
Lost Planet confirmed for PS3, but does anyone care?

Lets face it. Losing Monster Hunter 3 to the Wii of all things was a slap in the face to long time fans that have been wanting to see what these monsters in this survival game would look like rendered by the PlayStation 3.

People got pissed off, Capcom said lets see how you feel next week .. and that next week is finally here.

Question is, do PS3 owners care?

Sevir046127d ago

i wont bother my self with this. maybe if it was LP2 but it isn't

icdedppl6127d ago

ugh, lost planet? who cares! give us back monster hunter 3! i would rather take a wii port of that than play lost planet (again).

JsonHenry6127d ago

I don't because Lost Planet was horrible. Dialog, gameplay, the story.. the only thing it was good at was visuals. But that only carries you so far.

Real Gambler6127d ago

I've bought Bioshock and Orange Box for my PC, but this one wasn't available... Maybe just a rent on my PS3 though...

sagapo6127d ago

@Json Henry; i agree with the story and dialog bit from Lost Planet, but i believe the gameplay was as good as it was for this kinda game. I liked it anyway...

Razzy6127d ago (Edited 6127d ago )

I'm not interested in Lost Planet. I would definitely be interested in Dead Rising though, and I think many others agree. Someone should tell this to Capcom.

marinelife96127d ago

Mark me down for the don't care crowd. More developers need to realize waiting a year on timed exclusives to release your game on another console makes people lose interest and they get distracted by newer more fascinating games. Epic is going to make the same mistake with UT3 when it finally releases on the 360 in about a year. 360 fans will be salivating over something else by then and will care less about UT3.

Omegasyde6127d ago

i would of rather took viewtiful joe, dead rising, Marvel vs Snk/Capcom or even a new megaman game over any other game over Lost planet.

Instead of dropping PS3 "megaton bomb"....

They dropped dogpoo. Wow talk about misuse of Hype.
Atleast Streetfight 4 MIGHT BE GOOD. Last 3-d street fighter sucked.

UnasFortuna6126d ago

Would agree with most that Capcom could have had bigger news with such hype that was put out. As far as Lost Planet goes... not sure what all these extra characters and 360 Downloadable content is about...just played the single player game and never downloaded extra content... only remember some extra maps being released on 360 though...could be wrong. It was a decent game for its genre and time... but it is a year old. Will I buy it again for my PS3... more than likely just to support the PS3 and those developers who develop for it. Wouldn't mind going through it again.... would have to support rumble though on the controller. Yes, I am one of those people who think rumble adds more to a game.

MikeGdaGod6126d ago

add me to the don't care list for Lost Planet

this can't be the bombshell

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Bigmac5736127d ago

Capcom screws the pooch once again.

BLUR1116126d ago

the hell dead rising was real cool but its a sandboxgame that u just mess around its fun at first thats it thou, lost planet was good

Scythesean6127d ago

Nope, give me zombies or stfu capcom!

Quickstrike6127d ago

Capcom give me mechs or give me death

Vip3r6127d ago

I've played the demo and the game sucks imo.

gamesR4fun6127d ago

Bet they'll try and go 3d again and totaly mess it up. If they do go 2d it better b a cheap dl from psn tho.
Has for lost planet like I care about a year old game that played like crap...
Capcons gone to the dogs IMO Just another company looking for a quick buck with minimum investment ie the reason they put MH3 on wii less work (heck I dont think theses guys can make a real next gen game)

JsonHenry6127d ago

I WOULD say that as a blanket statement -

But games like Resident Evil and Dead Rising prove they still have it. Capcom has always released crap alongside greatness the entire time they have been around.

Love them for the good titles, don't waste your money on the bad.

socomnick6127d ago

Lost planets pretty fun guys I rocks with a good surround sound and a nice hdtv. Take it for what it is a action game nothing more nothing less and you will enjoy it. I personally think all of capcoms titles are quality Dead rising was amazing , resident evils are awesome, lost planet was decent, dmc is also awesome. Don't really care much for their fighting games though not my favorite genre.

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5 Capcom Games that Deserve the Resident 2 2019 Treatment

Resident Evil 2 2019 launches in a few short weeks and it looks, and plays, amazing. Capcom has taken the classic and renowned title and not only modernized the visuals but added new content to keep the experience fresh for veterans who played the original. But there are some games that deserve the same treatment from Capcom. Here are 5 games from Capcom that deserve the Resident Evil 2 2019 treatment.

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FallenAngel19842026d ago

Not another one of these “treatment” articles

darthv722026d ago

Remasters are still popular so... yeah.

I personally like when there are remastered compilations. More than just remaking one game but to take a couple (or more) in a series and remake them as one nice compilation. Viewtiful Joe comes to mind. to have a full remake of all the games on one disc would be sweet.

I know many want to see Powerstone come back (as do I) but i'd go even deeper into their vault and bring back darkstalkers, cyberbots or even project justice / rival schools combo.

FallenAngel19842025d ago

This isn’t a remaster it’s a remake

galmi2026d ago

well for me there's
dino crisis
clock tower
haunting ground
resident evil 3
the whole onimusha series (except 4)
chaos legion
crimson tears
ring of red

PapaBop2026d ago

Imagine Clock Tower done in a similar style to RE7 in first person with VR support.. that would be so so damn good.

SuperDuke12902026d ago

That would be superawesome

JonTheGod2026d ago

I loved Haunting Ground. Very underrated.

Adexus2026d ago

Onimusha instantly came to mind.

JonTheGod2026d ago

Already happening (although it's a remaster as opposed to a remake).

Adexus2025d ago

Yeeeah, I definitely wouldn't say that's nearly on the level the RE2 Remake is.

monkey6022026d ago (Edited 2026d ago )

This is a horrible list!
There are a load of titles far more deserving of a remaster than these picks. Seriously ! Dead Rising, Lost Planet and Dragons Dogma aren't even old games and have had recent sequels already!

Top of the list should be Dino Crisis,
I'll accept Resi 3 because I'm hoping that happens.
Clock tower and Haunting Ground are good choices too, It would be nice to be able to get them for a non extortionate rate.

Shadow of Rome was an amazing game and I'd love a remaster or new entry but I genuinely don't think they'd get away with it today unless it was massively toned down

Vetalka832026d ago

Resident Evil 3 yes,Dino Crisis games?Yes.Onimusha 2 hell yes.never got to play Powerstone properly so yeah i would love to see it remade,others on that list i just dont care about.

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Collector's Corner: Lost Planet Extreme Condition Collector's Edition

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition was released in Europe in 2007 as an Xbox 360 exclusive, though it would later come to other systems as well. Aside from the regular version, a Collector’s Edition was made available, which includes an art book and a steel case, and early access to free multiplayer maps, as well as a soundtrack cd.

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Remember When? Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

JP: Not every game receives massive critical acclaim. Yet, there are some titles that stick with you despite their lack of success. For me, Lost Planet: Extreme Condition is one of my most memorable multiplayer experiences of this generation.

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