
Tales of the Abyss announced for North America

Latest issue of Nintendo Power reveals Tales of the Abyss is heading to North America.

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boogeyman9994804d ago

Good news, about time Namco started caring

Istanbull4804d ago

I played this game on the PS2, don't need to play it again on a handheld really.

blackblades4804d ago

Me to I don't know why they bring it to the 3ds.

firefoxprime4804d ago

I dunno...maybe for people who "haven't" played the game on the ps2....-sighs- morons.

Misterhbk4804d ago

YES YES YES! Another reason I'm glad I managed to grab a 3DS for very cheap. Never got to finish this on PS2 so now I'll have the chance. This and Zelda will finally make the purchase worth while, as I have zero 3DS games at the moment.

Peaceful_Jelly4804d ago

this game's gonna flop too and then Namco's not gonna bring more games to the west. I bet that any Tales release for the Xbox or PS3 would sell more than the 3DS and Wii combined yet they refuse to localize Xillia and Vesperia... Namco is being ran by a bunch of morons I tell you.

Is like SNK making exclusive games for the X360 in Japan and then they wonder why the company's in such a bad shape. I mean, really...? =/

Misterhbk4804d ago

This game actually has quite the chance for success being on the 3DS. With the library of games being so small, people are currently more willing to try things they otherwise wouldn't have. 3.6 million 3DS owners out there with very few games to play at the moment. This one has a huge chance of taking off since its better than just about every single 3DS game released thus far. The only argument one could have is that maybe street fighter is better.

maniacmayhem4804d ago

Vesperia didn't sell well in the US.

And i love that you think SNK is in bad shape because of their exclusives for the 360 in Japan. It goes deeper than that.

Shows how little you know of the industry.

Ruggadagod4804d ago

no ps3 version namco? it's gonna flop if it's not.

DNAbro4804d ago

it's a port of the ps2 version. do you really need it on the ps3?

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PhoenixUp1784d ago

I’ve been hooked on the series ever since playing Tales of Xillia

jznrpg1784d ago

I hope they remaster or port a lot of the older games of the series to PS4/PS5

Immagaiden1784d ago

“Tales series is considered one of the top three Japanese RPG series next to RPG giants like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.”

How you gonna talk about the top three JRPG franchises and not mention Pokémon, the top selling series in the genre?

This is how the top JRPG series stack up

1. Pokémon - 340M
2. Final Fantasy - 144M
3. Dragon Quest - 78M
4. Monster Hunter - 52M
5. Kingdom Hearts - 30M
6. Souls - 25M
7. Tales of - 20M


What About Tales of The Abyss?

Huzaifah writes: "Now I can’t talk about this game without letting my bias seep into the writing, but trust me when I say that if you’re a fan of the JRPG genre, you need to give Tales of The Abyss a chance."

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FallenAngel19842165d ago

It’d be great if Tales of the Abyss was remastered for modern consoles or even just released as a PS2
Classic on PS4.

PhoenixUp2165d ago

“The game does fall into some cliche fantasy tropes over the course of it’s run, which is disappointing, but not a deal breaker in any sense.”

One of the greatest appeals of the Tales series is how various plots that start as cliche as the setting could get but later go on to subvert and deconstruct the very tropes they employ, often by drastically highlighting the nasty downsides of them.

DivineAssault 2165d ago

The characters & stories are so entertaining in these.

DivineAssault 2165d ago

This was a great game. Vesperia is still my favorite but this one was very good. 3DS version is my favorite. Less loading and the map display is much more convenient. They need to make a tales of collection for the PS4. Itd be cool on switch too but idk how the licensing situation would be for the PS1-PS4/PSP-PSV exclusive entries

ZeroX98762164d ago

Abyss is my favorite one of all! since I can't stand low resolution, I replayed it recently via PCSX2 (I own the original game and system) so the loading times were insanely fast compared to any other version.
I would gladly re-buy it on my PS4 :)

vork772164d ago

i think this game has the best character development in any tales game sense luke goes from a brat rich kid to a true hero is great

Fist4achin2164d ago

I want to try Tales of the Abyss, but the only Tales game I tried was Tales of Hearts and I didn't really care for it. Any recommendations?

Razmiran2164d ago

Abyss. Vesperia. Symphonia. Xillia. Berseria
Try any of those

Fist4achin2164d ago

I will have to try one of those. Thanks