
GamePro - Conduit 2 Review

GamePro - The Conduit franchise fails to bring gamers the definitive Wii shooter experience (again), but excels in delivering an awesomely absurd sci-fi story loaded with manly one-liners.

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Community4773d ago
kesvalk4772d ago

the problem is, they tried to make a ralistic shooter, on the wii, again...

go cell-shading or cartoony or something like that, realistic games look ugly on the wii, period.

Xander-RKoS4772d ago

Honestly, I think that only matters to people who are just graphics snobs spoiled by the HD consoles. Being ugly compared to a much more powerful system and actually being ugly are two different things. For example, the original Goldeneye is ugly, always will be, but Conduit 2 can actually have some really cool looking stuff, even if not as crisp or clear as it could be on a more powerful console.

kesvalk4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

but this what i am saying, conduit is not ugly by HD standards, it's ugly by wii standards.

most of the human chaars that not covered with suits look anemic, and the motion is choopy in some places, in fact, the motion is so bad, that you can say that conduit 2 is glorified n64 game. (i am not talking about raw graphic, of course)


To Be Continued: Six Cliffhangers that Left Us Floored

Leviathyn.com | Some of them were resolved, while others still have us begging for a conclusion. Here are six cliffhangers that all but blew our minds.

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Community3771d ago

FPS Friday - Conduit 2 has been played how much? Official U.S. Nintendo Channel data report.

"Conduit 2 released as an exclusive Wii FPS just over 2 years ago now, on April 19, 2011. The game received an ESRB rating of "TEEN" with "Animated Blood, Language, Mild Suggestive Themes, Violence" listed as content for parents and gamers to be aware of. It was the sequel to the other exclusive Wii FPS The Conduit, which released in 2009.

While there really hasn't been a hint of the Wii U getting Conduit 3 yet, did U.S. Wii owners enjoy Conduit 2? How many hours have U.S. Wii owners reported playing Conduit 2, since it released just over 2 years ago, and how do its averaged hours "Per person" compare to some other Wii FPS games? Brew yourself some coffee, and let's take a look!", writes CoffeeWithGames.

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Community4046d ago

GameZone's very serious list of top 50 Wii games (#50 - #41)

GameZone: "While the Wii was at the receiving end of both praise and criticism, the console still featured quite the library of impressive titles. Seriously. Let’s take a look back at the Wii one last time and celebrate 50 gems that were truly worth playing."

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