
UWO students break world record for playing halo

Students at the University of Western Ontario held a gaming marithon to raise funds for chairity and now hold the world record for longest fps gaming session.

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thatboytim4912d ago

Gaming for a good cause gets my vote.

General Shrooms4912d ago

Ya, except playing Halo for 40 hours would make me wanna kill myself.

Ducky4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

If you have to kill yourself for a good cause, then go for it.

Although I would've preferred if they played JustCause instead just for the word-play involved.

telekineticmantis4912d ago

fun for a good cause can get even the laziest people to participate lol.

thekiddfran4912d ago

Love hearing stories like this!

Raven_Nomad4912d ago

Did something like this for charity locally here in Florida not too long ago, wasn't nearly as long but we did 24 hours straight. Managed to raise some money for Make a Wish as well.

Great story.

JoshUK4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

This record has actually already been broken by guys from the website 'Sticktwidders' in the UK, who managed 44 hours.


Still a great cause for charity!

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Scrapped Halo DS game could resurface after 17 years of mystery

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The Next Halo Game Is Being Developed In-House, Contrary To Earlier Reports

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XiNatsuDragnel63d ago

I see it's good they're developing in-house but question is will it be a good halo game?

RaidenBlack63d ago

Next mainline Halo sequel likely to continue with the in-house slipspace engine (since they invested so much in its development) ...and the Halo 1 Remake likely to be UE5 based one and act as UE based Halo template for future Halo projects

rlow163d ago

Nice to see the truth being reported.

CrimsonWing6963d ago

I know this is gonna twist a lot of people's panties, but I'm over Halo. The peak for me was 3 and Reach, after that they've been boring and extremely by the numbers. Infinite was not that great, in my opinion. Was it horrible? Absolutely not. But I'm starting to get the feeling of "if you've played one, you've played them all" ever since 4. My apologies to those I triggered.

anast62d ago

In house AI with independent contractors.

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