
Five Reasons the PS3 Won’t Overtake the 360 in 2011

From the PlanetXbox360.com feature article:

"With a plethora of exclusive titles set to launch on the PlayStation 3 later this year, fans of Sony’s console are quick to assume that the Blu-ray enabled powerhouse will surpass the 360 by year’s end; let me tell you why they are oh so wrong. I am so confident that I'm willing to be my very own pet giraffe against any Sony fanboy who thinks otherwise. While only a fool would deny the fact that Sony has quite an impressive lineup of first party titles – namely Uncharted 3, Resistance 3 and Infamous 2 – there are a number of other factors that have not been taken into consideration. In an effort to squash the ramblings of rabid fans, I will address five key reasons why the Xbox 360 will remain the console of choice in 2011. Note: I do not hold any particular allegiance to either system, I appreciate and respect what each has to offer."

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Kon4826d ago (Edited 4826d ago )

Here we go again.... Seriously guys, can we just stop?

B1663r4826d ago

Ok both Kon and I agree... This article is troll bait. Can't we all just get along???

malamdra4826d ago (Edited 4826d ago )

it's hard to say what this guy means by "overtake", which is a term usually used for sales, if he mean lifetime sales then it might not happen this year but it will happen for sure

if he's talking about sales this year alone then don't forget that Uncharted 3's preorder numbers are much higher than Gears 3

if he's talking about quality or quantity of games in 2011 he's delusional, Gears alone can't compete with 20 PS3 exclusives:

LittleBigPlanet 2
DC Universe Online
Killzone 3
Yakuza 4
MLB The Show
PS Move Heroes
Motostorm 3
Ni No Kuni
Socom 4
ICO/Sotc Collection
Infamous 2
White Knight Chronicles 2
Resistance 3
The Agency (not Rockstar's Agent)
The Last Guardian
Uncharted 3
Twisted Metal
and there's more than I can't remember now

Dee_914826d ago (Edited 4826d ago )

im guuessing its already april 1st were the author of this title live
"2. The Controller: "
:| ... :] .. :D

Active Reload4826d ago (Edited 4826d ago )

"if he's talking about sales this year alone then don't forget that Uncharted 3's preorder numbers are much higher than Gears 3"

Does it even matter, when Gears 3 is going to out sell it regardless?

"if he's talking about quality or quantity of games in 2011 he's delusional, Gears alone can't compete with 20 PS3 exclusives"

I got to be honest with you, all those PS3 exclusives don't mean anything to people who only have a 360. Personally, I wouldn't even care about 98% of those games if they came out on the 360. But then again, I don't even know half of the 20 games you're talking about. Feel free to post them though, I don't mind.

LittleBigPlanet 2= I'd probably buy it
DC Universe Online= $15/month? No thanks
Killzone 3 = I'd play it
Yakuza 4=I'd play it
MLB The Show= I'd play it
PS Move Heroes = No
Motostorm 3 =No
Ni No Kuni = No
Socom 4 =No
ICO/Sotc Collection =I'd buy it
Infamous 2 =I'd play it
White Knight Chronicles 2=Looks interesting
Sorcery= No
Resistance 3=I'd play it
The Agency (not Rockstar's Agent)=Cancelled
The Last Guardian =I'd buy it
Uncharted 3 =I'd play it
Twisted Metal =No

B1663r4826d ago


You realize Sesame Street Kinect is gonna outsell all of those games you listed right? Now I am not saying I am happy about that, it is just the way it is...

kaveti66164826d ago

Malamdra joined 20 days ago, but he's making lists like he's been here for years.


DatNJDom814826d ago

Why is this website always bringing up PS3? Focus on the 360 impressive lineu...... Oh wait.....

malamdra4826d ago (Edited 4826d ago )


and angry birds will outsell all Kinect games put together, so what?

this is about gaming, not gimmicks

MaxXAttaxX4826d ago

Good for you.

But your decisions on whether you play a game or not does not represent most people.

ShinMaster4826d ago

Love how they try to argue with exclusives and Dance Central.

It doesn't change the fact that the PS3 sells faster than 360.

Electroshocked4826d ago

This site reeks of fanboyism. XBOX 360 controller better than the PS3 controller? F**k off, come up with a real argument...

TheLastGuardian4826d ago (Edited 4826d ago )

I could care less about sales. The 360 people can talk about sales all day. I'll be busy playing my awesome PS3 exclusives.

Maybe the PS3 won't overtake the 360 in sales this year. If it doesn't that just proves how casual this world is. If you'd rather play Kinect than 20 PS3 exclusives there is something wrong with you.

IHateYouFanboys4826d ago (Edited 4826d ago )

@malambdra: "if he's talking about quality or quantity of games in 2011 he's delusional, Gears alone can't compete with 20 PS3 exclusives: "

lets look at the oft-used PS3 exclusive list:

LittleBigPlanet 2 - came out, didnt sell very well, reviewed worse than original (but still well), noone really cared. Metacritic: 91/100 (down from 95 for the first)

DC Universe Online - came out, didnt review that well, not many people are going to pay $100+ per year just to play a single game, noone really cared. Metacritic: 67/100

Killzone 3 - came out, reviewed pretty well, didnt sell that well for a game of its hype (remember, gears 3 WILL sell 3mil+ on day one alone, KZ3 struggled to 1mil in a month), even PS3 fanboys complained about it not being as good as the previous game (though i think its better). Metacritic: 84/100

Yakuza 4 - came out, reviewed poorly, noone really cared outside the fanboys. Metacritic: 78/100

MLB - came out, reviewed well, but its baseball so that means that pretty much noone cares outside of a niche group in the videogame world. Metacritic: 89/100

PS Move Heroes - came out, noone cared outside the fanboys, reviewed very poorly. Metacritic: 55/100

Motorstorm Apocalypse: came out, noone really cared outside the fanboys, reviewed pretty poorly. Metacritic: 78/100

Ni No Kuni - 99% of the video game playing population wouldnt have even heard of this, and if they had they wouldnt care.

Ico/SotC - awesome games, but theyre previous generation games. they dont really work when trying to sell the PS3 as the console to have lol. you dont see people saying Halo 1/2 are reasons to buy a 360 do you?

White Knight Chronicles 2 - sequel to a game that reviewed very poorly.Metacritic: 64/100. move along, nothing to see here.

Sorcery - a kids move game. noone really cares outside of fanboys.

The Agency - didnt see the news articles today i see lol. just got officially cancelled and everyone making it lost their jobs.

The Last Guardian - pretty much no chance of it coming out this year.

its all well and good to list exclusives, but when half of them are mediocre games that dont sell well and noone cares about, maybe you should give it a rest?

on the article, i dont think the PS3 will overtake the 360 this year either. in over 4 years its only caught up what, 4 million? its still about 3-4 million behind. itll happen eventually, thats to be expected when the previous 2 consoles in the 'family' have sold nearly 300 million units compared to 30 million for the xbox. but we'll have been playing our PS4 and next xbox for years by then.

oh and TheLastGuardian: if you COULD care less about sales, that means that you care about sales. the correct phrase is "I couldn't care less".

4826d ago
Cyrax_874826d ago (Edited 4826d ago )

"LittleBigPlanet 2 - came out, didnt sell very well, reviewed worse than original (but still well), noone really cared. Metacritic: 91/100 (down from 95 for the first)"

Lol, only the the most desperate fanboys can try and make this look bad.

Metacritic 91/100 b..b..but it's not as higher as teh 1st one! Lol 95% of games released this year won't average higher then 91%.

And the 1st LBP sold slow at launch but has now sold over 4.5 million. But only the 1st few weeks of sales matter, right?

"MLB the Show & the Team ICO games are also on PS2. HD graphics don't make a game exclusive."

MLB11 on PS3 is nothing like the PS2 version.

MaxXAttaxX4825d ago

Love how they they try to make a "91/100" seem bad because it's a couple of points lower on Metacritic. Metacritic? seriously? And playing the sales game again?

You guys are a joke.

Anon19744825d ago (Edited 4825d ago )

The PS3 has always outsold the 360 before, why are these things going to make any difference? The article didn't even attempt to answer that question. Kinect had a big launch, Halo Reach was a huge success, the 360 s launched and the old 360's had a price drop and STILL the 360 was unable to outsell the PS3. And now we've got analysts verifying what many suspected all along - in terms of active units out there the PS3 has surpassed the 360 worldwide.

A new Gears game, more Kinect, and the same old XBL and controller aren't going to suddenly reverse what's been going on the last 5 years - the PS3 outsells the 360...period.

For once I'd like to see an article address these type of issues without "OMG Halo/Gears is coming out! PS3 is teh doomed!" You think someone would actually take a second and seriously look at what's happening in the games industry and write an article based on that.

BlackTar1874825d ago

man active your choice of games is kinda weird. You dont want to try Twisted metal or socom? To each there own though. Im still so surprised when i find people who don't own both. Not becasue of any other reason then its been along time since both consoles have been out and i would think anyone who loves gaming enough to bea regular on this site would own at least 2 of the 3 .

But anyways game on

SixShotCop4825d ago (Edited 4825d ago )

I believe anybody that needs to post a list of EXCLUSIVE games for HIS prefered console without including the many awesome upcoming multi platform games, has issues.
NOBODY CARES BRO! If you're a member of N4G, we are already aware of all those games dude. Half of which are craptastic imo.

SeanScythe4825d ago

Anyone notice that in IHateYouFanboys entire list he rips all games but he failed to list Uncharted 3 and Twisted Metal?

P_Bomb4825d ago (Edited 4825d ago )

Wow, are you anti-fun or something? I don't get your points. Just a wall of random copy/paste excuses why literally everything you can't play is a fail. Why are you depriving yourself? 78/100 > 0/100. Fun > none.

Yakuza 4's meta' (lol why not the higher GameRankings?) has gone UP by 15 points since the 1st couple BS eviews from Greg Miller @ IGN etc who pulled out their double standard handbooks. Most are 80+ with several 90+. All reviews have gone up or have stayed the same since Yakuza 3 except for IGN. Even Edge went up, gave it more than Dragon Age etc. Series entire avg is around 77. That is quite good for a cult series. If Yakuza 4 was "poorly reviewed" then why did Gametrailers just today give it 8.3/10? http://www.gametrailers.com...

People like to try different things and not everything has to be a 95/100 FPS or TPS for it to be good. That's why Gears3 & Forza4 ain't enough selection for most hardcore gamers. You're missing out on some great games if you only play like the three 90+ meta games a year. DCU for example. Multiplat btw, scored much higher on PC due to no MMO fee-phobia over there. Game wasn't docked points by PC gamers just for existing (eg. GamePro PC guy gave it 10/10 while PS3 guy gave it 6/10 for not being sure if an MMO can make it on a console http://www.gamepro.com/arti... ). READ some of the reviews you meta' quote. See the shades of grey in the world and how opinions aren't fact.

kreate4825d ago

i guess even if the xbox fanboys doesnt like any of the 20+ PS3 exclusives.

u still gotta admit.

uncharted 3
twisted metal
infamous 2
final fantasy 14
resistance 3

are pretty bad ass games.
and since xbox fanboys love sales.
ff14 sucks but u know it going to sell.

and even if all the consumers dont care about any of the 20-30 ps3 exclusives this year, its still far better than what the xbox360 has to offer.

Xbox360 games...

Forza4 - only xbox fanboys care
gears of war 3 - im sure it'll be pretty bad ass
kinect games - no one cares

and that's how the epic Xbox360 is looking in 2011.

im not sure about u, but PS3 seems so much better than that of the Xbox360's in 2011 even if im trying to help the xbox fanboys.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 4825d ago
lee_ten4826d ago

-falls over laughing-

this article made my day.

karl4826d ago

it just shows how so many ignorant people has the power to post articles and be called a journalist

4826d ago
gamingdroid4825d ago

nha, that is fine journalism at it's best here!

Just take a look at your disagree to agree ratio.

OC_MurphysLaw4826d ago

@Kon...I totally agree. I am sure in hours we will see a "5 or 10 reasons why the PS3 will overtake the 360 in 2011" article. Its just foolish fanboy journalism...

Morituri4826d ago

How can anyone disagree with stopping all the childish BS that goes on ad nauseum here on N4G?

HolyOrangeCows4826d ago

Ps3 FUD articles are pretty much the only articles that PlanetXbox360 gets more than 200 degrees on.

Stop creating ps3 FUD.
Start doing more on XBLA titles or something.

"5. Exclusive Games: Sure, some of Sony’s biggest first party titles will hit store shelves later this year, but what’s to say that Microsoft doesn’t have an ace up their sleeve that they’re waiting to reveal at E3?"
Anyone with the slightest knowledge of E3 history knows that MS doesn't announce any significant number of titles at E3 that are releasing in the few succeeding months. Stop fooling yourselves.

"4. Call of Duty"

"3. Kinect"
Splitting your audience. That'll save them. Holiday numbers proved that Kinect isn't pushing hardware (PS3/360 sold neck and neck in December). Software isn't exactly flying off the shelves. Kinect is not pushing the 360, the 360 is pushing kinect.

"2. The Controller"
Yeah, the controller that has been adored for 3 generations is going to be the downfall of a console that's already catching up to the console that it is "doomed" to.

"1. Xbox Live"
Getting more expensive all the time. PS3's free online is becoming even more attract to potential buyers all the time. Everyone I've ever talked to who was considering getting a PS3 cited the free online right after the games.

Yomiro4826d ago

Another insecure article.

hiredhelp4826d ago (Edited 4826d ago )

You know what trolls. i dont give a flying f*ck ive had xbox's and ive had ps3's i love my ps3. it offers me more it makes me happy. so i dont give a toss if it is lacking or leading its put the effort in to give me the best games. buy paying out alot money investing in company's for new games. given me something new.

while still able to play online for free. and i buy another console do i have to rebuy all my xmb stuff from the arcade. nope.. sony looks after me more than i can say microsfoft there crappy service center did.

Vherostar4825d ago

I agree Kon but this is the same site that have had like 5 articles today on 360 beating ps3 in something. All crap might I add. It has almost passed it in worldwide sales in fact ain't there an article saying it already has?

farhad2k84825d ago

I've got one simple statement about all this incoherency:
- Dice said that BF3 is gonna look better on the PS3 than it will on the Xbox360 due to the Xbox360's hardware limitations;
- Call of Duty: MW3 will be compared to BF3 and it will fail, the FPS market will be owned by Dice as soon as BF3 hits the stores.
- PSN continues to improve without a price tag;
- Bluray continues to grow as the main disk format;
- Resistance 3, Uncharted 3, Socom 4, Infamous 2, Motorstorm Apocalipse all feature multiplayers, and will they drag people away from CoD and Halo? Yes, because those are games who are slowly dying already.
- Halo, one of the biggest games ever created has lost it's founders, without Bungie, Halo 4 won't be a successful game.
- Epic Games stated that if the MP of Gears 3 fails like the MP in Gears 2 did, they will stop making Gears of War games.
- Forza 4 can be a good game, maybe even better than GT5, but as far as sales are concerned, it will fall behind GT5, just like Forza 3 did (GT5 sold 6M copies since November 2010, Forza 3 sold 4M copies since October 2009)
- The Last Guardian will make your eyes melt like Crysis did back in 2007.
That is all.

Blackdeath_6634825d ago

...wat bigger loss is there than not having anythoing come out that your fans would look foward too? i mean common no matter how good gears of war 3 is its not gonna keep everyone satisfied for a year

TBM4825d ago

5 reasons I don't care as long as Sony keeps giving me games to play this year which there are plenty.

I've never cared about sales in all my 25+ yrs of gaming. For those that do play some damn games for a chang instead of caring about sales.

Megaton4825d ago

Kon, if you think these kinds of articles should stop, then why are you defending it in the reports section?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4825d ago
malandra4826d ago (Edited 4826d ago )

the PS3 has been outselling the 360 at a rate of two million per year for the last 3 years

and the gap in sales at the end of 2010 was 2.7 million, so it's very likely that it won't happen this year, it will happen sometime on Q1 or Q2 2010

but it will happen, even with a year less on the market the PS3 will have more lifetime sales soon

Istanbull4826d ago

The PS3 closed the gap to 2.7 million eventough it costs 100$ more. What will happen if PS3 sells at 199$? Can you imagine the people going crazy about a 199$ PS3? We will see PS2 like sales for PS2 soon.

Der_Kommandant4826d ago

You don't know nothing about love

upturned24826d ago (Edited 4826d ago )

Exactly, Istanbull. The 360 has been a good wad of cash (for most people) cheaper than the PS3 since their releases and it always will be cheaper. For christ sake, 360's are being sold with a measly 4gb which would in turn make people upgrade - or just make them frustrated - to a bigger HDD. But only will they want to buy a HDD, when they find out there's not much to do with 4gb on a system that is, besides their gaming console, a worthy media player as well.

guigsy4826d ago

For some people 4GB is all they need. One of my mates has an Arcade unit with 256MB of flash memory for nearly two years now and he's never complained about needing more space. Many people that buy consoles only need enough space to save games.

BlackTar1874825d ago

Guigsy what about updates? patchs dont those require space? Also never any DLC? and some games need space to get online i thought. Im not really in the care about this topic but i was surprised at what you said.

upturned24825d ago


Yea and not everyone solely plays video games on their 360/PS3. I'm talking big numbers of music and movie lovers.

Vherostar4825d ago

@LaurenKB123 I dunno why you got so many disagrees you probably do love it nothing wrong with that. I love my PS3 and I will probably be buying a new 360 this year not for Kinect or anything but for older games like the older exclusive RPGs like lost odyssey. Since my other 3 died I was never gonna get one but meh I just applied for a new job and if I get it I get a nice fat pay off so why not?

tigertron4825d ago

and I love Natalie Portman....

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4825d ago
winflasher04826d ago

No they are not good points. Some aren't even proven.

bozebo4825d ago (Edited 4825d ago )

Aren't even proven? Actually, the only point with any validity at all is the controller argument - and that depends on the individual.

Who actually notices a difference after 5 minutes of using one they aren't used to anyway?

Also it is totally obvious that M$ directly stole Sony's design and moved the analogue stick to make it less obvious then changed the handles & triggers to fit their particular target market (do the Japanese have big hands? do they play a lot of shooters? no, so the ps3 controller is perfectly designed.)
As for exclusives, both platforms are doing badly this year imo. But they fare about equal for the whole generation (both badly, last gen was far better exclusive wise). If rockstar would have the balls to release gta5 on blu-ray like it should be - we will see the same thing as last gen (gta's earlier release on ps2 must have helped a lot of sales)
Call of Duty? It's a multiplat FPS therefore the PC version is far superior. Just because M$ paid off Activision for marketing superiority doesn't make the game a reason why the 360 is a better console.
Kinect. No.
Xbox Live is the most overpriced thing on the planet. It is the reason that Microsoft are making a profit from the xbox. They actually have no valid justification whatsoever for charging for it. Their costs must fall into: development of service software, server maintenence costs, marketing, customer support, developer API support/conventions etc. Any other online service also has these costs (except far less marketing expenses). You get much more from PC games and have done since the internet first appeared in our homes - for free. Other gamers even pay for dedicated servers that you are allowed to play on... for free. And the PSN is free too like it should be, psn+ is even good value for money.
Infact, what MS charge for - multiplayer - doesn't even add service load to them. Free silver xbox live uses their servers just as much as a gold account. The multiplayer is p2p, you are paying MS to connect to another gamer's home internet connection and play in some lag fest (if you are used to P2P gaming you will probably be desensitized to the extreme lag) - on PS3 that is free like it should be. Infact, what M$ charge for should probably not be legal (selling you a service running off other people's home connections, the multiplayer).

Swiftfox4825d ago


Actually, a quick correction if I may...

The Xbox was a direct result of Microsoft working closely with Sega technicians. The same technicians that designed the Dreamcast.

The Xbox controller design was directly taken from the Dreamcast controller.

MaximusPrime4826d ago

"Note: I do not hold any particular allegiance to either system, I appreciate and respect what each has to offer."

ok i believe you

Ducky4826d ago

... so you didn't read the URL?

TheHater4826d ago

If this guy wrote that the world is flat, do he really thing we will believe him?

Istanbull4826d ago

"5 reasons why PS3 wont overtake 360"

Reason nr 2: controller


upturned24826d ago (Edited 4826d ago )


that's just sad, i didn't read the article. i don't like people sometimes.

UltimaEnder4825d ago

Why not read the article, it's just ONE persons opinion, just because your'e a ps3fanboy doesn't mean you have to agree with him, be respectful at least or he may write a piece called "why this bag of crap is better than a ps3"- this site is geared towards 360 owners but they play and own all games, giving everything a fair shot.....

IcarusOne4825d ago

These opinion pieces are always funny to me because of how insecure the ps3 crowd proves themselves to be. I own both systems and prefer my 360, and some days I'm definitely a fanboy, but when I see an opinion piece about how the ps3 is better than 360, I don't really feel the need to mount a rabid defense of my favorite system. I'm comfortable with my choice. In fact, a large majority of the comments here aren't even from 360 fans. That should tell us all we need to know.

Game on.

BlackTar1874825d ago (Edited 4825d ago )

Icarus you dont but other 360 fans do. So please stop with the one group is better then the other. You would have to be a fanboy to believe that.

Thats what 360 fans are good at pointing the finger at others and saying but but but they did it.... or they do it so whaaaa... you gus and ps3 fanboys are really good at lumping an entire community together. Both sides make it impossible to have a decent conversation about likes and dislikes because of how fast the But but but card is pulled or the you don't like everything about the game then its obvious your a fanboy mentality.

IcarusOne4825d ago

I agree with everything you've said. The industry would be a much better and prosperous place if fanboys didn't exist. But they do. And on n4g, the PS3 crowd is far more rabid than the 360.

If this were an article about the PS3 kicking 360's ass, it would be dominated by gloating PS3 nerds. If it's an article about the 360 being better than the PS3, again it's dominated by angry, argumentative PS3 nerds. I don't know why, but someone actually studied this on n4g and found that a whopping 67% of all comments across all stories on average are from self-identified PS3 fanboys. If that doesn't tell you n4g is overrun, I don't know what does...

For reference, here's a link to that study:

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4825d ago
jizzyjones4826d ago

A price drop wouldn't go a miss

winflasher04826d ago

A price drop would increase the PS3s chances of overtaking the 360.

palaeomerus4826d ago

I suspect both consoles will price drop during or after E3. The question is will they drop the price directly or add stuff like games and accessories into the base box for the same price.

UltimaEnder4825d ago

possibly, not sure - it def wouldn't help the junky attachment rate for ps3 software

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anast99d ago

Good games for the $9.99 bin, you can get all of the Metro's for $10 in a bundle.


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KicksnSnares362d ago

I currently play Gears 3 often, especially after the 60 FPS Boost. Gears of War is my favorite gaming franchise, and the Locusts are the coolest faction in history. Gears Judgment will always be a disgrace for not having the Locust in VS multiplayer.

AuraAbjure361d ago (Edited 361d ago )

GoW 3 and Judgement were the last installments before the series went woke and soulless. I'm level 50 in GoW 3 and LOVE it's multiplayer to death. It's just so crispy.


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