldn't get up set at having to ship the 360 for repairs the ps3 game libary will only continue to grow and grow

unsunghero286124d ago

Why is it that Super Mario Galaxy is the only game ever mentioned for Wii? Don't ask me. Well, it will be the bestselling Wii (possibly all platform) game of the holiday season. But that's not the point.

The Wii's also got Manhunt 2, Battalion Wars 2, Fire Emblem, Naruto, and DBZ coming, all exclusives. Those are pretty big software titles for a lot of gamers.

JasonXE6124d ago (Edited 6124d ago )

He contradicts himself and say nothing about the ps3 lineup. All he had to say was "ps3 cost less so its going to have a surge". So can't the 360 do the same thing? Then he tries to act all high and mighty to say "I predicted the outcome of september but every game media outlet seems surpise". We all knew already retard. Mass effect is a goty cand. and it hasn't even came out yet. That should atleast carry it till jan. along with other great multiplatform games along with the ps3 lineup. Wii, super mario.. k, what else?

"Yet he only mentions Mario Galaxy for the Wii and doesn't even mention ANY games for the PS3."

jessupj6123d ago

while i'm planning the buy a ps3, i think this guy is a little bias. 360 and ps3 both have great line ups. but i don't agree with the 'parents buying the ps3 when the wii sells out statement'. i'd like to believe it, but the 360 is slightly cheaper. there's a lot of mindless parents out there that arn't educated about current consoles (specially soccer mums) and will most likely grab the 360 without a second though. however the price is very close so they might ask the retail assistants and make an informed opinion, that's what i'd like to see anyway.

bottom line, i think the ps3 and 360 will be about even but we'll see what happens.

sanderFVCKINcohen6123d ago

This holiday season PS3 NNNEEEDDDDSSS, I repeat, NNNEEEDDSSS to do better than the 360 this comeing holiday. They need to make people want to buy a PS3 for the holidays with hopes that its not only Final Fantasy or MGS4 they have as there only big guns. If they fail at sailing more consoles this comeing holiday than 360, than I believe they are going to have a very hard time.

WonderboyIII6123d ago

The Wii covers an area the 360 and the PS3 don't cover. its nearly independent set by itself and the intersection or common ground between it and other hardware is minimal. So the Wii is safe as long as it continues to feed its customers. The 360 and PS3 are fighting for the same land. The 360 has the larger install base, and the bigger library. That forced third party exclusive to come its way. That with the multiplatform games and few inhouse exclusive pushed it where it is. The only way the PS3 can compete is by producing more inhouse exclusives to help them accelerate their install base. The developers are fearing the ps3 wont sell their products and since there are difficulties with the cell development, this is giving them more reasons to wing and complain. PS3 need to send teams to developers to help out until they are familiar more with the cell. They need to educate and support those studios whenever possible.(They probably are, but is that enough?) The 360 needs to keep games coming and no matter where they come from they will help it stay strong.
This is not the time for PS3 to be even. Their well known inhouse studios should show us what a ps3 can do...before it is too late and the install base of the 360 triples or quadruples the ps3 base. Sure MGS,and FF will help, but are they that hard to be ported to a 360? If the PS3's base isnt too large, are they going to cover the cost of development? PS3 needs third party games that a 360 port (if ported) will be laughed on, and that wont happen until it uses its inhouse studios to raise its install base. Otherwise the cell would be nothing to third party developers just like the stronger saturn to a weaker playstion was also nothing to them. We as gamers, do not wish that to happen, as it will take many games away from us.

Developers can be loyal, but in the end of the day, money is what brings the bread to the table.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 6123d ago
MK_Red6124d ago

Wow, CNETs is either misinformed or just plain dumb.

Wii looking strong!? Aside from Mario Galaxy, Wii is DEAD this Holiday.
Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Uncharted, UT3, Haze, Rock Band, Call Of Duty 4, Jericho, Soldier Of Fortune, Ratchet & Clank PS3 are the hottest games of holiday and last time I checked NONE of them are coming for Wii.
PC has a better situation than Wii and few of those games as well as Crysis are coming for PC.

PS3 and 360: Strong
PC: Mediocre
Wii: Weak

Skerj6124d ago

Hahaha you're so right again MK. Wii actually has 2 more games in Nights 2 and No More Heroes, but it's still dwarfed by the competition's lineup.

jcgamer6124d ago

I agree...BOTH 360 and PS3 line-ups for holiday 07 look very strong...I'm excited for both...I would call a tie because of the exceptional third-party that is multiplatform...and first party is simply a matter of taste, though I agree that the PS3 certainly has more first party games to choose from...the Wii would be last in my opinion...however, I approved this story simply because everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it will be interesting to see what our fellow N4G's think...so what do the rest of you guys think?

*My top picks are Mass Effect and Uncharted*

MK_Red6124d ago

Skerj, good point and thanks for mentioning NiGHTs and No More Heroes. They are both games that I'm really anticipating but don't think they'll sell much, speciall NMH from Killer 7 creator Suda 51.

jcgamer, great comment. My top pick is Assassin's Creed followed by Mass Effect, UT3, Call of Duty 4 and Uncharted.

jcgamer6124d ago

that's a great list you got there too bro...I'll most likely play Assassin's Creed at some point...so many to play...but that's the fun...

Snipes206124d ago

I don't think so.

IF you look into it, the Wii has more titles coming out this Holiday season than the other two consoles. BUT a good chunk of those titles are shovelware/poor remakes/short-dev-cycle games. The other titles look good, though. MOHH2 looks to be a great shooter, so does BiA:Double Time, and BWii. How about about rail shooters. Ghost Squad, RE:UC, and Zelda. They are all strong titles. Manhunt 2 anyone? I know that title is NOT a casual one. Maybe NiGHTS is what it takes. Or Mario Galaxy. Fire Emblem is probably one of the best strategy games coming out. How about GHIII? That should be good. Mario and Sonic looks awesome. That's not good enough for you then how about these? Trauma Center: New Blood, Zack and Wiki, Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, Soulcaliber Legends, and Rygar: Battle of Argus.

No, the Wii lineup isn't weak and the Wii isn't dead. I could argue for the 360 or the PS3, but other people have made valid points with their lists, so I won't repeat them.

I think all the home consoles have strong lineups one way or another. What matters more is what TYPE of games you like; that will determine which console is more of a value to you this Holiday season.

DeckUKold6124d ago

and those people don't no anything about those games why because nintendo is a bad marketing company. those games is actually better than the 360 /ps3 assasins creed looks corny and can't be compared to POP all it has is the athletics but the fighting is trash

Mass effect OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG i never saw that TRASHEST SH!T IN MY LIFE i thought it was hot but then i saw a video and EWWWWWWWW listen im being real i swear but how can u like that piece of SH!T it sound like silencers with big guns show me a crazy vid of it PLZ cause if that is it i'll stick with atari's et it's a 50's movie star warz is a WHOLE LOT BETTER so plz without showing me proof DO NOT ABSOLUTELY DO NOT MENTION MASS EFFECT AGAIN

uxo226124d ago (Edited 6124d ago )

Gentlemen, that was excellent. I swear this was the FIRST time I read at least 10 comments in a row after a possible flamebait article where everyone acted as gentlemen and ladies (if appl.)

I applaud you all, this is all I ever wanted to see on this site, a bunch of guys with different consoles, actually disagreeing and agreeing with one another and doing it in a mature way. No one bashed the other console (except for a couple of guys tried to a little bit but it was ignored by the others.)

Overall, GREAT reading. And I agree with you all, the CNET guy is a bonehead looking for some attention, but the attention is got was the attention that says "he doesn't really know what the hell he's talking about." I hope all three console have records sales this holiday seasons because to me that means I will have plenty of PS3 and 360 titles to keep me busy until spring. GO GAMING!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 6124d ago
Nicosia6124d ago

its funny about this blog post its pretty sour about games. I think he forgot that COD4 beta was exlcusive to the xbox360, which has a lot of people impressed. Also you can't deny the x360 has a larger install base, which means the percentage of people buying it will be higher (we will see how it plays out). The sony ps3 prediction is pretty strong, but like he said the upcoming games are not something to overly brag about. But its to much on the selling of the ps3 because of the lower price....while the xbox360 talks about the games... mmm..kinda weird.

ElementX6124d ago

Yeah, 360's larger install base. People play it at a friend's place and they "want one too". I see the PS3 doing well also, but I think the 360 will be right up there in terms of sales.

Nicosia6124d ago

Thats what i'm saying, people who have the xbox360 will be buying most of the multi-plat games. In europe its a pretty big diffrence, lets say you buy a console 400+70 euro for a game its a pretty big stump. But people who already have the x360 will go for the x360 version no matter what revieuws say. The ps3 has a strong exlcusive lineup..which will sell because of the base, multi will mosly sell on other consoles.

drtysouf216124d ago (Edited 6124d ago )

is that people don't factor in all the games that are already out for each system.

360 has a great lineup already released
PS3 has a great lineup already released
Wii has an ok lineup but I've been bored with it for months

People are not only buying consoles this holiday for whats coming out they are also buying it for whats already been released so i don't know why none of these article take that into consideration.

MK_Red6124d ago

Superb point. I for one will be getting PS3 for all the PS3 games not just Uncharted and R&C. I love Lair ( I know what you think but I'm just a Factor-5 fanboy, HS and MotorStorm.
Seriously, Aside from Zelda TP and Metorid Prime 3, Wii has not great game.

And the thing I want to mention is that people will also be getting consoles for their future games. When people bought 360s, last christmas, most of them bought the consoles for Halo 3 and other future games.
Many people will be the now cheaper PS3 for it's future games like MGS4, FFXIII and God of War 3. The same goes for 360 and games like Alan Wake, Fable 2 and Gears of War 2.

Aside from SSBB, Wii has NO game for 2008 unless one considers WiiFit a "game". (Which I don't and think of WiiFit more of an overpriced Scale)

jcgamer6124d ago

you bring up a great point...not only will holiday titles sell, but also existing titles from earlier this year and last year...the Bioshocks, Gears, Resistance, Motorstorm, on and on...so with ALL included...man, the PS3 AND 360 ROCKS this holiday...game on...

unsunghero286122d ago

Believe it or not, the Wii does indeed have games coming out for it in '08. A couple of the top of my head...

Brawl (of course)
Mario Kart Wii
Monster Hunter 3
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles

Every single one of those is pretty important to the hardcore gamer, and every single one of those is Wii exclusive. I'm not going to say it has a better lineup than the PS3, but saying it only has Brawl isn't really true.

And, even if it did just have Brawl, I think there are a lot of gamers who would STILL buy it.

tocrazed4you6124d ago

That guy is dumb... Ps3 has ratchet and clank tod, haze, and uncharted coming out. Xbox 360 has mass effect and well Mass effect... but it also has all the top multi platform games like cod4, assassins creed, and other games. I don't get how the wii has a strong lineup with just one game? SMG will be good but I don't think it will cause anything like Halo did for the xbox 360...

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Coming to Game Pass July 24

Everything you need to know about Modern Warfare III coming to Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass.

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darthv723d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Will be interesting to see what sort of numbers GP users draw in come tomorrow. It is believed that this is one many have been waiting for.

3d ago
thesoftware7302d ago


That is not accurate; this game is old, and most people who want it have already bought it. You might get a small number of subs, but we will mostly see a good influx of players(not new subs) from people with Game Pass who will try it, which is what happened with D4.

CoD: BO 6 will be the test for actual sub numbers.

darthv722d ago

That's fair... seeing as many have been saying they want CoD in GP. My comment was more of , now that its here... what can it do. Im sure there will be other titles in the franchise that will either entice or turn off different users.

Bathyj2d ago

No one's buying a console and signing up for a monthly bill just to get this game to avoid buying it. That's ridiculous. Besides everyone bagged the crap out of this on release for the 4 hour campaign.

andy852d ago

Sweet. Never got round to it on release. I'll give the campaign a go

chicken_in_the_corn1d 21h ago

Severly underrated game. Big improvement over 2.


AC Remakes Can Save Ubisoft Like RE Remakes Saved Capcom

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "If Ubisoft plays its cards right, the Assassin's Creed remakes could achieve what Resident Evil 2 Remake did for Capcom."

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RaidenBlack20d ago

AC1 Reimagining and AC2 Remakes first ... then Black Flag and others.

just_looken19d ago

It was talked about awhile back that the Singapore branch the ones that made skull bones are making a black flag remake. It has at that time 3 months of work put into it.


Terry_B20d ago

You believe something good would come from Ubisoft? Did you sleep the last 10-15 years?

just_looken19d ago

Right ubisoft has been on life support for awhile everyone of there ip's has had huge shift's in population/sales and fan base.

Right now its all about xdefient but that game is still fixing netcode issues 3 years in.

-Foxtrot20d ago

The only time they should be remaking the first game is when they are ready to reboot the series after a long break and want to get back to their roots. Start a new re-freshed timeline which they've convoluted.

just_looken19d ago

Though capcom has had sales for there re games lets not all forget the huge elephant in the room which is mod support.

The first resident evil remake was made by fans taken down by capcom then they stamped there logo on it after that mods came in made the replay factor way better than the original.

But when they made them all in house then came the cuts for the modern audience followed by re4 mt's then they went after the modders even in really old titles trying there best to crush mod support. Then you got the horrible drm crap pc port of village and that dumpster fire online re game.

So capcom has made money on remakes but after awhile there shine is not so bright

I hope ubisoft does not copy capcom as they would turn that dial from a 8 to a 11 add in there own mt's to older titles with time savers live service bs or worse black flag with stamina meter's.

MeteorPanda19d ago

don't you dare touch the first ac game. Your woke team would ruin it's charm

AndrewM19d ago

Woke has nothing to do with anything you fucking weirdo.

MeteorPanda19d ago

They wouldn't understand how to remake the first ac games, they'd ruin them with real life politics. Happy?

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CEO Yves Guillemot on Ubisoft’s Upcoming Portfolio, the Future of Assassin’s Creed

Guillemot discusses his vision for Ubisoft’s upcoming slate, the future of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, the good and bad of the games industry, and more.

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RaidenBlack29d ago

Multiple AC Remakes are on their way

fan_of_gaming28d ago

I'd like an Altair Collection, with Altaïr's Chronicles + Assassin's Creed + Bloodlines. I also wish Discovery would have been included in the Ezio Collection or offered as DLC for it.

Psychonaut8528d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Can’t imagine someone whose opinion I care to hear less. Unless it’s a “AAAA” interview, then that changes everything. /s

Demetrius28d ago

Damn I know we gone be waiting a while for those remakes, 😫 the classic ac games deserve, it would be dope if more devs did this, get the remembered gems closer to a technical level they pictured back then