
8 Reasons "Why Portal is perfect"

GamesRadar editor reckons Valve has achieved perfection:

"It has perfect... sound direction
Portal's computer-voiced guide, GLaDOS, has more of a personality than the vast majority of 'real' videogame characters. That's thanks to the compellingly scripted banter she spouts throughout. Sometimes she made me laugh, others she just confused me - once I actually felt truly sorry for her. She even made me sick with guilt about an inanimate object."

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Syko6096d ago

This game is worth purchasing the Orange Box for even if you never play anything else. I NEED more Portal. Most brilliant idea for a game in a long, long time. Such a mind bender at first and then all of a sudden you understand it and you are flying through 6-7 portals in a row and generating huge speed and doing something that looks impossible.

Plus it is F'ing crazy looking through a Portal that is in front of you and the other is on the roof and it feels like you are going to fall through the portal even though you are looking directly in front of you.

The advanced maps are sick hard too and add a twist on the gameplay.

MK_Red6096d ago

Well, all those reasons are great but I have a reason against them. Portal SHOULD BE LONGER.
Seriously, even 10 hours is short for this awesome gem. Even 20 sweet hours is not enough, More... Portal...

WafflesID6096d ago

yeah, but seriously, can you imagine how long it would take to design some of the last few levels? Beta testing with the portal guns MUST have been a HUGE headache :) Think of all the things you have to account for that the player could try.

AND you can play them again with the different challenges to further increase play time. :)

Hopefully DLC will add more levels.

Honestly, before the orange box came out, portal was the lowest on my list of things I was excited for. But, my god, what a gem they included in this package. It's BRILLIANT.

Lightning Mr Bubbles6096d ago (Edited 6096d ago )

Because it sucks ass. It's not even worthy of a stand alone game. How can it be perfect?

Can some game be perfect and still suck ass?

It's like a Jedi with far more potential than another Jedi. Like Luke Skywalker takes longer to train than another Jedi. But when he's done he's a total badass. Another Jedi maybe is done with his training and all it means is that's he's reached his full potential. But he still sucks ass. But he's perfect. He's reached his full potential.

It's like a PSN game Echochome getting a 10/10 because it's perfect. But it's still not a system seller. It sucks ass, even if it's perfect. You get it?

Rooted_Dust6096d ago

So I gather from your incoherent(probably drug induced) ramblings is that you don't like Portal. In the future if your going to say something "Sucks Ass" and offer nothing to justify that statement, please keep it to yourself.

WafflesID6096d ago

Such an incredibly thoughtful post. Just filled with such insightful gems like "it sucks ass" and "he sucks ass" and "still suck ass."

Here I thought I enjoyed the hell out of it, but I now see the errors of my ways because of your obviously superior intellect and mastery of words.

I guess it MUST suck ass.

socomnick6095d ago

lightning they arent that hard pop a Ritalin andyou should be able to beat it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6095d ago
borgome6096d ago

I'm always impressed when new games come out that are so different from everything else out there. With the gaming industry being so diverse, its hard to come up with new and innovative ideas.

murderofone6096d ago

I think so anyway has anyone heard if there will be DLC

Rooted_Dust6096d ago

That's questionable because Portal does follow a story line.

WafflesID6096d ago

Not going to spoil it, but I love how they actually pulled off the storyline. that in itself took some serious thought.

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Cancelled Portal Prequel "F-Stop" Asset Showcase Released

A gameplay demo of the cancelled Portal prequel F-Stop using recreated assets features no portals, and a unique camera that duplicates items.


Portal With RTX Review - GamesReviews

From GamesReviews:"Portal with RTX is a fresh look for the 2007 classic. But it's not easy to run, and the results may not impress everybody."

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Why Portal RTX is the most demanding game I've ever tested | Digital Trends

Portal RTX may look like a quant remaster, but that couldn't be further from the truth. It's one of the most demanding games available today.

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Tapani554d ago

And in a bad way! This is not where gaming should be going. We should focus more on better physics, AI, more meaningful writing, substance in storytelling and overall art over reflections and lighting effects. But hey, you've got billion dollar companies trying to sell you stuff, so I guess you have to make a whole ecosystem around ray tracing because people make a living out of it on youtube. Talk about losing touch with reality and taking eye off the ball. Advancing gaming as a whole my ass!

dumahim554d ago

This is Portal. Are you expecting them to remake it for different physics or something? What else should they have done other than make it pretty? Besides, this isn't just run of the mill ray-tracing. It's path traced. Richard on DF said path tracing with 4 bounces is very demanding.

Number1TailzFan554d ago

Yeah this isn't basic RT like doing some shadows and reflections and that's it, it's doing a lot more, that's why the original Doom games and Quake 2 etc look so good with it turned on. Most other games that have RT don't have much of an effect at all because it's doing much more basic and limited fx, it's too demanding.

Tapani554d ago

I get it, I'm a PC enthusiast, but I just feel that what we, and I do, way too much is checking out puddles and mirrors for reflections, rooms for lighting effects and rocks and trees for shadows.

I understand Path Tracing is expensive, and I get the DF side of things and all that. I listen to them and learn everyday, and I really like their cast and what they are doing.

I just genuinely think that the narrative and discussion is revolving too much on the technical aspects of the games nowadays, and I fully understand it when games are shipped in a poor condition today more and more.

I just mean that maybe we could have just done without this Portal RT update, and maybe we are at a point where we talk about RT as much as we talk about music or story when a new game comes out. I'm just saying that I think the discussion is unbalanced and skewed towards these relatively insignificant aspects of games.

Anyway, enjoy the Portal 2 RT.

Speedweed554d ago

And we shouldnt expect other advancements because Portal RTX is literally just a Tech Demo for Nvidia RTX Remix. Its just made to show what is possible using the RTX Remix tool and it looks like people can't wait for the release of it

Levii_92554d ago

Wow.. that cake screenshot comparison is absolutely amazing.