
Gamer's Corner: Heavenly Sword 2 Details Emerge (rumour)

Gamer's Corner writes "The second game is expected to be an open world sandbox affair set 10 years after the events of the original game. Missions are said to be replayable within an interactive environment (presumably deformable scenery and pickup and play makeshift weapons?). The titular 'Heavenly Sword' will not be with you from the outset of the game, this time around you are required to earn the sword by mastering a number of martial arts. Our guess is that you will start with the basic hand to hand style arts such as Karate and Jujitsu and move up to sword based skills like Kendo before earning the Heavenly Sword."

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NukaCola4778d ago (Edited 4778d ago )

Here is the whole article:

"The original Heavenly Sword arrived as a PS3 exclusive very early in the console's lifecycle. Courtesy of developer Ninja Theory, the God of War clone acheived reasonable sales of around 1.5 million back in 2007 when the PS3's gaming library was threadbare. Ninja Theory has moved on to pastures new - now prefering to create multi-platform titles, so it will not be involved in the development of the second title in the Sony owned franchise. Clearly the second game will also be a Playstation 3 exclusive.

The second game is expected to be an open world sandbox affair set 10 years after the events of the original game. Missions are said to be replayable within an interactive environment (presumably deformable scenery and pickup and play makeshift weapons?). The titular 'Heavenly Sword' will not be with you from the outset of the game, this time around you are required to earn the sword by mastering a number of martial arts. Our guess is that you will start with the basic hand to hand style arts such as Karate and Jujitsu and move up to sword based skills like Kendo before earning the Heavenly Sword.

We're visualising this as a cross between God of War 3 and Skyrim.

Currently no news has been announced regarding a release date, nor has any media been released. Expect to hear more at E3."

source info: UK PlayGamer magazine

Well we will have to see. I am always interested in seeing how a Heavenly Sword 2 will be. The less GOW, and more Way of the Samurai seems pretty interesting to me. But until I see some actual footage or hear something legit, I am calling shennanigans.

EDIT: terrordactyl
Not discrediting the info giver, but this is details about something that isn't even confirmed in development.

NewMonday4778d ago

Sandbox! Brilliant!
Believe it or not I fantasize about them making the sequel open world, this would different it from GOW, I hope they get some influence from Jade Empire as well.

I really hop this is real not just a fan fantasy like mine.

TOO PAWNED4778d ago

this sounds like pure win. Even if still haven't played HW, if something like this (sandbox) was released I would be over it.

MehmetAlperTR4778d ago

if it will be sandbox and open world i ll pass it for sure.. first tomb raider and then this ? i think it s enough.. ohh i forget already Resident evil ORC sh*t..

Istanbull4778d ago

Heavenly Sword 2 at E3 2011


50Terabytespersec4778d ago

This with the help of Sony in house could be a phenominal sucess of a game that with 2 player co-op and such !!!
The last game was so defining!
shame the team went on to do sub par games that didn't go well on multiple platforms!

terrordactyl4778d ago

The information is taken from the reputable UK Playgamer magazine. It's legitimate news.

theunleashed644778d ago (Edited 4778d ago )

i'm very skeptical, if true who would we play as?. not to mention how in the world did anyone find where kai buried the sword?. anyway if this does turn out to be true color me excited! i've been wanting a sequel to it for quite a while but for it to be a open world game? awesome!.

ClimateKaren4778d ago

Well, Ninja Theory did talk about a sequel back when HS was released, and mentioned how Nariko would not be a part of it. I'm guessing they've had some ideas kicking around for a while, I'll stay cautiously optimistic. It really is a shame though, she was such a badass character. Maybe we'll get to see her in a future Mortal Kombat or something, since people love to call her Godess of War anyway.

cemelc4778d ago

Spoiler here!!!

The torch was passed in the game...RIP Nariko.

Kai could be the new lead.

terrordactyl4778d ago

Edited to rumour, just in case.

tehpees34778d ago

I felt Heavenly Sword deserved better treatment than it got

AliC4778d ago

Yeah it arrived quite early in the PS3 life cycle, definitely a game you should pick up now if you see it in stores, it still looks impressive now.

supremacy4778d ago

Yeah all its missing is some trophies, because though it was a good game. It was at that a very short lived experience, at least a trophy patch would do this game some justice.

Also would like to see a sequel to the following games.

Syphon filter logan's shadow on ps3
Legend of dragoon
Dark cloud
Roque galaxy
Wild arms
Omega boost
Jak n daxter
Genji, yes i know, i know but i think this franchise can be improve just like any other reboot.

Get Sega to do a sequel to shinobi exclusively for the ps3 like they currently do so with yakuza.

A coded arms sequel for the ngp and i think we are good to go.

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10 Games We’ll Never Get The Chance To Play

Many games have to travel through a long arduous journey before they can see the light of day and make it onto the shelves. Unfortunately, some titles are not as lucky and end up getting canceled. …

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Fist4achin2611d ago

I'm going to have to pour a 40 for some of these titles. There was some great stuff in development here...

2611d ago

10 Games We Wish Wouldn't Have Been Cancelled

Many games have to travel through a long arduous journey before they can see the light of day and make it to the shelves. Unfortunately, some titles are not as lucky and end up getting cancelled. These are 10 games we wish wouldn't have been cancelled.

Roccetarius3374d ago

Prey 2 was Bethesda showing their true colours, unfortunately. The death of that was due to backhanded tactics in order to force an easy aquisition.

medman3373d ago

How about Rockstar's Agent?!?!?!

Spikeantestor3374d ago (Edited 3374d ago )

Was Prey 2 ever officially cancelled? I could have sworn Bethesda was trying to find another developer.

Anyway, not sure it counts cuz it wasn't technically in development but, Shenmue III.

darthv723374d ago (Edited 3374d ago )

You mean Shenmue III.

and what about games announced for platforms that never made it out but still released on other platforms?

Alien colonial marines on the wii-u comes to mind. despite its flaws, using the gamepad as a motion tracker screen just looked like a cool bonus.

edit: you made the correction. ;)

DefenderOfDoom23374d ago

I believe someday Bethesda will make Prey 2 . I hope after the new Doom game comes out , ID Software will make a sequel to RAGE.

Roccetarius3374d ago

Prey 2 looked pretty damn good even from the E3 showing. It's not often we actually get a Bounty Hunter game.

WizzroSupreme3374d ago

Sure wish that awesome Avengers game could've gone all the way before THQ went under.

OhMyGandhi3374d ago

great list.
Stars wars 1313 and Prey 2 were particular blows to me.

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Possible Heavenly Sword Sequel, Surprising Movie Twist, and More Revealed in Blockade Ent. Interview

Junkie Monkeys: We recently spoke with Brad Foxhoven over at Blockade Entertainment about the Heavenly Sword movie. Brad has shared some exciting details on the prospect of another Heavenly Sword game, future movies, and a surprising twist!

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Crossbones3836d ago

"There has been some talk about another game, which we can only hope happens!"

Please Sony Make It Happen.

Treezy5043836d ago

Agreed, the game always deserved a sequel, hopefully this time it comes to fruition.

Crossbones3836d ago

I hope it's revealed sometime next year at the earliest.

dericb113836d ago


Well we are getting a movie so I think Sony is going forward with the series.

Movie Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/t...

Treezy5043836d ago

@dericb Yes I know that's what this interview is about :)

Jepedillo3836d ago

Perhaps at VGA's/VGX this year.

GUYwhoPLAYSvideoGAME3836d ago

hopefully she will be in less ridiculous clothing next time.

WillGuitarGuy3836d ago

Wut...It's not like she was flaunting her breasts throughout the entire game, damn.

GrandTheftZamboni3836d ago


Maybe this is what GUYwhoPLAYSvideoGAME meant by ridiculous clothing: not revealing enough.

Sayai jin3836d ago

I thouroughly enjoyed HS on my PS3! More I say!

ATiElite3836d ago

I told you guys A LONG time ago HEAVENLY SWORD 2 was coming to the PS4 GUARANTEED!

But Nooooo no one wanted to listen to the PC Guy!

you guys want the date?

Q1 2015

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3836d ago
Parapraxis3836d ago

Blockade Ent.
Production Company - filmography

Ratchet and Clank (2015) ... Production Company
Heavenly Sword (2014) ... Production Company

MisfitsInc3836d ago

i would love to see a sequel where the real "Child of prophesy" is born and he has to learn about what he is and eventually take the sword back.

Inzo3836d ago

This has boggled my mind for some time, why has it taken so long to even talk of a HS sequel.

Nodoze3836d ago

Should have made a seq to this instead of the last God of War title. Let Kratos rest.

kratos_TheGoat3836d ago

Let sony best selling character/series rest kill your self

HammadTheBeast3836d ago



Then Kratos.

Inzo3836d ago

What is this blaspheme?

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