
Tales of Vesperia Hits Xbox 360 Games on Demand

Namco Bandai Games Europe today announced the launch of Tales of Vesperia on Xbox LIVE Games On Demand for Xbox 360, the first time ever a game in the revered Tales role-playing series has been available on the service in Europe. Since its European launch on Xbox 360 in summer 2009, Tales of Vesperia has garnered widespread critical and fan acclaim.

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Cloudberry4915d ago


If I'm not mistaken, this is the 4th related Tales English game news from Bandai Namco Games ever since the first (the announcement of "Graces f" in English).

Bandai Namco Games sure took their time for divulging further "Graces f" / other Tales games news......... : /

The platform, the voice actors, the release date, etc.

nilamo4915d ago

This game is impossible to find in retail here in Europe. So this is good news, I still prefer to have a hard copy but I guess this is a good alternative.

SuperSaiyan44915d ago

theres hard copies on there...

nilamo4915d ago

yeah for 80-100 euros lol

Scyrus4915d ago

I gave my fiance a sealed collectors edition of this game when it released. got it for free. she never even opened it, not cause shes a collector but beccause shes to lazy to unhook her ps3 to play her 360 lol

Scyrus4915d ago

how can u disagree with that? lol. just sayin what happened.

its a good thing tho because i already have another open collectors also that i played so hers is a good backup that we can sell!

montyburns0004915d ago

great RPG, too bad you missed out on on the PS3 version

TheMutator4915d ago

im still waiting the ps3 version , anyway i have the xbox version but feels rushed

CrazyOrange4915d ago

It doesn't feel rushed at all!!!

it has been more thant 2 years and a half since the release of 360 version and more than 1 year and a half since the ps3 jap release

Dread4915d ago (Edited 4915d ago )

yea it was much better to wait for more than a year to get your sony playstation port in japan.

much better. You sony kids are so lucky. I had such a horrible time playing the game in my 360 more than a year before it was ported. I wish I was lucky enough like all you sony fanboys who have to wait for their ports and play it then . I know it would have been much more fun to wait for so long.

initial_kay4915d ago

ok we get it.. ur a xbox fnboy....sheesh.

BK-2014915d ago

At least we get like 3 exclusive tales games now.

montyburns0004915d ago

"At least we get like 3 exclusive tales games now."

unless we have both systems...

lol. see, we can act like little sniveling brats too.

Dread4915d ago


I own both systems and I do not suck any company's dingdong. I am a gamer first.
However, I cannot stand stupid fanboys and will call them out everytime, just like I did here

I know I was being sarcastic and critical of his statement but he deserved it.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4915d ago
LiamIRL824915d ago

This is definitely the rarest 360 game here in Europe. It goes for a small fortune on Ebay & Amazon. A lot of euro gamers will be happy about this.

GameOn4915d ago

I'm not sure how I feel about it. On one hand it will get more people to play this brilliant game, but on the other, I don't see it having a positive effect on the value of my sealed copy. Oh well, I guess it wall always have sentimental value.

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OG Xbox Live Replacement 'Insignia' Continues To Grow With 11 New Supported Games

Online multiplayer is back for 11 more games thanks to Insignia's XBL 1.0 replacement service running on Original Xbox consoles and the Xemu emulator on PC. Multiplayer, voice chat, leaderboards, etc. have been a monthly addition for many games from Xbox's past library thank to the team at Insignia.live! The 11 new games are now playable online once again after 13+ years.

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XiNatsuDragnel555d ago

Yes yes now bring x360 xbox live then we're golden for life.

Asplundh553d ago

?? Xbox 360 servers are still online, they haven't been taken down yet.

XiNatsuDragnel553d ago

Nah they will be tho look at rscs3 they have psn made in there emulator why not xenia bro?

Blashted553d ago

Service still in beta form, sign up/player counts here: https://insignia.live/

slayereddy553d ago (Edited 553d ago )

Booo!! I was hoping that was Rainbow Six: Black Arrow...Boo!! again. I thought this coming to Xbox. I don't even read it I was so excited.

deleted1539d ago

I really enjoyed this article, it was a good read. This quote gave me a chuckle, because it's true!:

"Pretty much every JRPG involves the player’s characters going from barely being able to lift a sword to killing God"

indysurfn1538d ago

LOL...exaggeration but I get your just making a point. No one can Kill God. Don't drink Satan's cool-aide he is just trying to recruit you (backwards recruit)

Tross1538d ago

He probably only has the grape kind anyways. All the folk up in heaven surely hog all the good flavours.

BrainSyphoned1538d ago

Final Fantasy 15 the ultimate delayed game with delayed story dlc shoveled in at the last second. Doesn’t ring the gratifying bell when I see that stupid car at all. Article+thumbnail is like describing a 5star meal while watching your cat clean its backside.

1538d ago Replies(2)
nommers1538d ago

More specifically I would say JRPGs are progressive gratification. Basically like listening to prog music vs anything else which imo is the best. Even if a JRPG is all about the journey, generally speaking JRPGs keep getting better as opposed to other games which usually have their high points come in either too soon, or the best parts just aren't nearly as impactful.

indysurfn1538d ago

Also don't forget the direct comparison that the old Square Enix president made. He said Western players like TWITCH games and eastern players love Cerebral games. Now it was taken as a racist slam. But he meant it as one of the reasons outside of development time and cost return on investment(ROI). But he had a true point people here are TRAINED to like instant stuff. And people there are trained to like delayed over the top stuff. It is not a intelligence slam. I'm glad I LOVE the later gratification! Because it is way better!

iofhua21538d ago

I like JRPG's for the big anime tiddies.

indysurfn1537d ago

lol.....I stand corrected!

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The 10 Best Games in the Tales Series

The Tales games may be less recognizable than the Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy games, but that doesn't mean that they aren't worth playing!

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PhoenixUp1874d ago

I’ve been hooked on the series ever since playing Tales of Xillia

jznrpg1874d ago

I hope they remaster or port a lot of the older games of the series to PS4/PS5

Immagaiden1874d ago

“Tales series is considered one of the top three Japanese RPG series next to RPG giants like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.”

How you gonna talk about the top three JRPG franchises and not mention Pokémon, the top selling series in the genre?

This is how the top JRPG series stack up

1. Pokémon - 340M
2. Final Fantasy - 144M
3. Dragon Quest - 78M
4. Monster Hunter - 52M
5. Kingdom Hearts - 30M
6. Souls - 25M
7. Tales of - 20M