shikamaroooo4905d ago

the fact it says September i don't believe it since every GoW game has released on march (except GoW: GoS)

solideagle14905d ago

GOW is the real deal. i have not played GOW3 yet:( but i would love to. lets see how my future goes for gaming....right now no next gen console ;) ahem ahem as for GOW my fav action game just close to DMC3. but DMC3 gameplay is better but over all GOW is miles better.


HammockGames4905d ago

@ Shikamaroooo

Yup, March has historically been the release window for GoW. No reason they couldn't revise that, though, and try for a holiday blockbuster.

Regardless, E3 might've just gotten more interesting.

NewMonday4905d ago

I wish it has co-op like the classic Golden Ax, the final boss fight in GOW Ghost of Sparta proves it can be done.

jony_dols4905d ago

After completing the excellent GOW3 & the most recent PSP title Ghost of Sparta, I reluctantly say that I'm now finding that the series has gone a bit stale.

Unless Santa Monica overhaul some major gameplay elements of GOW4, it won't be a day oner for me....

But thats just my opinion.

PLASTICA-MAN4905d ago (Edited 4905d ago )

Make it an adventure-quest/open world/action/rpg/hack'n slash GOW. That's what David Jafe visions were after GOW1; make a zelda like GOW. Well it HAVE TO BE done, that will give GOW a long replay value and teh haters "8 hours long" will be history !

Edit: Do you know that Santa Monica doubled of their team members? The GOW3 team was almost 200 hundreds people, imagine now 400!!! 400 professional with senior engineers among them just for one game!!! The only reason is:

Don't worry, IT IS A REALITY, and GOW4 will make use of it (maybe MGS5 too), that's the only way to counter the soon releasing consoles from the opposition. I don't see Sony rushing the PS4 just to counter slightly powered consoles with no striking new features. Sony will wait for 2016-2017 to launch the PS4 with revolutionary technologies like tactile holography and ray-tracing, until then the PS3 well get upgraded to the promised initial form envisaged by Ken Kutaragi with 4 Cell processors (which can display a resolution of 3840x2160 at 240FPS, with no sweat and that will keep the PS3 (PS3.5 or PS3.9) in the competition for a long term until the release of the PS4))!

SuperLupe4905d ago

GOW is an excellent series we really need another one ?

Id prefer they work on something else.

PLASTICA-MAN4904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )

Here are more proofs of what I said:
- David Jaffe wanting GOW to be like Zelda:

- Studio Santa Monica doubling the team: In the article they said they were going from 100 to 200 full time job developers, which will remain working permanently in the studio, if you watch a video interview for GOW3, the director mentioned that their team grew up to 200 developers: 100 where full time and stayed in the studio and the the other 100 were only temporary working on GOW3, when the game launched, they left the studio and the director even helped them to find other projects, the same can be said for GOW4, 200 hundreds are going to be permanent and the other 200 hundreds will be temporary.

- PS3 capable of hooking and treating many Cell processors:

- Touchable Holography:

- PS4 will feature ray-tracing:

- PS3 can display 3840x2160 at 240FPS with 4 cells hooked together:

And personally, I see having this solution is better than taking the risk and developing a new console. It is better and cheaper for both Sony and customers to invest on upgrading an already well established console rather than on high priced new one. Maybe if the PS3 had all the 4 Cell processors at launch, it would have costed at least 2000$ and would have been doomed to fail. Now the technology has advanced and and producing those components is cheaper than before. Let's say the addon may cost between 50-100$ no more, way cheaper than buying a 600$ Xbox 720. Keep in mind that in the previous generation, the first PS2s released couldn't run GT4, MGS3 GOW1&2 etc, so you had to buy newer versions of PS2s to run them. I don't see why the thing won't happen again, with either buying the addon for the already shipped PS3s or buy newer PS3s with the new processor integrated in them!

Dare to disagree more now?

RSPproductionz4904d ago

maybe the world will end in 2012 after all

DatNJDom814904d ago

Yes! Right before the end of the world. Didn't wanna die without running through one last Kratos murder spree. Except this time Diemos and Kratos will be both be slaughtering shit. Can't wait!

Bull5hifT4904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )

WOOoooooo! 3 Months to play Before The World Ends. 2 and a half months, last 15 days reserved to .F*** prostitues 24-7... With my life savings, aids wont mean S*** Anymore at that point ---hope Vegas aint OverCrouded

gta28004904d ago


Really? Why question that? God of War is awesome! it's like having 3 sets of tits in your face and you're questioning whether you would like a 4th set on your face by saying "do I really need another one?" Really?

Snap back into your senses! God of War 4 will be awesome!

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4904d ago
kneon4905d ago

September makes sense for a PS4 launch title.

jony_dols4905d ago

God of War 1 came out mid-PS2 cycle.
God of War 2 came out end of PS2 cycle.

God of War PSP came out mid-PSP cycle.
God of War GoS came out end of PSP cycle.

God of War 3 came out mid-PS3 cycle.
God of War 4.......?

Do you not see a pattern?
A 2nd GOW iteration on a console is always it's swan song.

Istanbull4905d ago

LOL do u really think PS4 will come next year?? LOLOLOL!! Don't expect a PS4 before 2013 or 2014.

Also: jony_dols gave a perfect nice answer.

kneon4905d ago


I see the pattern, but I also saw the heavy criticism they got for the PS3 launch titles. What better way to launch the PS4 than with the first of the post trilogy GOW games. It will likely be the first in a new series set in the GOW universe. If we see little in the way of new games for the first half of next year then that's a good sign that the PS4 is near.


There is little chance they will wait until 2014, the only way I see that happening is if the doesn't launch before then and the fails to cut into their sales.

It will most likely be next year or the year after. They've been working on it for a while, the only issue is when is it the best time to launch from a strategic perspective. They certainly won't wait again and launch 12-18 months after everyone else.

jony_dols4905d ago (Edited 4905d ago )

Well considering Sony Santa Monica spent 4 years creating their GoW 3 graphics engine, it wouldn't make sense to abandon it after only one game, and then start afresh on a new console. New engines cost a lot of money & time to develop.
And neither Sony or Santa Monica want that, when they already have one of the best engines out there, that be improved even further with a few tweeks.

Regardless of that, the (very) earliest that I could see a PS4 announcement would be a possible E3 2012 reveal, with an aim at a Spring or Summer 2013 launch. But even that is unlikely.....

Prettin4904d ago

The PS4 in 2012 is a bit early. Also, where does it leave the current owners? The PS2 has been around for many years before the release of the PS3. I don't think hardware is the problem( it!) with Playstation. :)

showtimefolks4904d ago

ps3 selling as well has proved that if you put the better product out there it will sell.

this goes for both ms and sony why release a next gen console when the tech will be about the same.


so you know more than every publisher out there who have said we don't need new console for atleast next 2-3 years?

GarandShooter4904d ago

@ showtimefolks

It's not only what is said, but who is saying it, and from what perspective.

Of course publishers want to extend the life cycle. They foot the cost of development, and right about now their devs are able to churn out games on a consistent, profitable basis. They are the bean counters of the industry, concerned mostly about the bottom line.

Devs on the other hand are the artists of the industry. I personally place more value on their opinion of current gen hardware.

We all know Crytek want more powerful machines with more RAM.

kneon4904d ago


It leaves the PS3 owners in the same position as the PS2 owners were when the PS3 launched, fewer new games as the focus begins to shift to the PS4. But a cheaper PS3 for those that aren't ready to upgrade.


No it doesn't go against the 10 year cycle. The PS2 was on a 10 year cycle but the PS3 launched well before the PS2 was 10 years old. The cycles overlap, why does everyone seem to forget that?

But when the PS4 launches expect the PS2 to go away in most markets. They may still keep it around in developing countries if it continues to sell though, unless the PS3 can be sold below $100 by then.

cliffbo4904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )


you said "Keep in mind that in the previous generation, the first PS2s released couldn't run GT4, MGS3 GOW1&2 etc, so you had to buy newer versions of PS2s to run them.".

i owned an original ps2 and it had NO problems running gt4 and all the other games you mention in fact i had no problems running anything at all except the odd Japanese release but even that problem ended when i had a mod-chip fitted.

so in conclusion stop talking

OT. GOW4 will i hope be fantastic and be mp as well.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4904d ago
TVippy4904d ago

I don't believe the fact that it took only 2.5 years for them to develop it.

saladthieves4904d ago

You know what? I'm just gonna wait and see. I'm watching this very closely.

gameraxis4904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )

I was thinking the same thing, until i thought maybe they want the Christmas sales to boost over the 3 mil mark... plus end of the trilogy which has kratos and the greek mythos world revolving around the "GOD OF WAR" which is what ties into the march date, this would be the perfect time to end the trend... but i'd love to see an extra few hours of prologue or epilogue before then...

gta28004904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )

I hope this is true!!!!

Ravage274904d ago

March 2012, my body is ready :)

sikbeta4904d ago

freaking sweet I know it's going to be Epic as every GOW game, but I hope it has the lenght of the first 2 games combined

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4904d ago
cp684905d ago

Kratos: "The monster you created has returned... to kill you! "

-From God of War I to Ares

Prcko4905d ago

omg one more god of war,favorite game of this gen,day 1!!!

solideagle14905d ago

its not this gen...GOW is generation less game any generation can play it and will love it ;)


news4geeks4904d ago Show
Xof4905d ago

Well, it's inevitable...

Here's hoping there's no Kratos. His story ended in the first game, which made him so much worse in 2 and 3 I can barely articulate it.

I'd kill for a "reboot" w/ a different mythological setting. Greek is a tad overdone. How about Hindu or Buddhist myth? Native American myth?

Or, hell, follow Hesse and dive into an original mythology based off of Jungian psychology and Zoroastrianism.

NewMonday4905d ago

It would be like a Duke Nukem game without Duke

Blad3star4904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )

You don't get his point do you - Duke Nukem games are centered around his personalty.

Kratos can always pass the God of War torch to some one else because the games are more centered around mythical gods.

Kratos is my all time favorite character but I think he needs a rest - my only concern is that Jeffe had alot of say in Kratos design and with out him...Lets just say I dont want to see a Devil May Cry repeat.

Kojima also has to let snake go and bring in a new younger Snake replacement - but what ever you do Kojima keep the emo looking kid from my MGS 5.

pain777pas4904d ago

I know people disagreed with you however I would not be suprised if Athena ended up the next GOW or something. GOW series was well done. The torch can be passed and make a different game because of that. I would not be suprised if the next GOW is a woman. I TRULY MEAN THIS. Santa Monica are risk takers that would be a huge one but Athena as the GOW would be interesting.

chidori6664905d ago

The story is over. Every new entry to the series would just look more and more stupid. To be honest GOWIII already prooved that it would be better to let the franchise pass by - the first two were much better.

Nicaragua4905d ago

I agree - i thought GOW3 was pretty feeble in both story and content.

Looked stunning though.

hiredhelp4905d ago

The story was great if anyone followed it. And the story of ghost of Sparta was also great as found it a gap filler

Eamon4905d ago

The story was great if you followed it carefully.

As for the gameplay it was also great just not as groundbreaking as GOW2.

God of War 2 was like a huge leap forward in terms of gameplay. GOW3's leap in gameplay wasn't as huge but still extremely fun to play.

It had the same GOW formula so what's there not to love?

GodsHand4904d ago

Hope is what we fight for, when all else is lost.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4904d ago
cyborg69714905d ago

All of your suggestions sound terrible.

cooperdnizzle4904d ago

Give me another good game with greek? Com on i am waiting ..... That's right how can you say its over done. Ill tell ya whats over done. War shooters that have no other elements to them what so ever! That my friend is what you would call over done!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4904d ago
Close_Second4905d ago

Please...can we have an epic battle in terms of numbers! I want to take on an army and not just scattered troops.

Silly gameAr4905d ago (Edited 4905d ago )

Are you serious? Almost every battle in GOW 3 was epic. The enemies were plentiful. I'm not sure how well we would do taking on a whole army of undead soldiers, 3 cyclopes, 2 centaurs, and a 3 headed cerberus mutt.


Exactly. I got my a** handed to me plenty on that part before I finally got lucky.

NBT914905d ago

I got the platinum on GOW 3 recently, and on titan mode there is that battle with the Cerberus, Satyrs and exploding dogs... No more than 6 enemies at one time, yet it was the hardest thing I have done in a Game for a long time.

I do not think having too many enemies would be a good idea :P

HD_GAMER19894905d ago

thats what heavenly sword 2 is for. oh so giant titans weren't cool enough for you :s I call atlantis. kratos survived because he has Poseidons powers so when he enters the water his wounds heal, and somehow he ends up in atlantis. his brother will be the antagonist aswell as athena. at above theonly other most obvious mythology to cover besides greek would be Norse God. but i doubt that will happen.

NBT914905d ago

I thought it tells you in God of War 3 that Hercules was his brother... And he is kind of dead now, Kratos pummelled his face into mush, remember? :D
Or did he have another? I did not play Ghost of sparta yet..

Nicaragua4905d ago

Hercules was his half brother but he also has another sibling who he left to be tormented in Hades - its pretty well documented in GOW3 when you keep finding notes in Hades.

HD_GAMER19894905d ago (Edited 4905d ago )

also kratos's real brother was in hades. therefor his soul has now been released due to kratos killing hades and all and probably very angry at kratos and very bitter.

plus if kratos lives he is the only god left now so technical it is up to him to rule the world. if you think about it every god he killed he got theyre powers. hades blades(could summon souls to attack enemies, Hephaestus blades,hermes boots and so on.

maybe kratos will discover his family lives because hades no longer lives. and he has to get to them. and his brother and athena stands in his way. athena is a strategic person who always plans ahead so maybe she will use his love for his family as a method of getting his powers so she can rule the world.

Eamon4905d ago

Athena's soul is somehow still alive. She also took the blade of olympus with her didn't she?

Kratos also stabbed himself with the blade releasing the power of hope into the world or something. I'm not sure if Kratos still has his godly powers anymore since the blade is known to suck out the powers of a God into it like when Kratos fights the statue boss in GOW2 and when Kratos stabs Zeus in GOW2 to take away his ability to become huge.

Either way, if there is a GOW4 and if Kratos is still alive, then he will will probably start off as a semi-mortal again without the godly powers he inherited for each of ones he slayed.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4905d ago
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The Top 10 PlayStation 4 Exclusives

Sony's PlayStation 4 is home to a number of great exclusives, here we take a look at the ten best ones available for gamers right now.

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Someone drew Mega Man in the God of War style and it's the Norse reboot you didn't know you needed

Every now and again a video game reboot comes along that completely changes how you feel about its characters, message, and the overall franchise. For many people that was God of War, when creative director Cory Barlog reimagined it in the Norse world. Now this might sound ridiculous, but the next candidate could very well be Megaman. Yes, seriously. Artist Marco Plouffe drew the bright blue hero as if he has been brought up in the harsh world of furs, ale, and gods that are a bit too enthusiastic about killing each other and giving birth to giant serpents.

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Nacho_Z1962d ago

Hats off for the quality of the picture but it's just shaved Kratos with a helmet. Should be blue surely.

Asuka1962d ago (Edited 1962d ago )

His concept is blue in the article. The thumbnail is actually protoman I believe... or judge dredd who knows

yomfweeee1962d ago

No, the thumbnail is Mega Man in GoW. There is also a Mega Man Dark Souls and Mega Man Alien variant.

Asuka1962d ago (Edited 1962d ago )


It's clearly protoman's helmet tho...

CorndogBurglar1962d ago

You are right. The artist's page shows he has a bunch of projects called "Mega Man in...." where he takes characters from Mega Man and fits them in to other franchises.

This project is called Mega Man in God of War, but this is totally Proto Man. It even says it on his page.

devind1962d ago

@yomfweeee The Dark Souls one is not Megaman.

Zeke681962d ago

While this was a great article and concept, I think this "wow let's copy god of war" "wow let's copy battle royal" "let's copy soulsbourne" or whatever is more bad than good for the gaming industry. Why not take, in this example God Of War "style", but put it in let say a middle east setting?
I understand small studios (and ea ms studios) wants to copy everything under the sun, but if you can't come up with your own ideas, why have a studio to begin with?

TLDR; be unique - not a rip off from yesteryear

Zeke681962d ago

Sad to see out 6votes 1 like new, fresh ideas and 5 want another copy and paste game.
No wonder we get a zillion Battle Royal games but not one shooter thinking outside the BR, MT's, multiplayer formula. Why bother do something new and exciting when "the masses" is happy with clone after clone?! I still have hope some unheard of studio is building away on their own unique game like minecraft, pubg, demons souls did back in their beginning. Rather play something new now and then instead of Assassins Creed #57, Need For Speed #326 or battle royal #1057...
Seems I'm in minority here thinking like this. 😩🤔

AK911962d ago

Um no I’m good thanks.

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DrumBeat1985d ago

Look out, Father! Shut it, boy!

He was definitely annoying in combat.