
Battlefield 3 Coming to Nintendo With 64 Players?

Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Coming to Nintendo? with 64 Players?

There are many “hardcore” gamers who are embarrassed to talk or even mention the name Nintendo in a serious conversation about gaming. Long gone are the days of the 80’s and 90’s where it was “Cool” to own and play a Nintendo. Today the word is Taboo in some circles, being synonymous with kid games and a gimmicky wand for a controller.

But…..that may be about to change…..

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I_find_it_funny4792d ago (Edited 4792d ago )

" There is NO EVIDENCE so all of this is purely speculative – but read me out… "

no thanks

BiggCMan4792d ago

Well I think it would be great if Nintendo had a franchise like Battlefield on their supposed new console. Perhaps it means they will take a more serious route with it you know? Top notch graphics, hopefully an online community etc.. All the stuff you now expect from your new consoles. In all seriousness here, I really thought the headline said coming to Nintendo64, then I reread it and things started to make sense haha. I do miss the N64 though, such a great console with so many amazing games on it.

Inside_out4792d ago

If Nintendo does announce a new console at E3, then Sony and Microsoft will launch at the same time. They have to or all will be lost. Epic, Crytek, Dice...etc, will all be on the new console and Nintendo will want to lock up some exclusives for their new machine from those guys and especially the middleware.

I've always thought that Microsoft would launch first and I still believe that but with all the speculation this week, it's now a must that they push the new console.

Can you imagine if Nintendo launches a console with 1080p/60 fps standard with the capability to do even more than that if the game is scaled for it. Nintendo will walk off with the hard core and as everybody already knows, they have the casuals already. With backwards compatibility a guarantee, it will lights out for Sony and Microsoft.

DeadlyFire4791d ago

Call of Duty, Battlefield = Yes. More than likely to appear on New Nintendo console. Don't know if it will be Battlefield 3 or this COD number coming in 2011 though as they are launching this year and its possible Bad Company 3 and another Call of Duty might be ready by end 2012.

64 players. I would hope so, but knowing the push for more power its still likely to stand around 32 players at most for a typical game in the new generation. That's not to say some games with more players can't exist. Just depends.

As far as Sony and Microsoft go they are launching a new console by 2014. Likely to be announced by E3 2012 since Nintendo is already coming with their announcement this year.

I do think Sony is prepped to announce. As they hinted at a new console at CES this year already. Stating that NGP is first of a new line of Sony entertainment products or something of a similar sense meaning something else is to be announced soon.

ProjectVulcan4791d ago

Only if nintendo have the solid well integrated online service to support it, and a console with enough RAM...

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Soldierone4792d ago

Yeah. There are also rumors about scientists making pigs fly.

ALFAxD_CENTAURO4792d ago (Edited 4792d ago )

I thought it was on Wii. I also saw the Crysis leaked gameplay on Wii, which was funny. But on Wii 2, Battlefield could be possible if they make a core system.

Agent-864792d ago

It's April 23 and a little late for April Fools Day jokes.

lelo2play4792d ago (Edited 4792d ago )

It would be funny if they released BF3 for the Wii2 with support for 64 players. How would PS3 and X360 players feel?

If Nintendo releases the Wii2 this year, i think Microsoft and Sony should release a new console in 2012... or they will stay behind.

Soldierone4792d ago

By the time devs think "screw the PS3 and 360, use the potential of the Wii2" there will be new variations coming. This will take more than a year of Wii2 being on the market though.

CommonSense4792d ago

There is no way this is happening. Wii 2 hasn't even been formally announced. which means the soonest it would launch would be end of the year (which is HIGHLY unlikely). but lets say that it is coming in 2011...the money being invested in battlefield 3 is already very high. do you really think they'd suddenly invest more resources to port it to a system with a 0 install base?

ipe4791d ago

- there s no chance wii2 ll come this year, especially when N is hoping for good 3ds holiday
- there is no chance ps4/xbox ll come next year
- and 1 game ll not change that

lh_swe4791d ago

As a gamer I would be happy, and if the console turned out awesome I'd buy it. It would be retarded to be angry about evolving tech...because in the end its a means to an end, that end being gaming.

Dumb speculation tho, as thats all this is...despite that, I can't say I wouldn't wish it to be true.

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ATiElite4792d ago

Lets all speculate that Modern Warfare 3 will be an Onlive Exclusive.

Lets entertain the rumor that Half Life 3 will release on the ipad 2 at E3.

see i can make stuff up to for web hits.

TheDeadMetalhead4792d ago

Mortal Kombat 9 is coming to a new Sega system. My dad works at Sega and he told me.

humbleopinion4791d ago

The actual question is - why is this crap marked as an article and not as a rumor?

iamtehpwn4792d ago

Agrees if you thought it said "Coming to Nintendo 64" at first.

SlyFoxC4792d ago

i read that and was like WTH?!!!

SantistaUSA4792d ago

I'm glad I wasn't the only one! lol :p

TheDeadMetalhead4792d ago

You are now imagining Battlefield 3 on Nintendo 64 playing just like Goldeneye.

I'd buy it.

R8344791d ago

haha - I read that too! :)

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FinalSpartan4792d ago

Wii 2 version will look like PC version.

BattleAxe4792d ago

Your brain looks like the 8 bit Nintendo version.

matey4791d ago

atually better when its a revamped R700 it will mean more in line with HD 6000 series

The_Claw4792d ago

sorry dude but i dont think the wii 2 will be out this coming november so no, it wont have bf3 or mw3. maybe later after project cafe actually launches.

Zydake4792d ago

I don't think you guys noticed but with all that money they made off the DS Wii and now the 3DS these guys aquired a lot of money. With that money they can make something unstoppable unlike Sony and Microsoft where both corps have different products like TV's, phones or computers but Nintendo only has one focus which is gaming. With that they can use a lot of money to get some good research done.

sourav934791d ago

Yes. Sony and MS have other products as well. More products = more sources of finance. Hence, they can use the money for any section of the company they give priority to. So you see, sony and ms has more options unlike Nintendo.

SleazyChimp4791d ago

Yeah cuz really Nintendo just basically re-package a game cube and gave it a new waggle controller and sold to consumers again. So there is some logic to what your saying. By doing this Nintendo was the only console maker that was making a profit off their console right out the gate. Which would give them a sizable war chest. Its gonna need it if they really plan on taking Sony and MS head on and try to beat them at their own game.

Maddens Raiders4791d ago

another purely speculative & *wishful* article. Pathetic.

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2fk4792d ago

i would never get BF3 or MW3 on anything Nintendo

BeastlyRig4792d ago (Edited 4792d ago )

lol I would if it looked like the pc version!

sikbeta4792d ago

So you would not get it for a Nintendo console then :P

2fk4792d ago

Nintendo has a lot of money...they need to make their consoles better becuz the graphics are way out dated and they need a actual controller

Panthers4792d ago

They only have a lot of money because of the recent success of the Wii and DS. That being said, they are still nowhere near the size of Sony or MS, mainly because those companies have many other industries.

I doubt they are going to change direction with their next console, because right now I dont see them in direct competition with Sony or MS. Thats how they are able to be so successful.

matey4791d ago

there building the ultimate console 4 power im betting no console will beat this its got DX 10.1/11 SM 4.1 and a 900mhz + gpu and custom triplecore clocked higher than 360 so think in the 4.2ghz range or above this beast will demolish PC because when optomized 4 consoles these GPU,s out perform PC look at what 360 did with DX9 tech with BF3/C2 ect almost as good as PC on medium settings this Nintendo STREAM will rule in Hardcore gaming as Nintendo are concentrating on gaming with 3DS/STREAM so they will trow big money at devs if need be think GTA5 timed exclusive with proper photo realism.

Shok4792d ago

That'd be a huge kick-in-the-balls to the HD fanboys.

Dart894792d ago

I think it would go something like this.

theEx1Le4792d ago

I couldn't help but lol, bubs up :)

ALFAxD_CENTAURO4792d ago (Edited 4792d ago )

HD Fanboys? (That's a new one).

Then by your logic, PC Gamers (which there are a lot of ''HD Fanboys'') are not affected.

Shok4792d ago

"HD fanboys" = 360/Ps3 Fanboys. We all know this. The 360 and Ps3 are called the "HD Consoles" or "HD Twins", therefore, fanboys of them can be called "HD Fanboys".

Again, you know this. Don't act as if you don't.

RastaCC4792d ago

I would like to find out where you got this term "HD Fanboys." I suggest you stop using it because it sounds ridiculous. HD twins? WHO CARES WHAT YOU PLAY GAMES ON!

Shok4792d ago

All because you may have never seen the term doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

And I know you've heard "Hd consoles" before, don't bullshit. So logically, fanboys of "HD consoles" are considered the "Hd fanboys". It's simple logic dude.

R8344791d ago

If liking HD because I don't have to squint through pixelation means I'm an 'HD Fanboy' then so be it.

Who would actually choose SD over HD!?

ChickeyCantor4791d ago

Thats not even his point.

The last 4 years this generation of gamers have been fapping over everything thats promoted with the tag "HD".
The irony in all of this is that PC gamers are actually HD gamers. But its the console gamers going on about HD stuff on their console.

So when Shok said: "HD fanboys", it was damn clear who he was talking about.
If you didn't then you havn't been around much.

SleazyChimp4791d ago

The same people who who justify shitting in the woods over indoor plumbing!

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

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masterfox569d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia568d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad568d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

568d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin568d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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MadLad694d ago

There's fun to be had here.
