
Xperia PLAY Becomes Gameloft’s Best Performing Android Platform

While the Xperia PLAY did suffer various launch problems, from a “freight issue” to a mobile provider pulling out from the launch due to bugs, the platform’s biggest publisher, Gameloft, has announced that the phone is “already a top device” in terms of game sales, beating out tough competition from other Android phones.

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Sev4858d ago

Man, hurry up and release this thing stateside. I need one. Glad to see that there's already such support.

doctorstrange4858d ago

In the full interview, you'll see Gameloft are planning long term for the PLAY, so it'll definitely have legs.

zootang4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

I got one (uk) and I love it! Best phone i've had for a long time. Would like more PSone classics, choice is limited at the moment. Also could do with more news on upcoming games and if PSP games are coming.

Can't reply need bubbles!

Stealth20k4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

just get a ngp. Youll be able to play all these shovelware mobile games plus actual portable games

the windows phone hasnt really taken off. Neither will this

@ below personally just give me a regular cell phone. And decent games is being very kind.

I thought the prices were leaked at around 600 dollars . Not cheap

BigWoopMagazine4858d ago

...but... you won't be able to call people.

Which is primarily the point of this, I think, to serve those with different needs. Some people like me just need a phone, which can offer decent games during random down time. Other people need a portable gaming console, which will focus all it's resources on providing stellar gameplay. I don't really game outside the house unless I'm really, really bored, so I would go with a phone that can offer something better than Tetris, but is still primarily a phone first and foremost. Hopefully it's also cheaper, more durable, has longer battery life, and other similar benefits that come from foregoing all the bells and whistles.

TotalPS3Fanboy4858d ago

because both devices meet different needs. One is a smart phone, the other is a handheld.

Just because I have a handheld doesn't mean I won't need a smart phone too.

Spinal4858d ago

Exactly what BigwoopMag just said. Its like Stealth don't understand that there are people Who don't want the NGP/3DS.

We want a phone that can game with controls too. Hence the xperia Play, I'm buying mine tomorrow!

silvacrest4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

im sure stealth knows that for well, ALL his previous xperia play comments have ALL been negative

he keeps trying to pedal the ngp as a superior device, which it is.....for gaming and only gaming, that's all

and as for "Youll be able to play all these shovelware mobile games plus actual portable games"

where's your proof? no one at the playstation meeting mentioned anything about android games coming to the NGP

anyone interested in this device, dont listen to stealth, hes expressed no interest in this phone since before launch and only comments to be negative, my advice is to go to a local phone shop and try it for your self, dont listen to some guy who cant even must one good word about it.....plus he has one bubble for a reason lol

i actually have this phone (i live in the UK) and its great, emulators and official games are surprisingly decent and run well, plus all the android apps make it pretty sweet

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4858d ago
TheTwelve4858d ago

Yeah, all this good news and I'm just watching. Release in the U.S. please.


negroguy4858d ago

Cant wait for this phone. Id love for some good RPGs on the go from the PS certified side. Might not happen but I can hope and overall the phone looks solid.

Trroy4858d ago

Well.. presumably everyone who bought this phone was planning on buying games for it, which is not the case for other phones, really.

Still, its good to hear that it pushes gaming so well on Android.

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Auto Defense: A new strategy game from Gameloft is now globally available

Auto Defense, a real castle battle strategy game by Gameloft, is globally available to download and play on Android and iOS devices.

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Gameloft At E3 2019 | Culture of Gaming

Culture of Gaming set down with Gameloft at E3 2019 where we got to preview some of their upcoming games in the mobile field.

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Gameloft and Microsoft partner up to bring hit games to Xbox Live

Neil writes: "Since the turn of the millennium, Gameloft have established themselves as one of the very top innovators in their field, creating games for various platforms. With the mobile scene being their bread and butter, you would have been able to enjoy a whole host of their titles on your iOS or Android device. Now though they are partnering up with Microsoft to see the Xbox Live service roll out across the mobile gaming landscape."

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timotim1906d ago

Major move by Microsoft here. Already enjoying these games with Xbox Achievements/Live, through Windows 10 on my Surface Go, but now that they are bringing them to iOS and Android, even more people will be able to experience Xbox Live no matter where they are. More of this.

KyRo1906d ago

Major move? These guys make rip offs of popular console games for mobile 😂

Ricegum1906d ago

Let them have some fun.

meep3161906d ago (Edited 1906d ago )

Say what you want about the games, they are popular. There’s all kinds of things I don’t like that make money, doesn’t mean I’ll dismiss them as worthless.


Name a game that’s not influenced/ripping off another game in this day and age. Go ahead I’ll wait...

343_Guilty_Spark1906d ago

And they are very good knockoffs. That racing game is high quality.

timotim1906d ago (Edited 1906d ago )

Regardless how you feel about the games themselves, they make some of the highest rated and most popular mobile games out there. Are you telling me this isn't a smart move???

Google Play Store:

Asphalt 9 - 4.6 out of 5 rating, 847k+ downloads

Asphalt 8 - 4.5 out of 5 rating, 8 million+ downloads

Dragon Mania Legends - 4.6 out of 5 rating, 2 million+ downloads


Asphalt 9 - 4.8 out of 5 rating, 300k+ downloads, #2 in racing on the platform

Asphalt 8 - 4.7 out of 5 rating, 98k+ downloads

Dragon Mania Legends - 4.8 out of 5 rating, 43K+ downloads

This is a major move because its never been done before by a major platform holder like Microsoft. I dont see why they would stop there either. They are the only ones with the infrastructure and will to pull it off. Major titles on console, PC and mobile (phones and tablets and TV), all running Xbox Live...Im sorry but thats a smart move.

gangsta_red1905d ago


Those are some pretty high metacritic scores.

Where are we at this moment? Are we currently celebrating review scores or are we still blaming bias journalists and clickbait reviews?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1905d ago
lxeasy1906d ago

Couldn't agree more, adding Xbox Live to mobile games across IOS and Android is a wise decision. They really are expanding Xbox from the living room space.

chiefJohn1171906d ago (Edited 1906d ago )

MS making moves, is this "Lord" Phil's doing? 😂

jznrpg1906d ago (Edited 1906d ago )

Gameloft make the worst mobile games They make crappy copies of more popular games . Good fit for MS I guess


So you’re implying that MS makes crappy copies of other games? Like what for example?

TheSaint1905d ago

Crackdown 3 was a crappy copy of the first crackdown..

Pickledpepper1905d ago (Edited 1905d ago )

Crackdown 3 is the same as Crackdown? @saint. So let's start with uncharted 1,2,3,4, tomber raider 1,2,3,4, killzone 1,2,3,4, call of duty, God of war and I bet the last of us 2 has a lot of the same elements as the first.
I'm not saying these are bad games at all but you can't make a statement like that just because it's an Xbox game. If you don't like Microsoft or anything Xbox, stay out of Xbox articles!
You sorry little man

timotim1906d ago

Actually, their games are some of the highest rated and popular games on mobile platforms.

darthv721905d ago

Asphalt on the Vita is pretty good.

Casepb1906d ago

Huh, would think they would have went with Nintendo instead.

ILostMyMind1906d ago

As long as it does not hurt my gaming experience, i will just ignore XBL.

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