
Retro Corner: Metal Gear Solid 2

"The Hudson River, two years ago." Those are the opening words to one of the greatest hoodwinks in video game history. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty's many tricks were cruel to loyal PlayStation 2 fans, who had earmarked the title as a true showcase of the system's potential. With the console not long released and with few quality games to go with it, people were counting the days until the follow-up to one of the biggest PSone releases.

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Iroquois_Pliskin4919d ago

bloodmask not submiting flame articles? wow!

on topic: MGS2 is my favourite mgs along with peace walker and mgs1

Solid_Snake-4919d ago (Edited 4919d ago )

mine would have to be in this order:



best series in gaming history IMO.

GodofSackboy4919d ago

Wait a minute I thought you were an xbox troll

Why are you saying something good about a playstation series

But yes, you are correct it is the best series ever

hay4919d ago

MGS2 is retro? I feel so old...

LiamIRL824919d ago

Its not quite the best (that goes to MGS 1) but it comes a very close second. I hated MGS 3 & 4, I didn't enjoy them nearly as much as the first two.

telekineticmantis4919d ago

MGS2 was a great game, and not having snake was dissapointing, but anytime I reminisce on the game I see Fortune, snake diving into the ocean, and the ending battle, so even though I complain about the game not having snake as the main protagonist, I really enjoyed even with Raiden being the main protagonist.

gamingisnotacrime4919d ago

it was my first MGS game and the reason why i did not care for the series after that. But it turns out MGS2 was the flop out of a series of pure awesomeness. First impressions matter lol

Dazel4919d ago

Still the best game I ever played, even after all these years

4919d ago
galgor4919d ago

This game in its entirety is a masterpiece. Just on the edge of my seat for Konami to announce the HD remake.

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Rebel_Scum321d ago

I'd put Street Fighter 2 over 3. 2 and all its different versions dominated the arcade scene back in the day in a way that 3 never did.

Abear21321d ago

Agreed, Same with Metal Gear Solid imo. Came for Bioshock and was not disappointed. Would easily put Burger Time or Space Taxi over tempest. Also, OG Sim City and Oregon Trail. Mario 64 as well. Just too many!

Abear21321d ago

Never played it I gotta get on this one

Double_O_Revan321d ago

Me too. I didn't have a GC until way later and never played it. I've been waiting on Nintendo to release the HD edition on the Switch for forever, but they just won't!

FinalFantasyFanatic321d ago

I never bought a Gamecube, I've always had an urge to play this game, maybe it'll get a remaster in the future.

LoveSpuds320d ago

I played it on WiiU for the first time and it remains my fave Zelda game to date. So much character and a real sense of exploration without the open world bloat.

Petebloodyonion321d ago

Ms Pacman?
SSF2 Turbo over 3 simply by the 10000000000's ports of the game we're still having
Castlevania SOTN?
Zelda Link to the Past over Wind Waker
Super Mario Bros 3?
Chrono Trigger?
Resident evil4?
COD MW2 (the original)?
Uncharted 2
Metal Gear Solid?

Here's my reasoning for all of them versus the list proposed in the article.
They are still quite enjoyable from start to finish on their original platform, unlike some Wind Waker or Okami that are fun when you play the remastered version (unless you call: forced to watch a 20-minute cutscene or have to blow for wind chance constantly fun).
Some of them are the pinnacle of what the console could do (MGS, Chrono, MGS)
Lots of them are still considered the go-to-go game for their genre.

Shane Kim321d ago

Said it before but Heart of Darkness is truly a timeless gem.

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mskaline428d ago

alot of great memories here : )